Miss America 2020

Say Something Nice About Her

Attached: Miss America.jpg (889x1244, 199K)

She looks nice.

At least she's not a nigger

Why is it ok for every other race to have an exclusive cultural identify?

because ours is the best and they are jealous

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I would play at her casino if you catch my drift.

You weren't fully dressed without a gun

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pls explain

He wants Cheif DoubleDown to give him permission to play the slots.

I know exactly what you mean.
You can find help at uhkapeliriippuvuus.com

everyone has a cultural identity. what the fuck are you talking about?

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That was Miss America in 1420

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that's not how american women look like
pic related

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>kikes say i cant have an identity therefore i dont have one


I'd share a blanket with her

Did I say that?

I have an identity but it's always and forever attacked by (((them))).
While (((they))) promote a negative identity or an identity based on having no identity and no culture.


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My triple-great grandmother.

she looks indian