How can we corrupt this hashtag?
How can we corrupt this hashtag?
> GUID thread
I support white nationalists. #MeToo
They are pretty good at doing it without us
It's run by leftist, they'll fuck it up on their own.
Twitter would ban you for it. It has to be completely unbannable.
>How can we corrupt this hashtag?
Stormy Daniels just body shamed and sex shamed Trump
why so silent?
This, if this keeps going no one will listen to women as they all cried wolf.
>guy 1: i want to fuck a sonic the hedgehog character
>guy 2-87: #metoo
Pound me too ?
I dunno, tell our stories?
Likely us fuckers on Jow Forums are a lot more damaged than any of these fucking whores who were felt up or got too drunk and regretted sex.
I am from the US, and grew up in a poor but white area, so it was fucking pedo central. Average income
Iam white #metoo
Trying to create a similar effect as iotbw
>#meToo is about morality
It's about power.
If Trump used it, he would be mocked for being powerful and complaining.
never noticed this
theyre just mad theyre not getting some
It's already corrupted to begin with
>whores want something and are willing to be sluts to get it
>later regret it and accuse the men who was acting like a horny retard to "using them without consent"
>expect profit
People will do whatever they can get away with.
Except White men.
Fucking hot place to live and make some money just for fucking.
corrupt it? it was stolen from men who exposed sexual violence against them in (((hollywood))) and other degenerate places.
You know all those roasties that settled with beta providers when they hit the wall and their biological clock was about to tick its last?
Get all their kids jailed.
They're already eating their own. Most of the people they've taken down are democrats. We shouldn’t do a thing.
>they're all democrats, it's good
They're men.
>but they're still leftist men
Methinks "intersectional culpability" is how they think- that it's always men who are the problem.
#HETOO for false rape accusation victims
Make a meme of ALL of the False Rape accusations.
LIARS #Metoo
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
We should do nothing.
As a result of metoo I barely pay attention to rape allegations anymore and rarely give them credence.. the whole thing where you’re supposed to believe these women no matter what is pretty much over, even normies aren’t buying it anymore
Make a hashtag for men who were falsely accused of rape #MeAsWell or something
Jesus Christ Sven what state was this in?
>Jesus Christ Sven what state was this in?
Kentucky, probably.
Pound me too
These sluts will never learn
what if we co-opt the gay community and start posting grinder-type ads asking people to pound-me-too?
Pose as chicks on twitter - Find right wing girl to pose - Show lots of cleavage - Get followers - #me to . make up the most outrages shit you can and stick to your guns so people know youre serious . Call everyone who doesnt believe bigots and nazis . Screech like liberals do . Make no one ever believe anything a woman says again .
her ass looks awful wtf
Emmet till’s accuser
make its lesser known failure more known. thousands of feminists who are working their asses off in STEM will not get jobs now because men are too scared to hire them
who gives a shit?