Jeff Bezos spending

>The Amazon founder and CEO made an average of $107 million a day in 2017, a figure that's unfathomable to most people. "You're not going to spend it on a second dinner out,"

>the value of $1 to the average person is about $88,000 to Bezos.

>As for that $23 million mansion Bezos is renovating in Washington, DC — he's reportedly spending $12 million on renovations, which is about $136 in Bezos dollars

I'm not against someone making money for working hard and creating something revolutionary but should this much money honestly allowed in someone's bank account? Its fine to be successful but this is over-kill. I work in a Amazon warehouse and its literal hell. There's no air-conditioning, there's ambulance's waiting on STANDBY incase someone faints or becomes too dehydrated, my boss literally bitches me out if I take a couple of extra minutes in the bathroom wiping my ass slowly because I have hemorrhoids and sometimes its very painful, benefits are shit and we have no stock options unless we become upper-management.

Why should I sit here and be complacent, sweat and lift heavy shit for 12 hours for 48 hours a week, while Jeff Bezos gets to live lavishly in his 3.5 Million Dollar mansion, flying on his jet and spend 1,200 dollars on lunch as well as making $275 Million a day, while rent for me in my 1 bedroom apartment is $700 while making $10 an hour and that's not including car insurance, food, gas, electric and water.

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>The Amazon founder and CEO made an average of $107 million a day in 2017
No. The vassal know as Bezos made this amount. The money could easily be taken away if he gets out of line. He also has little control of what he does with the money. If he does anything out of line with the higher elites demands, he will be in the poor house in no time and probably in prison for crimes against humanity.

Most of this money is held up in Amazon stock. It's pre-tax. It would also lose value if he tried dumping a significant portion on a stock exchange. But don't get me wrong. I'd be very happy to hear that he died and the government seized his assets.

How many threads are you going to make crying about people who have more than you? I can't imagine myself sitting around thinking about someone else and what they own. God commanded us not to covet. Maybe you should think about that instead of thinking about other people.

I can't imagine being such a loser you defend billionaires on Mongolian finger painting forums and then talk about your kike god

Where would you be without Jeff?

Amazon needs to be broken up, this is ridiculous

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Behind every great fortune is a great crime

The guy that’s keeping the Washington post running? We’d be better off without that rag polluting the minds of our country

Yes. Not defending him by any means, but most of his wealth is tied up in assets. By selling shares of Amazon, he'd be selling his ownership of his own company. His wealth is not liquid.

I'm not defending billionaires. I'm defending the right to make how ever much money you want. This is America after all. Must suck to go through life looking at other people all the time and wishing you could trade places. Go make some money, poorfag.

Know what they did to you

WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.

>Elon knows how bad it is

The average normie has no idea what the future holds IF WE DONT out aside our difference and men of righteousness unite and battle the NWO, illuminati, and technocrats. Many creeds and colors work for these people and we need to unite like some faggoty lord of the rings movie and put an end to the A.I. demigod

This is a warning from the future.

>if we do not unite against the satanic A.I Beast grid system

Then we have a DARK FUTURE ahead

Relax and enjoy

>unite against the VILE PEOPLE NOW

>bonus stream
Enjoy some Bants about today's happenings, sunspot walnut sauce fakeout.

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>shilling for the corrupt cartel bosses

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>whining about your pathetic life

Man wish I could put a 500 dollar down payment on a house.

Stop working for him if you don't like idiot. Nobody is forcing you to do his slave labor.

>Found a thriving and incredibly profitable company that makes shopping easier and allows global competition, and therefore lower prices
>You make a lot of money in the process
>People now hate you because you have money, while they don't.
Hating people for being successful is possibly the most degenerate trait anyone can have. You should admire people like bezos.

Good goy! And I suppose the fact that Bezos owns the Washington Post isn't a problem, either?

Smart man. But everyone has been to divided and distracted to notice.

It’s mostly the value of his business/amazon shares and it could drastically change at any time both up or down depending on share price. It’s not like amazon is just dropping 100mm cash in his checking account every day.

He just sat on an emerging utility that he didn't even invent.

It should be a regulated public utility at this point, it's a joke to think that we need this guy draining billions of dollars out of the economy by underpaying employees and outsourcing jobs overseas just to keep his own personal empire afloat.

You shills for globalist finance deserve to be enslaved to this guy imo

It is a good investment. If I was the richest man in the world, I would also try to take over my country by buying a political party and a propaganda outlet.

>higher elites
who r the higher elites

>Why should I sit here and be complacent, sweat and lift heavy shit for 12 hours for 48 hours a week, while Jeff Bezos gets to live lavishly in his 3.5 Million Dollar mansion, flying on his jet and spend 1,200 dollars on lunch as well as making $275 Million a day, while rent for me in my 1 bedroom apartment is $700 while making $10 an hour and that's not including car insurance, food, gas, electric and water.
so don't?
no one is forcing you to have a job retard

All Bezos does he does for human colonization of space.
End justifies the means.

someone give me a quick rundown

>no one is forcing you to have a job retard
What's really surprising to me is that the 1%.. which is such a small insignificant number of people doesn't get dragged out and hung in the town square by the 99%. Nobody fucking does anything. The occupy wallstreet retards had thousands of people but all they did was take drugs and rape each others. They chant, play the bongos and take drugs while the 1% laughs their fucking asses off knowing none of the hippy retards will ever do anything. One of them shot up a baseball game and hit Scalisse but that's a fucking nobody compared to billionaires.

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