Remember how Europe was the cultural center of the world

...until about 1960? Then It produced nothing original and only consumed American culture ever since? The whole while snobbishly pretending they were culturally superior to Americans based on nothing more than memories of a time long gone?
How can a whole continent have crawled so far up it's own collective ass that it completely became untethered from reality?

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Do you mean to say Jews turned Europeans into boring drones wandering around with shopping bags full of American brands complaining about how uncultured Americans are?

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not all of it was jews, but the amount of american propaganda turned europeans into cucks

Yes, though what you refer to as American is not European American but Jewish American

>Italy imagines the whole world perceives them as a never ending Fellini film come to life for 60 years straight.
>No one actually does, but the delusion makes it possible to criticize Americans as 'uncultured'.
>America wonders when anything interesting will come out of Italy again.

You can replace Italy with any other European country and their most cherished authou/artist/film director.

How is this jews exactly?

MRW I'm sitting here, comfortably, in the country with the highest living standard in the world, enjoying ACTUAL freedom, benefiting from ACTUAL democracy, and I go online to see a degenerate from a failing nation rambling and trying to cramp my style.

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Let' be honest here, jews are massively overrepresented in power in the US. They have had massive influence in American culture these past 50 years.
Western Europe had massive American influence due to the cold war. It's a fact.
Eastern Europe is far less cucked and this is one of the reasons.

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It’s really pathetic. The greatest civilizations in the world were handed down to euros and the men are such cowards that they let them be completely destroyed by niggers and Muslims. They think they are so great because of things people did in their countries hundreds of years ago but are too busy watching porn and playing fortnite to produce anything of value or even stop the Muslims raping their children.

while gorging self on American culture and products

>in the country with the highest living standard in the world, enjoying ACTUAL freedom, benefiting from ACTUAL democracy...

This is your personal WE WUZ FELLINI story you tell yourself

>benefiting from ACTUAL democracy
Wait, aren't you faggots in the EU? What makes you think your ACTUAL democracy means more than England's who can't get their Brexit vote to go through?
You're demonstrating the exact smug complacency and delusion I mentioned in my OP.

If you're too fucking dumb to do 10 seconds of Googling to find out that Switzerland is not in the EU, it's really no surprise that your arguments are hogwash.

Hey look my city!
Anyway, Europe was mostly forced to accept American culture. A bit by brute force, a bit by soft lobbying and NGOs over decades. If you look at pride parades in Serbia for example, American ambassador is guaranteed to attend and be in front rows. NGOs funded by American taxpayers (lel) produce books, leaflets, organize lectures about gay positivity, etc. However, Europe started going downhill in 19th century and was pretty much destroyed physically and spiritually after second world war. That's why American culture, objectively inferior one, managed to dominate the entire continent.

And then for the first time in history an entire continent committed mass suicide

>Switzerland is in the EU
Holy fuck kill yourself. Fuck this shithole country and the shit for brains that live in it.

None of this addresses OP. Where is European culture today?
Switzerland gets a pass because your population is basically Michigan.

Then remember how European American culture was completely destroyed and replaced with African American culture so America's global power was used to spread degeneracy around the world to the point where celebrities from as far removed as India or Korea act like rap hos and DMX wannabes?

America stuck its fingers up everyone else's ass but then got AIDS and shot its poz'd blood at everyone else.

I don't dispute any of this. You're saying European contributions to culture have simply been crowded out by niggardry?

>Europe is in ruins, hasn't the money to keep spreading its culture
>America seizes the opportunity to essentially conquer the world
>spends decades fucking around on the world stage while ignoring its own house
>now the country of Sousa and Sinatra is the country of mumble rap and WE WUZ KANGS
>all the countries America stitched to its ass to make the great globalist Human Centipede are now subject to rancid shit from America's unhealthy cultural diet

And that, children, is why there's a BLM UK.

No, the center of Jewish cultural degeneracy before the 1960s was France. The Jewish degenerates just hopped over to America when they realized that America could spread degeneracy around the world even better than France.