Why does Canada seem so in favour of CANZUK?

The conservative party of Canada seems to want to begin the setting down the foundations for this mythological superstate. Why? Is it a Chinese plot?

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Chink Jews lad

Because then Canada can take in refugees via shared Canzuk waters. Also they can send us Mexicans and Somalians. Gonna be great I like Mexican food

They are nostalgic for the prestigue of the British Empire, even though you guys basically said you didn't want them anymore and instead of owning a third of the world, you are being owned by the third world

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>you are being owned by the third world
Mate don't make me bring up demographics, you are the least white western nation.

Also Orwell was a commie.

I haven't even heard of this before so I'm not sure your claim that Canadians, conservative or otherwise, are elated about CANZUK has any foundation in reality.

Conservatives would support something of this sort because its opens the doors to further trade opportunities and allows for more convenient travel without being bogged down by red tape around every corner. Other than that, I can tell you unequivocally that this isn't a big issue here.

I also think this is bullshit. Most people don't care or think at all about the British Empire apart from a few elderly Loyalist types and Orange Order fruits.

Canada is le 49% and dropping you autistic retard, also: are Canadians autistic enough to think that America is literally 44% millatos, or do you fags not realize that not only do we have 170 million whites, 90% of our people and infastructure aren't all clustered 90 miles from the US border

>Also Orwell was a commie.
Retarded and blue pilled, "Socialist" was a new term in Political Science and coming back licking their wounds after fighting in Spain redpilled the fuck out of Orwell and Hemmingway. I guess you think Hitler was a Socialist?

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Im voting for the convervatives simply because i want to settle down with a lancashire slag and have cute half leaf/half limey babies

Polls and conservative party thing.
>Orwell was repilled
Nah he was broken after seeing his utopia was a lie. He still was a communist but one who knew it couldn't work so he became a based centerist.

Oi oi oi

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>based centerist.
Are you a shill or just this god damned retarded? He wrote 1984 in 1949, the mad man spilled the beans on the Kelergi Plan via writing a Scifi novel; look into the man his dad was one of the elites in the OSS he died to tell us what was coming. You Paki nigger, take you black, hairy fingers off of the keyboard and never again speak of the human race you mockery to our supposed shared ancestor

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they need to fuck off

Why the fuck do your women look damn near 45 when they aren't even old enough to drink in the states?

They have a sense of entitlement.

Because they get run through the mill before they turn 21 here

Fuck off with your regurgitated bullshit

If it makes you feel better I'm Scottish.

How about you fuck off and leave my country alone before i pogrom the shit out of Canadians here.

Im surprised you have heard about Lancaster

Never heard of it...rundown?
