Spends $1k on groceries a month

>Spends $1k on groceries a month
>Has to get surgery to loose weight
What the absolute fuck went so wrong?

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>tfw I only spend $200 on grocerys a month
How to fat fucks eat so much?

They want people to feel sorry for them I guess. I have no pity for fat fucks and think they're parasites to society

>not absorbing other organisms for the ultimate power

I spend less than $50 a week on groceries, but I'm also a NEET.

>tfw I only spend $50 a month for 2 people
How are people so well off they can spend 200+ on food?

More importantly, how does he have such a large following?

He's lying about 1k/month ….it's more likely $200/month for food and $800/ month for dildoes.


Healthy food is expensive.

He has a fat roommate

I’m a Buddhist and wouldn’t hurt anyone unless warranted by grave danger, but this guy should be killed. It troubles me to say but I really, really, really want him to die. I can’t help it. He is the very epitome of a completely worthless piece of shit.

Can we meme him to death?

That's impossible. I spend $50 a week just on gas alone. Are you filling up on crackers and peanuts?

You're holding the guns: it's him or the orange menace. What do? weigh up the pros and cons.


I only spend on good food

it's not. 50 dollars a week is easy in America. Could go easily to 20 if you're willing to eat beans and ramen.

He is a white american

Either you're trolling, can't do math or you're some hermit for spending less then a dollar on food every day. 200+ on food is quite literally on the low end of average in the us. Spending

FIFTY DOLLARS. What the fuck do you eat canned dirt?

Corn Syrup.
>And poor diet

Fatass detected.

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It's called having a job, you get money every month. You should try it sometime

10 euros a day is a pretty normal budget

How are you so poor? An average day of decent food is at the very least $20 multiplied by 30 days is $600.


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> What the absolute fuck went so wrong?

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Chicken breast and some vegetables is not expensive.

I pity fat kids
Growing up fat is a conditioned behavior, in those cases i blame parents.
I used to be 50lbs heavier than I currently am and I carried it all from adolescence. When you grow up eating, acting, and living a certain way, you don't know any other way. It's not as simple as just "dropping the fork," you have to reprogram how your brain functions down to how you start your day, the foods you eat, how much, how often, etc. Gotta figure in exercise too.
The real world hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm glad that I woke up to my lifestyle, but I know that i just as easily could've never woken up, i could've kept getting fatter.
I come from a position of empathy because I know this world isn't black and white, it's a giant gray area.

This is why the US has a higher GDP per capita than Europe, but a lower HDI.

he's explained his life story before.
>abusive upbringing
>mother abused him
>would punch him in the face or scold him becuase her life sucked
>would feed him pizza and chucky cheese to say "im sorry"
>would PMS rage on him the next day.
>cycle continues
>doctors have diagnosed him with PTSD
>has anxiety issues, nightmares, and mood swings of a PTSD victim
>fat as a prized pig at 40
>wont live to 50
>get stomach clamped with a staple gun
>revealed his wife selfishly cant take his change in health
>leaves him for black dick gym trainer
>he keeps house and dog
>the cuck and walk now
>he's half the man he used to be
>i'd imagine he can see his cock again for the first time since puberty
>might make it to 60 at current rate
>going off the meds and not as much of a liability has 45% of america is right now

>implying any of that actually happened
>implying that even if it did happen it excuses him weighing more than most small cars

He's an american what do you except. You guys are genetic fuckups.

oh look another eceleb thread
sage goes in options field

>genetic fuckups
you mean mutts?

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$200 buys a lot of sauerkraut, ramen, pork and potatoes. Enjoy your avacado toast, your lordship.

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could easily go down to 20 if you shop at a dollar store and buy mostly canned shit
spaghettios can taste magnificent if you working on a tight budget

So fucking tired of everyone saying they have ptsd. Reeeeee mommy was mean to me and now I’m fucked for life, gtfo.


That lap band shot can cost 20k, hopefully he was able to get the gov to pay

>Nazi meme flag

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This. Why do people follow or care about this fat fuck?

You guys might be catching up to us...

The countries that have the highest rates of overweight and obese people are:

Czech Republic
United Kingdom

While European men are more likely than women to be overweight, woman are more likely to be obese. When broken down, 58.6 percent of European adults are overweight and 23 percent are obese. In the Americas, 27 percent are obese.

50 bucks a week is easy. Make your own food and stop buying microwave pizzas dipshit

Meth should be legal and encouraged for people like him. Could spend 500 on an oz and 200 on ensure and multi vitamins. In six months he will lose all that weight.

Rhode Island fag here, we had some 500+lb guy in hospital for obesity help and they caught him ordering a pizza and kicked him out. Had to live in the back of a pick up truck. Pretty funny.

ah bloo boo hoo

fucking weak as piss mutts

>>he's half the man he used to be

>Buy flat of 48 eggs for 4.50$ at wall mart
>Buy 20 pound sack of potatoes at wallmart for 3.99%
>Buy 5-6 pound chicken uncooked for 5$

*demolishes both of your countries, economically and militarily*

1k isn't that much for 2 lards and a nigger bull, the most expensive food I usually buy is $25/lb frog cheese and $10/lb amerimeat, top quality stuff in America can't be that different, right?

no man would allow his body to change like that,

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I just find it hilarious that even though his wife unironically left him the moment he got the surgery and his chances at survival went up tenfold, he still cannot put two and two together and realize that she was just putting up with him, waiting for him to finally die so she could cash out on his assets and estate.

She was already having sex with a black mutual friend of theirs, boogie was physically unable to have sex. He was wittingly being cuckolded even though he would deny it ad naueam and say that the black guy was gay.

Interestingly enough, the gay friend is now in a relationship with his ex-wife, the latter having gotten 220000 US dollars in the divorce settlement. This is boogie's idea of an amicable divorce.

those types of people become self consistent though. there was some guy in Scotland I think who was obese, he gave up food and only drinks water. He hasn't eaten in 4 years and lives a normal life.

I like your flag, looks good.


Boogie is a national treasure you should all be ashamed.
His only crime is being raised by a single mother

Maybe in europoor.
But here healthly foood is cheaper. It just takes time to prep and cook. Chicken and eggs are dirt cheap. Veggies are dirt cheap. You can get a huge pile of freash veggies for 8$ maybe.
People here just buy single serve crap, they are paying for all the prep work and packaging.
If you never eat out, and cook all your own meals. You can eat for dirt cheap, and it will be goood food. You can get an gallon of olive oil for 8$. And that will last a long time And cheaper oils for even less

>the gay friend is now in a relationship with his ex-wife
You got a source for that?

>only spends $200 a month on groceries
found the fat fuck

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There nazi symbol is a reverse of a buddhist symbol. The buddhist also had sects built around war. Bishamonten is the buddhist god of war