Satanic cult taking over software worldwide

You may have heard about the happenings in Linux this week
pic related is the author of the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Most people are abbreviating that to Code of Conduct
But the word Covenant is important
This is a pledge to Satan
This person is a openly practicing Satanist
And the Linux kernel project just got taken over by him
He wears lipstick and eyeliner and calls himself a woman, a witch
And like with any cult, he rules it through fear
If you don't play along with his gender insanity and call him a her
you will be banished from the project and the cult will make every attempt to destroy your career in software development
Linus Torvalds, founder of Linux, issued an apology for using mean words in the past and left the project
His apology email, unlike any email before, included smart quote characters which no Linux editor auto-inserts
It's obvious someone edited this email other than Linus before it was posted
This happened at the same time the Satanic Covenant was introduced

Attached: (567x633, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: baphomet_sigil_of_satan_and_satanism.jpg (894x894, 90K)

It would be a mistake to consider this person a lone lunatic
He has the backing of some of software's largest monopolies
Google and Microsoft specifically are promoting this Satanic Covenant in their own projects as well

sabbatean-frankist satanic jews, that's the el-ite's
the lower end ones don't matter

link to linus apologoy email

Intel, very specifically. Corey is a good Jewish boy just doing his job. Leave him alone, goy.

Report him to the FBI.
Does anyone have the link to their page?

Typical Murican braingoopedshit fake christian bullshit.
Go read the bible and them some Nag hammadi texts.
This whole satan stuff is made up fuckery by the church. Jesus knew how to deal wit the real Satan, no go do the same, fake ass lame 'I can't read a book' mongoloid.

Satanic cult called Judaism

this "person" will most likely have the backing of the jews...
this might not turn out well.

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Looks like a trash wiccan moron, not a satanist, OP. You should learn a bit more or you will end up looking stupid.

Still fucking gay and retarded.

Ok so the only lines using smart single quotes:
>It's one thing when you can ignore these issues. Usually it’s just something I didn't want to deal with.
>I am going to take time off and get some assistance on how to understand people’s emotions and respond appropriately.
Only line using smart double quotes:
>I know when I really look “myself in the mirror” it will be clear it's not the only change that has to happen, but hey... You can send me suggestions in email.
Suspect those were added or cut + pasted from somewhere else by Linus.

that first sentence is strange; uses both smart and dumb single quotes - only in "didn't" is it a smart quote

God will cast you into the lake of fire

All computers were ever for was divining and summoning wicked entities, you retarded heathen goy.

Maybe you should try it sometime

Attached: Art_succubus.jpg (216x300, 28K)

Imagine being this much of a christcuck

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imagine the sad world where torvalds can not insult incompetent people

It's glowies, not Intel per se. Glowies need a backdoor into Linux-based systems which is why they weaponize "oppressed groups".

rapist here.
where is she/he/it?

here's how this works.
Corp interests
It is very specifically Intel[israel]
The glowies are a little different these days, yes they want back doors but what they really want is backdoor platforms upon which to build cyber weapons. If you have a good solid computing platform, cyber war becomes irrelevant. That's a lot of lost shekels. The glowies need to ensure a certain specific level of incompetence in very specific areas of Linux. This is the real reason why they're getting rid of Torvalds and Tso.
The SJW trash is just a cover story.

Contributors using the GPL V2 will cripple it by removing their contributions

Computers have always been satanic.

Attached: Computer 666.png (183x163, 3K)

They were upset over Tso and Linus not using RANDR2 in Linux which is a "random" (but probably not so random) number generator function. Such functions are likely to have NSA/Mossad backdoors.

It's all true isn't it.
pol was right about all of it.

This same predictable random function appears in OpenSSL, but only at compile time.

All electrical applications are. Electricity is satanic.

First /v/ now Jow Forums. When will this madness end fellow Jow Forumsacks

>This person is a openly practicing Satanist
I wont be surprised if it's true, but... source?

Practicing fruitcake maybe.

Attached: 1537224178920.png (1228x667, 498K)

Web development, emulator development and independent game development is full of satanists, furries and all sorts of genders.

I feel postive about it.
By killing off Linux the tranny sets the singularity back decades. No Terminators in my lifetime.

>Linux is open source
>Linus forks it to LinuxKernalRedux
>Major contributors revoke their GPL2.0 contributions to the original kernal
>Business as usual
>Tranny joins 45%

>I don't have the source backed up locally and on multiple could services

If contributors actually are within their rights to revoke their contributions based on the CoC, wouldn't other contributors be within their rights to revoke their contributions to a fork?

Identical symbol to the one on the shirt
I don't think that's a coincidence
Also, from the Covenant:
>we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
They explicitly state that no religion can be excluded
That means Satanism
The statement might not even seem unreasonable, until you realize that the Satanists only enforce the terms on those they don't like
And then delete the issues so you won't be aware of it

Attached: 330px-Pentagram4.svg.png (330x330, 10K)

Early Christians used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Christ. Any religion includes Christianity. Therefore she's a Christian. Or your can read too much into a symbol, take your pick.

>she's a Christian
You know how I can tell you're part of his cult?
A tube of lipstick and some eyeliner and clown hair don't make you a woman
Nor does it bestow on you the right to follow our elderly mothers, our wives, and our underage daughters into a public restroom


> Tranny spook has a meltdown during work.
"I need to be left alone in the server room to dialite"
"oohh ok Coraline, wwh whatever you say"

>You know how I can tell you're part of his cult?
How can we be sure of anything while communicating anonymously through the internet? But what I think we can establish with outside sources is that Wiccans, although they may be considered Satanic from a Christian point of view don't tend to self-identify as such. They're also more likely to be involved with leftist politics. If you really look into Satanists, they tend to actually be of a much more 'meritocratic' frame of mind than the people creating this situation with Linux.

I think you maybe misconstrue this as me defending 'Coraline'? I can consider him trash without necessarily considering him to be a Satanist.

>pentagram is a Christian symbol, goys!
i've never seen someone glow this brightly.

Yes but if you could get the major contributors onside then the damage to the codebase would be limited.


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Read the cited books if you can with your Muhurication.

Forgot your meme flag, bong
Careful not to say anything unkind
Sadiq Khan might pull a Mark Meechan on you

Attached: Subverting pol.png (198x255, 72K)

I did, yep. I turn it off for the Brit containment threads. Not sure what relevance that has to the symbolism of Christianity in the early 300s.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 188K)
>Today, the code has been adopted by over 40,000 open source projects including Linux, Swift, Golang, Rails, and JRuby.[1][2][3] Relevant signers include Google[4], Apple, Microsoft, Eclipse and Gitlab.[5]
What the fuck? Why would Google and Microsoft want to adopt some weird as fuck "covenant" written by a transsexual Satanist? I have no idea what's going on here.

Attached: helperbear.jpg (885x960, 104K)

Because Google and Microsoft are run by Satanists. Obviously.

Wow scary this is textbook what Vox Day wrote in his book about SJWs.

They first infiltrate communities by imposing a code of conduct or enforce rules, force people who are "offensive" to apologize, even if the person apologize, he/she is forced to step down. SJWs then push for more SJWs to be hired. Community lost.

I recommend that read, anyway. The pdf is laying around online.

Attached: 41S7+qrUYIL.jpg (312x500, 29K)

Aren't they usually more subtle about it though? What is the incentive to doing this?

It's fruitcakes like this that give Satanism a bad name.

She has an Ada Lovelace tattoo and knows the ills of MIT

The internet has always been satanic.
www = 666
world wide web -> web as the spiders web - once you get in, you are trapped like a fly until the spider eats you out (addiction to internet and control with social media, misinformation, forget about real life because trapped in virtual worlds such as online games, losing connection with God)

(((Tech))) is ruining our lifes and society. Just think about it and what massinformation, social media, mobile phones etc have caused to our psyche and how retarded people have become.

We’ve all heard about the infamous number 666…

English word “reckon” comes from the Greek word for “calculate” or “solve”.

6 x 6 x 6 = 216 Plato

Attached: 143578.png (614x550, 72K)

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also this


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Can someone please explain to me who gives these people the authority to decide who contributes to Linux kernel development? By what method does one get in that position? Who decides it? For God's sake, I don't understand the world anymore.

what is the project plato?
Keeping people in their caves, instead showing them the light and reality?

Hey everyone, im a composor, cartoonist, pixel artist and voice actor looking into learning programing so i can make better videogames (in my free time) and im wondering if im doing the right thing here, please confirm.

>Learn some C first
>screw around with practising C
>learn BASIC and screw around with BASIC for prototypes
>learn PHP becuase its better than python apparently
>uce C in SDL

Right now i can only print sware words in BASIC and C.

Attached: Jangmi PSA.png (1378x747, 66K)

Torvalds = 666

>By what method does one get in that position?
gaslighting Linus Torvalds

The C knowledge you need is pretty much the very core of it as it's nigh useless for game development, unless you're an autistic masochist with 20 years of C experience
BASIC has nothing to do with modern video games, so unless you're gonna make Atari games you shouldn't even bother
>php for video games

You should stick to C#, C++ and potentially Java, along with programming languages used in the engine of your choice - most often LUA scripting


who robs cavefish of their sight?
who keeps the martians under wraps?
who keeps atlantis off the map?

Attached: wallpaper-steve-jobs-con-mela-in-mano-retro.jpg (640x400, 25K)

good thing I'm on TempleOS you heathens.

Attached: TempleOS_logo.png (650x490, 20K)


I dont want to learn shit trendy forced languages like C++ or C# becuase they are aimed at shit people who ruin videogames by not making them properly and pushing the capabilities at the expence of the gaming experience, objects will just pop onto the screen or the lagging is very fucking bad.

I just want to make functionable fun games, with great crafted graphics that imerse you in the enviroment, like the GBA/n64/ps1/ps2/dreamcast etc.

Maybe java some day tho.

I mean pyhton is used for games, and php is like python but not cucked so i can use php for browser game distribution right?

Attached: tdfyughijopk.png (890x780, 154K)

go on about real satan....

On a Satanic virtual machine, no doubt.

Learn assembly

Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

>tfw a satanic cult through decades of work manages to infiltrate a major amount of companies all in a ritualistic attempt on christianity but it does nothing because God isn't dumb enough to damn people to hell because they had clicked "I Agree" on an unusually worded ToS prompt they got when they installed Microsoft Word

Fuck, I got triggered reading that. 7/10

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It's not an identical symbol. It's the same symbol but the orientation of it has completely different meanings. A pentagram pointing up represents the complete opposite of a pentagram that points downward.

I don't think you understand programming
You're blaming C++ for shit games people produce
That's like blaming a hammer for some retard being unable to hit the nail properly

For game development C++ is simply superior due to feature sets and not having to rely on workarounds for the simpliest problems that were solved in C++ ages ago
>I just want to make functionable fun games, with great crafted graphics that imerse you in the enviroment, like the GBA/n64/ps1/ps2/dreamcast etc
Programming language has literally nothing to do with what you describe. Hell, even engines barely do considering how flexible they are nowadays.

Python is rarely used for "proper" games nowadays

>Identical symbol to the one on the shirt

A reversed image isn't quite "identical". The tranny is a wiccan.

Trannies ARE satanic but this thing's personal beliefs are definitely Wiccan, not satanist. Wiccans are fags though, it was invented in the last hundred years as a random amalgamation of different pagan rituals that was intended to sell crystals and books to hippies.

Im serious.
I fucking hate almost everything after Ps2.
Even the few "newer" games ive played had horrible lagging, red dead redemption and deadly premonition as an example. Recently been playing fallout new vegas with my husband and it lags so fucking much im mad.

I just wanna make 3d platforming mystery rpg games, but start out making topdown 2d games to show off my pixel art skills, totally GBA quality.

Probs going to spend a lot of time perfecting raycasting for fun little projects.

Attached: george.png (607x700, 361K)

He's not wrong. And as for that fish...

Attached: yoni1.jpg (400x396, 54K)

>Probs going to spend a lot of time perfecting raycasting for fun little projects.
Jesus Christ, you're just like a step above a grandma who installs a shitton of toolbars

>evil degenerates coming out from hiding
They're facilitating the coming purge

Cuban here
If it some pagan/Wiccan shit some soft fat tumblrina does just laugh at their face. Now if it’s Santeria/Voodoo shit then be concern.

Hippies weren't even around when Gardner created his religion.

NOT JRPG THO, no bullshit selection fighting bullshit.
Just puzzle solving and platforming in 3d.

C++ shit and gimicky and bloated tho.
Everyone hates C++ btw only shit people use it.

>proper games

Yeah no the standard of "proper" games is so low and shit.

Attached: jerry.png (340x424, 125K)

Satanist don't worship satan you fucking sped.

What is it with Yanks being triggered by edgy Satanists all the time?

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wtf does toolbars have to do with creating anything?

Fuck shitty new games, youtube streaming cunts and lagging issues that ruin good games.

You pay for broken stuff.

I will not buy new games ever again.

>C++ shit and gimicky and bloated tho.
Everyone hates C++ btw only shit people use it.
strong words for someone who has no clue about programming
I've used C++ for 9 years now and you're one hundred percent full of shit and parroting opinions of people who have more opinions than actual knowledge

Please get off your high horse and read a book or two, try actually writing code and THEN deciding whether a language is shit or not. Or is that too much effort for you?

They worship their own ego and materialism. It's the logical conclusion to the cult of pleasure. Most people in the west are satanists, that's why we're falling.

jesus christ, at least do some research before you refute a claim you know nothing about.

The common part is that you have no idea what you're doing or the subject you're discussing.

Attached: jfunk2.jpg (1920x2268, 1.42M)

By hippies I meant degenerates. Most Wiccans are feminists who are "empowered" by putting curses that don't work on guys who manspread

Ill look into C++ after i learn C and BASIC anyway tho


If you had to work with this filth you would understand why they used to burn witches.