Sharp rise in "far-right" attacks in Germany

Everything under heaven is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung published extracts from a chronology on Thursday noting that “a wave” of right-wing violence is developing.

The newspaper reported the following attacks, among others:

August 29, Wismar (Mecklenburg Pomerania): Three attackers broke a 20-year-old refugee's nose and beat his upper body with an iron chain.
August 29, Sonderhausen (Thuringia): Four men, who are part of the right-wing scene according to police, severely injured a 33-year-old Eritrean.
September 1, Essen (North Rhein-Westphalia): Two men beat a member of the local integration council and his companion, a refugee from Afghanistan, while insulting them with racist abuse.
September 3, Rostock (Mecklenburg-Pomerania): A man attacked three students from Azerbaijan with a baton at a tram station.
September 12, Chemnitz (Saxony): Several men beat a 41-year-old Tunisian.
September 14, Munich (Bavaria): “I will kill all foreigners!” a 54-year-old shouted, as he sprayed a Nigerian immigrant with mace in the face.

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good, godspeed germany


>cuckmany uncucking itself
which fucking timeline is this now ?

Why isn't this happening in the US?

USA doesnt take in refugees.

Mexicans. Apples and oranges.

Why would it happen in the US? They don't have have a race

yeah no. spics are like 70% of texas or something. Doing that is like fucking suicide

I hope it's krauts awakening.
But i fear it's fals flags to excuse massive goverment crackdown on natuve germans.

just Lügenpresse things desu

what the fuck germany

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Germany rises. Stop with the violence though, the left will feed on it.

Oy vey, the goyim are at it again, we must do someting to stop this, oy gevalt.

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This is the best thing I've read all day.

of course they never describe the people who got their ass kicked. most likely all criminals and deviants. usually how it works here. nobody fucking cares until you step out of line

>Stop with the violence though, the left will feed on it.
It doesnt work like that in Germany.

2000 women raped on new years vs. 5 men beaten

>Stop with the violence though, the left will feed on it.
you are stupid if you think it matters. the left feed on anything and everything and actually nobody even cares about the "violence" because nobody is trusting the media anyways. for example read this anons post. the facts are already there so at this point to be against violence is to be an enemy of the nation so in reality the battle lines have already been drawn.

plus the left is always hypocritical, always stumbling over their own words. they attack people in the street regularly. even in poland on independence day they try and attack nationalists and even just regular people who are enjoying their nations freedom. they aren't going to reason with you and they will slander you in the papers no matter what you do. so why even try to appease to them. as long as you arent autistic violence is fine. like i said earlier, the media wont report ont he actual people who got beat up. why? because most likely those "innocent refugees" were deviants and criminals who got justice served to them by patriots. thats just the truth but you wont hear that because the media is out to destroy you and you can't reason with someone trying to destroy you. trust me on this one

all fake news, meanwhile you have 50 times the amount of shitskins commiting robberies, but when it's someone hitting one of them in the face trying to steal his bycicle, it suddenly becomes right wing violence

How many Germans were attacked and even killed in recent weeks? This is fucking nothing.
Also, police records "propaganda offenses" as attacks as well - making an angry Faceberg post about the local rapefugee center counts just as much as actually setting fire to it.
It's a fucking clown world right now.

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If there isn't any violence the left will just make it up. So you might as well do it.

Not enough, make them shit their pants

im from saxony-anhalt and we are probably the most hateful state when it comes to immigrants. Feels good.

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Tisi is nothing compared to thousands of Germans getting attacked on a daily basis.

Thosemigranst getting attacked are mostly all criminals so who cares. Das Deutsche Volkt tut das, was die Regierung nicht m,ehr fertig bringt.

For every attack against a refugee, how many attacks occurred against Germans? Hundreds if not thousands...

Also the lügenpresse likes to about right wing violence, meaning that if it didn't happen, they'd have to make it up, so nothing they can say can be trusted.

the same newspapers that refuse to report on straight-out murders by "refugees"

all these newspapers were formed after WW2 were licenced by the Allies and had a monopoly on the media landscape serving as propaganda outlets. In regards to the status of freedom of press and monopolies, it would be best to destroy these corporations to allow more competition on the market

(((MEME Flag)))

The left is an ulcer, even if people wouldn't do anything the rhetoric wouldn^'t chang, showing them that they have no fear and want to exercice violence to achieve their goals is the only language the left undertsands.
Look at G2, those fucking lefties are allowed everything and are still prfesented as the good ones, eventhough they have sunken a whole city in to a war like state.
If right winged peopelk would have done this they would have gone for years into jail...

This fake narrative wont work. Too many people are aware of how bad the situation has been in Germany and how much restraint the German population has shown. Nobody believes these are random unprovoked attacks by Nazis. I don’t know what the media is attempting to achieve by being so obvious

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Fuck yeah germany wait to man up!

We're fucking back.

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Yikes, bucko!

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you dont speak german dumb LARPer nigger

someone needs a second slav DNA cure

>omg dont fight back, let them invade you and accept EU as your overlords
Your choice of flag makes you a traiterous nigger and your words are the confirmation.
>m-muh left
Just use your amerimutt flag, you glow bright to all of us. The enemy is not the indoctrinated masses that do their bidding; it is the profiteering comrporations that indoctrinate them. Only you low-iq mutts keep defending muh capitalism when it was been clear since before ww2 that commies and capitalists are 2 sides og the same shekel.

It's all fucking bullshit. Every German who slightly raises his arm giving the impression of a Hitler salute gets counted as a far-right attack, meanwhile Ahmed and Jamal can sexually molest girls or beat someone half dead and it doesn't appear in any police record because anything below rape and murder is a non offence for a shitskin in Germany.

About time.

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Had it not been for these corporate entities and their schreeking paid provocateurs we would barely have a support base. But when more and more people are called nazi for being victimized and having legitimate concerns then in the end people will think; fuck it. Ive seen several people get to that stage. They might not express their newfound position, but when someone comes and deals with the problems, they will support it.

doesn't matter when the left can make fake news

Fickt euch Jüden

These lying scumbags of the media can suffocate on their own shit for all I care. No word from the presstitutes when normal people in Germany get raped, robbed and murder on the street by these vile beast. On the contrary, they will go out of their way to label anyone with even the slightest hinge of a backbone who names these unspeakable crimes as racist and Nazi (not that that is a bad thing). Just to proof my point and that I'm not just talking out of my ass get this; I frequently visit the newssite (Politics fail)(sadly only in German). They don't publish their own news stories but gather reports from alt media sites and regional newspapers. These are the kind of papers that actually report on regional incidents. Just on the first site your welcomed by the following headlines on this 23th September:

>Nigerian rapes little(dwarf) woman at train station
>Asylum seeker attacks civilians
>Three men openly masturbate in public
>Dark skinned man attacks woman with knife
>Immigrant gropes 10 year old girl on church property
>Syrian threatens woman with knife
>Prosecution covers up incidents in refugee camp
>37 year old man injured by knife attack

I stop here, but let me tell you there is more. And these are just the reported incidents of one day.

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Youll never be German dumb mutt nigger.

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Hide your pain, nazi scum

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opening your doors to americans is essentially enabling liberals to infest your nations. americans love their niggers and will want the country they leech on to love niggers also.

>Süddeutsche Zeitung
pfft all this communist pro islam shit-press like SZ, SPIEGEL, ZEIT you can throw into the trash and the so called journalists too

The holocaust will be made real

Begone, jew

>Damage Control
You're losing badly, Chaim.

I can feel the tide slowly turning. People are asking the right questions and the approved answers are found lacking

Yes, attacking random foreigners is totally going to help your cause. If someone absolutely has to be beaten, how about you start with your government.