Why can't the Left meme?

So I've been to /leftypol/ recently and I couldn't believe how unfunny and shitty some of their memes were. It's so shit it makes you wonder as to what kind of idiots think it's even remotely amusing in any way, shape or form. Pic related.

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Shameless bump with another shit tier meme.

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Because they are overly confident and aren't used to people changing their ideas.

They behave like creationist who literally think everyone secretly agrees with them but is pretending not to.

this line will be used by Creationist and Marxists form Christianity to Scientology from Islam to Academia.

>"You are doing a sin by not agreeing with me, just admit its true"

look at behavior patterns in preachers and sjws

Their ideology runs counter to human nature and intuition, so all their memes either become walls of text (as they also have to serve as a philosophical primer to the uninitiated) or as highly inaccessible memes such as your pic in the OP.

Right wing memes on the other hand can typically be related to on an almost instinctual level. You don't have to have read any manifestos or listened to hours of Marxist podcasts.

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Memes require energy and energy requires food.

Yeah, I know lefties are fucking cringe and genuinely retarded, but I mean the kind of shit they pump out is literally shit. It's complete, worthless turd. Upon seeing this, some newbie won't go: 'Well, shit, this is funny' or something along those lines. Memes are a kind of recruitation technique and it is a form of information warfare. How do they expect to win if they are inept to this extent in this regard?

What I am trying to drive at is how they are THIS fucking unfunny and cringy. You would think they would make something funny just by making something stupid along the lines of a mutt meme, for instance a meme showing a basement dwelling stormfag or something to that effect. That could be done really well. But they are just incompetent. Completely. It's like they're culturally completelt irrelevant which I guess might be the point.

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That is definitely a cogent point as well. Kek

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The left is against nature, which means every point they make is built entirely upon an artificial construct, and they need to set that construct up in order to prove their point. Nobody wants to read that and it's gay and boring even if you do. The right has millennia of human evolution backing up its memes, so all you need to do is make a witty observation in as few words as possible. It works well

I guess that makes a lot of sense. The left is completely mistaken about the roots of prehistoric civilizations, the assumption that there was no property rights is retarded. Force was the determining factor in who had what, kek.

But at the same time, they could just mimic our tactics and make simple shit. Instead, they come across as self-centered, pretentious and... well... boring. to be honest.

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There's a strong correlation between leftism and social retardation

They become leftists because they are so incompetent, and their memes reflect their mental disabilities

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Gimme so cringey left memes plz. Im curious of this phenomenon.

They would never mimic the right because they think the right is morally repugnant. This is why they always throw the baby out with the bathwater. Hitler thought nationalism was the best thing for a people? Better get rid of all borders.

who is this guy again?

I know, their memes are shitty.
The problem is they always try too hard with their memes. This is obvious and works against the attempt at humor that they're trying to make.

The left also tends to use too much text in their memes, also making it not funny.

I've only downloaded the most retarded ones so that I could make this thread and possibly LARP at some point in the future. Go to 8 chan /leftypol/ board and see for yourself. The board is so dead you place a tombstone on it.

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The left also thinks we can't meme. Unfortunately for younger conservatives, the old baby boomers also make shitty memes that make us look bad by association.

>i dont understand the in-jokes of a different board
>therefore they are unfunny

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No idea. Kinda looks like Ted Kaczynski in the pic.

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It's not just that, although it could also account for the lack of humor. Their memes are completely unfunny and uncreative. I'm sure some normalfags would find some Jow Forums memes funny just by virtue of how odd and inept they are e.g. the mutt meme etc.

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Point. Leftists are so insular that their humor is almost entirely self referential, and their humor is only for affirming their place within their in-group. Anyone coming from the outside will be totally turned off because those jokes aren't for outsiders.

Because the humor behind a joke comes from juxtaposition and subverted expectations, and /leftypol/ 'jokes' all have the same punchlines of 'capitalism bad, communism good'. When your punchline is simply referencing the subject matter, you basically get a mad-libs version of pic related.

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OK, gotcha.

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What would you consider to be examples of good right-wing memes?

A joke has to be true for it to be funny.

Compared to /leftypol/? Any shit meme by Jow Forums is superior to memes by /leftypol/. Also, pic related.

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Because the left are the establishment and memes are ways to subvert the establishment narrative.

because you don't agree with them? What makes them better?

>because you don't agree with them? What makes them better?
Yeah, that's it.

Now go away, memeflag.

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