Natural selection done wrong

This makes me angry as fuck,
and all you retarded amerifats are happy
This is what the jews want this is the future you choose
Two filthy bottom of the gene pool untermensch fat fucking mongrels kill a 6 foot 4 white alpha man
Who would have (if it weren't for the guns) ended those mongrels
Fuck all of you people for supporting sur filthy fucks no wonder whites are dying and you know what fuck it y'all deserve it

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Stay angry europoor

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This is how natural selection works. Its not a march towards aryan fantasy, it doesn't care what group wins, all that matters is living long enough and having offspring.

Whites are disappearing because we stopped reproducing.

Can I get a rundown?

It's gonna be a great day when these two are convicted. /pol and /k are going to reach epic levels of ignorant butthurt.

Now that its proven that white people can have nigger moments too, are rednecks niggers?

>6 foot 4 white alpha man
Lmao, that man was worthless.

You're actually going away because you opened the doors to niggers. You could have breed at your K selected rates without issue if you didn't invite in the worthless, then use all your wages to feed their ugly little offspring.

go pick your daughter back from Tyrone's you Amerimutt
In a normally constructed society that man would have outlived those fat fucks
he would have raised children that wouldn't end up as beta fat fucking cucks and would have contributed to what's left of the 'murican white genepool

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>In a normally constructed society that man would have outlived those fat fucks
No, he would have been murdered. Aaron Howard (The "victim") has a long history of crime and being arrested. I'm sure he would have pissed off a bunch of other "alphas" and would have been murdered eventually.

If you honestly think a mentally retarded person is an "alpha" just because he is 6'4 then you're the biggest subhuman here.

attacking armed men with a bat in a stand your ground state is nigger tier stupidity. natural selection worked just fine. culling nigger tier stupidity from the world.

Jow Forums has truly gone to shit, I miss the days when we would stand in the side of whiteness

fuck off meme flaggot you wouldn't even know what Jow Forums stood for before last week.

I wouldn't consider any of these men to be white, they're all ogres.

Mohammed is absolutely seething, lads.

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bullshit that's what the media tells you to sell you the image of the crazy drugged up white meathead facing the nice beta fat fucks who were just defending themselves, that kind of man (white, tall, fit) is what the kikes hate the most, they want you all to turn into fat beta cucks who take guns to a fist fight even when they're two vs one (he brought the bat after they pulled out the guns)

it's called having balls and honour you fucking coward

You forgot the Remington Tac 14

>white, tall, fit
He was overweight as shit, and him being 6'4 doesn't mean anything.
Admit it, he was stupid and faced the consequences for that.

This is now a Miller time thread. Post your best Millers

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>if it weren't for the guns
But they did have guns and now your fellow retard is dead.

those ugly fat mongrels should die just because of how they look
he truly is a loss to the white american gene pool

it's called being a nigger. showing out in front of his women is exactly what got him killed. just like that nigger in Florida. a half way intelligent person would have handled that civilly but Aaron chose to act like a nigger thumping his chest and died.

>white alpha man
Retard with anger management issues*

You are a retard. This is exactly how natural selection is supposed to work. There is no right or wrong outcome. Just because you didn't get YOUR desired result doesn't mean things were done incorrectly.

Aaron Howard was not an "alpha man." He was a mentally unhinged cuck who was raising children who wernt his own. He was a moron and this is evident by the fact that he brought a bat to a gun fight and threatened to kill two men who had superior fire power. He then proceeded to throw his bat at papa Miller in a fit of autism. Having someone like him purged from the gene pool is a far more desirable result.

that's literally nigger mentally, bringing a gun to a fist fight is as bad as when 6 chimps beat one guy

you're the type of give who'd let tyrone rape his wife just because he has a gun and you "don't want to show off"

Really, that is how you are going to spin this? You are pretending this was supposed to be fist fight based on what? Your arguments are retarded and you are retarded.

>defending yourself is nigger mentality
Fuck off, nigger.

holy fuck, I'm dyin

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Duck drumpf and duck white peepoo

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ever heard of proportionality you fucking faggot?
the fact that he wasn't armed in the first place you dumb fuck

i hope those two fat fuck degenerates go to jail, they think they look so cool with their little guns and obese bodies, guarantee you these little shits wouldn't say anything if they didnt have their guns with them, weak lazy slobs is what they are

they could've just let the argument go and agree to disagree but no since they had a gun and the other guy didn't, they felt no fear and were smug about it

disgusting human beings

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hmm yeah ur version of aryan is a confirmed meth head who repeadly put his children in the middle of dangerous conflicts.yeah ok memeflaggot.
aryan,first and foremost is can be born into earn honor.which he had none of larp master j.

>Can I get a rundown?
Here's a breakdown, instead.

Wake yo ass up.

Is the meme flag proportional to your faggot level?

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He had a bat that he intended to use as a weapon. Arguments are retarded, is defending Howard really the hill you want to die on?

Israelite detected
Fuck off jew


Because baseball bats are totally harmless, right?

wait, are you implying orange shirt guy was a positive example for natural selection going right? wew

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Being dead is not chad


Try mentally ill, although the Millers probably should’ve chosen a different way to handle it, I’m still not sure what they did was illegal.

he got the bat after first fatty felt scared and pulled a gun out of his greasy fat ass
what's a bigger proof of courage than taking a stand when you're outnumbred and they're armed?

Kike OPs hero

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Keep posting behind that memeflag euromutt


All the greatest Chad's in history are dead

look at the size of these lads, im in awe

forgot the chest hair

Pick up a bat get waisted by fat

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if 2 niggers would of shot a white dude this place would be going nuts

that's natural selection gone right, you know why? because you don't live in the jungle and you don't need to be a retarded gorilla to move ahead in life, you need to use your brains

Srs question Americans, what's gonna happen to these guys? Do they still hang people at high noon in texas?

no I'd put a bullet in Tyrone's head the moment he broke into my house

you can't spin this because you don't understand the culture here. your splitter tactics are poor at best

Bin that knife!

Technically it wasn't. They were charged with First Degree Murder but they are probably going to walk because they cant prove it was premeditated.

>bigger proof of courage
More like proof of being a fucking dumbass.

Dying like a retard isn't chad though.

Nothing will happen. They will absolutely walk.

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nothing, they've been charged with murder but in reality once the media coverage dies down the charges will be dropped.

Why is no one talking about the aftermath?

What happened? Did they get arrested? What did the police say? Were there mug shots? How is the dead man's family right now? Are they on social media?

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>Alpha male

He was a convict, He should have been executed by the state, instead of some hicks.

Wheres the video?

What a pointless comment by a pointless person. That didn't happen, so you have no idea what the reaction would be. But you make pointless statements because your head is void of matter.

If they were two black guys with guns, and they stood there calmly and responsibly like these two guys did, while some ape bounced around in front of them threatening them. We would have taken their side. It's pretty objective. Just like it is pretty objective that you're a onions boy, useless faggot, that watches his dad get cucked in harlem.

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>Two filthy bottom of the gene pool untermensch fat fucking mongrels kill a 6 foot 4 white alpha man
Alpha my ass. You don't get to be alpha with an IQ of 50. Sorry.

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>muh genetics

See, this is exactly the attitude that cost you the War and is currently allowing your Fatherland to be overrun by inbred Somalis. Because they understand one simple truth that seems to have escaped you. Guns don't care if you're 6'5 and built like Thor or a diabetic muttshart with man boobs. In war, the side with the most guns wins.

2 guns beats a big mouth every time.

>jew nazi promoting mentally ill troglodyte as the uber
asians really are they only ones to hold true to hilters ideals arent they