We are being experimented on by the military and food industrial complexes to turn us into easily controlled, fat...

We are being experimented on by the military and food industrial complexes to turn us into easily controlled, fat, sheep.

There is no other explanation.

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you need to become tiggernigger then.

Meh I'm still fit. I'd welcome cancer at this point anyways

that all looks inedible

I'm a fatty on a Keto diet. Lost about 11 pounds so far (but veering up and down).

I fucking miss oreo thins

> food industrial complex
wow, deep

I wish we had food like that here in Germany

Deep fried twinkies are fucking disgusting.

Seriously, very few people can actually stomach that shit on a regular or even irregular basis.
There are a shit ton of trends and crazes when it comes to working out at gyms and dieting, and a lot of popular cooking shows on Youtube are totally fucking grotesque.
I think that junk food producers are just desperate to get people to buy their shit.

rofl I laugh at this shitty food every fucking time I see it. The worst part is seeing people buying it.

It's more of symbiotic relationship between the food industry and big pharma.

Food industry's goal is to get people to eat as much shit food as possible. This gives people obesity related health problems. These people become cash cows (kek) for big pharma whose goal it is to keep fat people alive as long as possible while being on as many expensive drugs as possible. Even a penniless fat man is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to the healthcare industry.

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>Doritos loaded

Goddamn that looks disgusting. In fact it all looks disgusting besides the regular twinkies.

>i'm a weak fuck
>it the goberment

who told you that, shut up

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It's all 3.

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Or fat, easily controlled sheep are drawn to these things and you are just injecting your bias into the equation.

Nobody is forcing you to buy that shit, it doesn't even seem to be cheap or convenient.

Remember, parents: If your children don't have diabetes, you are abusing/neglecting them.

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You don't have to buy meme food, if you don't want to eat it. There are thousands of things in the supermarket that I've never even thought about trying.

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>Nobody is forcing you to buy that shit, it doesn't even seem to be cheap or convenient.

You have no idea about the war going on among american fast food burger companies right now.

Wendy's: 1/4 lb burger for free when you buy a 50 cent Frosty. You can get this deal every single day.

McDonalds: Any burger on the menu for $1

Burger King: $1 Whopper

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Attached: 2 kids meals for $10.jpg (1536x2048, 268K)

I wouldn't eat anything in pic related

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This shit always tastes like cancer though, and that's coming from someone who doesn't eat very healthy.

This particular type of food is garbage meant to sell a bunch on the flash of what it says it is, then to discontinue and be replaced with a new gimmick rinse and repeat.

really makes you think...

Black Horseman of the Apocalypse here.

That sounds very convenient and cheap, but I guess there must be a catch somewhere. Over here McDonald's is usually promoting a "1 euro cheeseburger" which is smaller and worse quality than the ones you can get from the store for 80 cents and even eat raw.


how much do you weight ? how long have you been on it

It always makes me rage how much money one fat, useless idiot is worth in our system. And the rest of us are forced to pay for the huge profits derived from these people.

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Fun fact: One of my friends has bought and served everything in that image. They all tasted and felt like what I imagine digested plastic excrement would.

what came first, ranch or cool ranch?

>too much of a lazy retard to not eat too much junkfood
>fucking corporationss waaaah
Fat dumbfuck.

ranch, then cooler ranch (which is now cool ranch, for some reason)

This. This. This.
I am just fucking disgusted when I see people carts loaded with processed food and pallets of soda its like wake up you fucking NPC, gain sentience!
Protip to those who don't know: all the real food is on the outside walls of the supermarket, (the meat and veggies). The inside aisles are where are the processed food is. Real food doesn't stay edible for months and years on end obviously. Thats why thinks like pickling and salting and drying meats were developed and why the relatively shelf stable potato led to a massive population boom.

i would buy this

Baaaaa. Humbug

Make like a fag buddhist monk and eat nothing but rice everyday turbo-nerd. Real men eat everything and anything.

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Pizza rolls are my guilty pleasure

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>And let me just say.. [snick... glop... skwee... gulp] welcome to our new excellent food providing masters!

I can't eat those any of those things, they make me sick, but they taste like heaven. Oh, wait, maybe the WC burgers.

How the fuck can you even make a profit on that! They're like the equivalent $1.80 here ( they do taste like shit tho)

Patty: ~$0.05
Bun: ~$0.07
Cheese: ~$0.10
Onions: ~$0.02
Pickles: ~$0.03 (2 pickles at ~$0.015)
Ketchup: ~$0.03
Mustard: ~$0.01
Total: $0.31

So it's a little bit of a loss, but they make money on drinks, fries, etc.

Get thee behind me Satan!

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you are bad at estimating things

How did I NOT know this?

fucking subhuman

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They're hamburgers, not cheese burgers. No cheese.

Seriously though, those White Castle Burgers in the bottom are amazing, and don't have bad shit like the rest of that stuff.

I like how .8 doesn't have a biblical citation because modern Christianity gains followers by telling the worst of society that they are forgiven without repentance

No, you are a lazy fucker who can't cook anything and who prefer pre cooked food or fast junk food instead of healthy food. Capitalism did that

>There is no other explanation.

Wellllll..... Capitalism...

Yeah it's all bacon cola tier meme food that nobody eats except at parties where people are drinking and trying to hurt themselves in other ways too.

>a shake and a burger for 50c
that's a pretty sweet deal

I kinda want to try the loaded doritos

"Limited 10 per customer per visit." - Uhh.. OK

That is one big pile of shit

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yo tho do those loaded doritos come in cool ranch???

They make money on the jumbo extra large super king size "diet" soda.

comfy life

underrated file name

Its either a government conspiracy, capitalism self-destructing, or both.

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Those Oreo churros must be the fuckin bomb tho.

All these new crack-style fast food/snack food items seem to be like an arms race for exciting taste buds. At some point people's taste buds and neurochemistry are going to be so over-excited, they aren't going to be able to enjoy most foods.

I have never eaten any of that garbage except the oreo churros and if you find any of that shit tasty then that's mostly on you for having garbage-tier tastebuds

Real men live on sugar

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>Available only in the Wendy's app.
Fuck that.

Once I stopped eating fast food and most food with added sugars, my taste buds did a hard reset.

Now if I eat something high in sugar, I get a headache and it feels too sweet to me.

this is why niggers think white people are bland. they are literally raised on synthetic chemicals designed to be hyper-pallatable, and have no taste for subtle flavors anymore
you're subhuman

I used to think the food was crud because capitalism tilted the scales in favor of cheap and addicting. Then I grew up and actually observed that only the malnourished and poor eat the crud and its only because they're malnourished and poor.

Nice, what are you having tomorrow?

>get cancer on purpose
>demand experimental treatment
>make it a viral movement
>get biologically immunity with the deal that you “don’t know” what they did to heal your cancer
I win

its basically drugs, people who need an escape use em, body craves more, destructive effect the body, if you stop cold turkey you feel really bad (but eventually make it out on the other side). Yet people still purity spiral about cannabis. I stopped cold turkey and didn't even notice, (((food))) on the other hand my palms were sweating blood sugar flipping out felt like a OD'd on caffeine
Make your own, ingredients are simple, price per ingredients you save 70% and freeze the rest so you got frozen treats.
just 1/3 of a bag of those M&M on the bottom would make me feel sick, and regret candy I'm 5'5" 120lb imagine the medical anomaly that consumes that.

only decent things there;
Crispy MandMs
Nestlé Crunch

>I'm 5'5" 120lb
if youre not a woman you should become one

RIP Fries

It cant possibly just be that fat lazy retards want to stuff their fat lazy retarded mouths op

It must be a conspiracy

Too bad the mods are also fat and lazy to the point where even when you insult their preferred form of payment on top of such a shit thread they wont ban you

Anyone who poison themselves deliberately with that kind of junk food is already a walking sheeple.

Those Oreo churros and Doritos...things are fucking terrible. They're not even good in a junk food sort of way. They're flavorless and awful.

if you eat any of this shit on the reg you are retarded

For years out of college I worked for a household known product company that provided some of the nation's most known snacks. Not so sure about military control but I can tell of interesting things that I noticed:

1. The company along with many others in the sector are enormously government dependent. If we did not make our sales numbers the first two weeks of the month forget making a late come back. (Think welfare, benefits are distributed first of month). If you were to take away the government handouts I doubt they would survive in their current form.

2. There was a common denominator in the type of person that purchased our products: Sloppy, terrible hygiene, usually overweight, not the brightest individuals, dregs of society. Perhaps this may lead to OP's conclusion of military involvement but I think it is more complex than that.

3. The manufacturing processes for the products are simply "streamlined" to maximize profitability and this includes high fructose corn syrup. Wholesome, whole food ingredients cost more to integrate into the products and make for shorter shelf life, The key is COST. My company was mostly concerned with cutting costs as opposed to innovation and healthier alternatives so costlier products is a huge negative. Also... concerning shelf life..... The products sometimes had shelf lives of over half a year. Do you really want to eat something with that many chemicals ?

4. Inflation is going up at a more alarming rate than you realize. In the four years I was with the company one of our flagship snacks underwent two "size changes" in that time. That is huge considering it used to take decade or more for a "size change". They were terrified of raising their prices to the purchaser accounts so they would instead lessen amount of product for same price lol. Which I suppose is good for you unhealthy people.

Glad I got out when I could. I was a corporate automaton.