>turn on your iphone xs
>it greets in Spanish
You are paying premium phones with a multicultural OS? fuck that
>turn on your iphone xs
>it greets in Spanish
You are paying premium phones with a multicultural OS? fuck that
You complain so fucking much, it's insane.
Whining about a phone supporting more than one language? Christ.
it's not about different languages. It actually greets you in Spanish by default.
Fucking cry about it more then!
Probably because beaners buy them as status symbols more than anyone else now
No it doesn't you fucking spic. The screen show in the OP is of the set up screen, and it cycles through different languages with the word "Hello". It starts with Hello, in English, then cycles to others.
someone should be developing an Android OS for white people
Could you be any more obvious?
It greets you in Romanian, Hungarian, Russian, Japanese too brainlet.
Op sucks, shit thread
and what's your problem with that spic?
Fucking moron.
What did you expect, a “HEIL HITLER”
>Not having a Galaxy Note 9, the alpha's choice
>in mexico
>thinks the phone doesn't know were he is when you turn it on
Jesus Pedro you can't be this naive
I bet these will overheat and explode too.
>Not having a Galaxy Note 9, the alpha's choice
Pro tip, by default android has the 'locator service' turned on by default as well, so if you activated it in spicland it would most likely great in Spanish as well. That said I have a galaxy 7, and really don't have a need for the Cadillac of phones and would touch ithings with a 10 foot pole
Maybe that's because you're in Mexico and it's set to use whatever country's main language by default?
the dude is Canadian... see screenshot name
What a stupid fucking nigger. You really didn't have an iphone in your poor brown hands?
Even on the video you screenshoted you can see the language changing.
>You are paying premium phones with a multicultural OS?
It saves on production cost to manufacture/ship phones capable of both Spanish and English. Foreign manufacturers do it all the time, especially with documentation included in the packaging.
Your a retard brainlet.
Spanish is a white man's language.
It recognized your spic face, faggot.