Rent is theft

Rent is theft.

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Squatting is theft poorfag

poorfag detected

Under current law, correct.

But when vacant homes outnumber the homeless 6 to 1, the only people who would argue any different are small minded white jews who worry more about money than security of the human race.

Feed, educate, and provide for the masses and they will be better off to support you later.

Let them starve and lose your work force in general.

You're dumb enough to think that exploitation of a weak and diseased populace is profitable when you could end up profiting off of a larger healthier society... fucking moron.

only if the tenant is a jew

>that image
That capitalist building is STILL miles ahead of any socialist commie block

>That image.
Reminder on a commie block you'd have fucking rats and mold everywhere.

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Actually this style has already been rated innefficient and slated to start falling apart only a few years after construction.

Meanwhile Brutalist architecture built in the Soviet Era is still fucking standing strong today.

Too busy worrying about money now to worry about the future...

Capitalism is dumb enough to coddle the dumb and indolent in society allowing them to reproduce.

Communism would just have these people in Gulags.

Literally this.

Not one for opulence, Khrushchev’s commitment to solving the urban housing shortage was rapid construction with little time (or money) to spend on design. Drab as they were, the final product left rivals impressed. “What the Russians have done” an official from the U.S.’s National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) told the Chicago Tribune in 1967, “is to develop the only technology in the world to produce acceptable, low-cost housing on a large scale.”


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All it takes to make a building Capitalist and not communist is a fresh coat of paint, who the fuck knew...

housing built for poor people over 60 years ago is outperforming Luxury apartments built by capitalists within the last few years...

Go to singapore, every house in the country is state owned

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So you give a homeless meth addict a vacant home. Who pays the property taxes for said home?

>X = theft
All posts in this format should be reported and banned. They are all just imbecilic variations on life = theft (i.e., man vs. nature) where some natural struggle in life has been socialized into a token.

Yeah, no fucking shit. If you want private shelter, plumbing, access to communal gas & electric grids, etc., you've got a shit load of work to do whether you're building the entire network for yourself from scratch or whether you're tokenizing all that work via rent.

X = theft is the lowest level of human thought possible. It's not even really thought. If you want to discuss some specific, unique component of rent, then take the time to think it through and write out an intelligent post, as mandated in the first fucking sticky.

Singapore is not a country

how about a mortgage or interest on a mortgage ?

do you consider that theft as well?

the majority of vacant home owners are from foreign countries

also that looks like pretty decent housing to me.

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>muh empty homes
It places where the jobs have left more often than not. So yes mr socialist you can shove homeless people into empty houses where there aren't enough jobs and then you can even start paying them a stipend for being out of work when they've moved to a place with no jobs so you can double dip on your economic parasitism in the name of "equality".
Meanwhile the very people that suffer for your policy are the tax emburdend but productive proletariat, the very people you ironically claim to be helping.

>lowest 20% in capitalism
>Eveyone except the party leaders in socialism

faceless yuppie apartments like that are all inspired and build by chink socialism. perfect for housing bugmen and corporate slaves

>every house in the country is state owned
Every house is state built*

Most people own their homes
t. lived in singapore

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>It places where the jobs have left more often than not.

Perhaps in rural Indiana, but not in the capitals and larger cities of Europe.

big cities would be super cool after nuclear war

>Most people own their homes
Actually they don't, the lease is up to 99 years but pretty much limitless unless you're going to live more than that

God damn this guy is based as fuck

you don't know the half of it, bucko
wait until you find out what the 2008 financial crisis was actually all about

>it's just rural areas that have lost jobs
Completely false. Think about it for just one second. You depopulate half of the bumbfuck towns in America you barely make a dent in the data. They just don't have enough people. It's urban centers that have lost jobs either to technology, outsourcing (interstate and international), or just simple shifts in demand that drive the data.
A big obvious example that skews the data is Detroit. Another less obvious example is places like South San Francisco which was an industrial town and now hasn't been for 40 years. If you follow the numbers a regional
lack of economic opportunity drives empty houses.

>this ugly building is why we need Communism now

Squatters rights exist under capitalist economies for a reason. Land is a strictly limited resource. If you lay claim to land and do not use it, just letting it sit there, you are retarding the economy. If someone decides to sit in that unused property while you are not watching, and pays the property tax on it, they are making use of your garbage and can make a better claim that the land is truly theirs.

Build your own house then faggot

This but unironically

The privately-owned Federal Reserve printed trillions of dollars in 2008 and funneled it all into fake front company real estate investment groups that the Federal Reserve owns 100% stake in. They used this counterfeit money to buy tens of millions of houses all around the country. These fake real estate investment groups, which are in fact actually just the Federal Reserve, are now renting the stolen houses back to us. The 2008 financial crisis was part of trying to force the Talmudic prophecy of the Messiah coming to earth after the Jews own all property on the planet. They want us to all be serfs renting their cardboard boxes, they want to eventually make it illegal for the goyim to even own houses.

No, rent is the only healthy measurement of asset, if you cant collect certain ammount of rent then your asset is shit.

Public debt is theft

That building doesn't look bad to me, unless it's somehow shit on the interior. Also,
>rent is theft
No one is making you live on MY property, so long as I pay property taxes, I can do anything with it that does not violate the law; if you're tired of living on land that does not belong to you, consider getting an occupation that doesn't have a low market value.

Under capitalism, your housing will be drab, low-quality, and built to the barest minimum needed to meet safety standards.

Under socialism, your housing will have feces covering every visible surface, maggots swarming on every hidden surface so thick even the rats will move out, and is guaranteed to collapse on its occupants within the year, and any who survive that will be shot to make sure news of the tragedy never reaches anyone else's ears.

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Bit tax = theft. That's a true statement and can't be denied. Faggot commies invert the truth as they always do and the radical centrist assholes like yourself come out and make low IQ generalizations like her der commie says rent is theft which is retarded so saying tax is theft is also retarded. It's a bait an switch Jew tactic I'm sure you know this Ari.

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In capitalism you have a choice. You can live in a commie home or you don't. In communism you don't have a choice. You have to live in a commie home

No it's the reason we need to slam the borders shut. Rapid population growth along with central planning is the reason we have hideous suburban sprawl and buildings that were made to fall apart in 20 years.

>conflating rent with independent architectural design firms

>I should be entitled to another persons property because at this specific moment in time they're not making use of it

You better not take your shoes off user, because the moment you do they're mine. While we're at it, don't leave your computer or I'll be having it.

It's not theft user, you weren't using them so why do you need them? Stop being a small minded white jew who worries more about money.

Why are all ancap flags literal NPCs? It's like you're programmed to search-query a set of text patterns, then print out some formulaic garbage that has nothing to do with the rest of the text surrounding those patterns.

Ive been travelling through the balkans and the yugoslav commie buildings here are suicide worthy. I went into a friends apartment and it made me extremely depressed that someone can live that way.
Im not a capitalist, but it undoubtedly produces better living conditions. The rent you have to pay is definitely worth not living in a dystopian shitbox

Pic related. Its one of the nicer commie blocks ive seen

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One day I will fuck someone you love and hold dearly.

And you will thank me for it.

>beige and puke green
The left looks better, just move the shitty yuropmobiles.

>american cardboard boxes
>miles ahead


Sure, I will bite.

How is willingly entering a contract where you pay money in exchange for the right to live in a specific place theft?

>shitting on the streets
>living in shacks or tents

Theft implies it is involuntary, forcible, or unknown. Rent is literally preceded by signing a contract between two parties.

Sorry that adulthood is harder than your Sitcoms growing up led you to believe

>Road and rail right in front of the building

So fuckem anyways for speculating our markets and driving up real estate prices.

Friend just came back from Slovakia and said the same exact thing. The commie block architecture is the most soul sucking shit imaginable.

the landlord, without working, gets money generated by the tenant's work.
all private ownership of means of production is comparable to rent, sometimes even worse, this is why socialists want to collectivize them.
capitalism is straight up unjust and if you defend it, you're defending theft.

Under socialism eating a single grain of your own harvest is theft and punishable by death or gulag.

>I want a gun world

Worry about trashing other nations homes and apartment complexes after you learn to use a toilet pajeet

That's supposed to be a low quality house?

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If I were to walk up to someone and hand one $20, that person would, without working, get money generated by my work. Would you consider that person a thief?

the tenant surely built that house with his magic wand.
>argies talking economics should be banned

it resembles what "downtown" areas have thought it trendy for the past decade. essentially, mixed-use urban areas with bullshit shops on the first floor and condos above. basically, 1930s NY and london is hip now

Socialism does not allow people to earn more to upgrade to a nicer home. Capitalism allows people to have that freedom.

Look nice, clean and modern to me.

Then buy a house.


The homeless should get jobs, stop doing drugs, and clean up their act. Then they would have money and a place to live. If they choose not to then they should be allowed to languish until they change their ways. You exist only in the poverty you create for yourself.

Keyword: All

if you had no choice but to hand someone $20 yes, that person would be a thief.
you can choose not to though, and your life remains the same.
if you are working class, you can't buy a house, so if choose not to rent a house, you live in inhumane conditions, homelessness.
this is how capitalists take advantage of this obviously unfair system, it's theft.

I sometimes wonder if you people are being funny or just actually retarded.
what would building the house have to do with anything? rent doesn't count towards payment for the house, it doesn't matter who built it, whomever owns it is stealing money from whomever is renting it.

"Wahh, I'm a useless crack addict. I should live in a home that someone else pays for."

Listen here faggot, I know you will eventually reference Cuba or some other faggot socialist/communist nation. Yes, Cuba has almost 100% literacy. Yes, they are almost entirely employed. Yes, healthcare is free. Here is the fucking problem though. The average salary makes about 500 pesos the equivalent to less than 19 U.S. dollars a month. You become literally dependant on the government like an infant marsupial. You have no indepedence. Everything in your life becomes dependent on a governemnt that you aren't allowed to criticize. Lol, and you think your boi Fidel was living like that? Nah, there is no 1%. It becomes the .001%. Dumb. Fuck. Western nations value independence because we aren't weak herd animals like faggot marxists are. We owe you nothing.

I cannot wait until the day being openly marxist/communist in Western nations is an instant death sentence by mob.

Who, is forcing you to rent from some specific person or at all, and what is the method of this forcing?

The meme was obviously made by a spoilt westerner that thinks they deserve a villa or something

>(((EU flag)))
>just live like ants, goy ;-)
Fuck off

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>the landlord, without working, gets money generated by the tenant's work.
How did he get the apartment in the first place.

Are you angered by the entrepreneurial response to socialism's demand of property rights abolition?


I just explained this to you, I find it weird that I have to repeat the exact same thing:
if you are working class, you can't buy a house, so if choose not to rent a house, you live in inhumane conditions, homelessness.
that's what forces you to rent a house, and it doesn't matter if you can choose who you rent it from, you have to rent it from someone, you're obligated, you're absolutely retarded for thinking that freedom to choose who steals from you is relevant to this discussion at all.

>we promise to give you a good house
>just give us absolute control, you're an evil person if you don't let us btw

how is that relevant in the slightest?

>haha dude no one is forcing you to rent or take out a mortgage, just be homeless if you dont want to do that. Easy.

Ah so many options mr snek

Capitalism thrives when you can homestead, that's how America was for hundreds of years. We should annex Canada and offer free land to anyone who desires to build a home there.

No, you actually haven't explained who's forcing you to rent or the manner of this forcing.

Under socialism housing would be way worse than that. Those apartments are nice and modern, if not a bit boring in colour choice.

Rent isn't theft, in fact not paying rent, is by the very definition: theft.

I think socialists are not mentally above the age of 7. They sort've just whinge a lot and cry and complain.


If you don’t like the system we have go off into some wilderness and make your own shelter, food and water. Survival is free. But you want convenience.

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what if I charged you for living?
nobody is forcing you to pay me, all you have to do is just choose to stop living.
housing is one of the most basic human needs.
I see you're retarded, have fun memeflag.

You are forced to rent by the fact that the only other option (apart from a mortgage which is worse than renting because you are signing your life away to eternal debt slavery) is to live on the street.
If I gave you the options of buying food off of me or not eating at all you'd buy from me

>not living on BLM land in a motorhome using solar to boil water from a nearby stream, and taking a shit in the woods

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america has paper houses
try to go cheaper and lower quality than that!
check mate humans

You realize that the landlord is responsible for making sure that the rental property is maintained, right?


who: Jews
method: Jewing

oh look, another idiot
how's that relevant to the discussion? we're talking about profits, that accounts for maintenance.

It cost money to own the land, pay the construction workers to build it, etc. the landlord had an investment he had to make first. That all requires money. Houses and property deeds don’t magically appear out of thin fucking air. Holy fuck you’re dumb.
>speaking of getting paid, pic related

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