
Is this guy white?
His nips are brown

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I wonder how many matches he will get on tinder?

>brown eyes

Right now a 19 year old girl is sucking his cock...

And in 15 year she will be trying to get one of us to marry her...

>let me flex while casually sitting in this pool chair

we had this exact thread yesterday, faggot leaf

Yea lol i got a warning from the mods lololol

Im drunk

My nips are brown and I have blonde hair blue eyes


Nice memory russian bro
I love russians
One day i will
Or someday
I will maryy a nice russian girl

Can't you just accept the fact that he is flaunting his sexuality for women? Why do incels always have to make these snide remarks like "he looks gay" whenever they see a handsome man?

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Damnnnn broooo
I been browseing pol for 4 years and like its like
>250 pounds
Blonde hair
Blue eyes

Thats what i learned from pol but fuck it

Agree, he's non-white.

Slide thread

is he white?

Attached: Vee.png (529x611, 184K)

Looks arab bro

>His nips are brown
doubt it
look at the lightning: it's shit, not to mention the quality isn't that high

Romania is the most irrelevant country ever in europe
Stop sugarcoating bro

It's not the lighting thats shit, that's his skin color absorbing the light unlike a pure whites skin.

This american brah knows his skin color stuff
Lisyen tonhim

So apparently most Europeans are not white by your definition.

Post nips i will too

i wouldn't trade being a romanian for a canadian for anything in the world
try harder faggot

Bro stop
You are so fake

If only I would force myself to life could be like pic chad

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Guyssss i want answers from the craziest board on Jow Forums lul

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Nice bro
Just workout

Doubt it. Roasties never settle, they'll marry an old man instead.

I mean JUST like him its scary face is like copy pasted

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I've seen a lot of guys who are very white looking other than having pinkish-brown nipples.

you have his face you mean? or you want it?

I'll believe you when you post yourself.

which is why you want patriarchy to marry him off asap with a 10/10 gf and also punish marital adultery with prison.
Just fuck your sexy wife and produce children, chad bro.


he's white
it's just a tan

Idk how white skin works
Is your asshole tann too lul
Anyways i think he isnt white
His nips are like DARK BROWN

Thanks OP. That's the perfect pic for my next phony Tinder account. Roastie trolling is more entertaining than Jow Forums when it's full of shills.

>Hates economic communism
>Loves sexual communism
Why are betas so hypocritical?

he is chad, a separate race of men

those genes.

why are fascists so gay

Is this guy white? He’s only 1/4 non-white.

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>Brown nips
>Blue eyed
Even I have pink nips and I have brown hair and brown eyes.

The whitest of them all.

you don't know what you are talking about.
sexual communism was about everybody having sexual access to everybody = polyamory.

If you looked like this you wouldn't be on Jow Forums.

Attached: aergaergaerg.png (711x738, 1.02M)

Looks Nordic aka not white

Attached: B8934237-528D-4CE5-9709-D41275DAC252.jpg (600x600, 40K)

well im totaly not going to post my pic on Jow Forums but damn maybe I have more relatives that I know of


Ayyyyy bro
No problem
Have fun lolololol

Thats actually true.

No you would be in the gym all day to maintain that muscle tone.

Do Kinobody Greek God. If you're fat, do Kinobody Warrior.

Nope. Sexual communism is monogamy.
>Alphas get just one woman instead of having all of them
>Betas get one woman too instead of having none

No and his hair is dyed.

shitskins think being white-making statues or being moderately attractive instead of actually being white.

Why the fuck would I want to be like this? This guy can fight for about 3 minutes before he gets a heart attack.

why would he get a heart attack you fucking retard

He's just jealous, don't mind him.

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Because his muscles=High explosiveness, Low endurance. 1 minute of grappling him and he is done.

Nah, most of these guys are gearheads.

You could go to the gym 3-4x a week and if you have the right genetics and are on 1-2 grams of gear, you'd look like that no problem.

Because when you look like that you get to fuck this:

Attached: aerhaer.png (890x1200, 2.11M)

i don't look like pic related because i don't take protein supplements but i have been going to the gym 3-4 days a week for about 4 years now

beautiful people can have shitty personalities and degenerate hobbies too you fucking cuck

Not everyone wants to be a chad sorry.

You are perfectly aware that if he had the skill to grapple he'd take on all comers. Fuck off back to your hovel, Edward.

Not all of us attractive people are unthinking modernists.

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Is these guys white?
Their skin tan

Attached: Chads.jpg (1080x1080, 150K)

If he had the skill to grapple his muscles wouldnt look like that because of the training.

Lol wut I really don’t think that ripped athletic dude is at risk of a heart attack

So many excuses...I actually find the butthurt on Jow Forums rages harder when you post a white chad vs any other kind of bait.

Sorry but I dont like the alpha queen bitch stacy. She doesnt cut it.

That hair is a instant turn off

I'd rather be Romanian than Canadian any day and that's saying a lot.

Yea he is. Trust me I know better than you.

Then why do you insist upon yourself in the face of an aesthetically superior male?