Why does pol hate him so much. he has really good ideas

why does pol hate him so much. he has really good ideas

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Says the kike from israel

j e w i s h

im not jew and im not from israel

>good ideas
name one


all of them

Because he's much smarter than them

He's a NeoCon boomer and Israeli shill

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I've got a good idea too, Ben Shapiro should crawl into an oven.

Prove it meme flag kike

Because he's a subversive neo con kike

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was that so hard mohamed?

You named zero. Try again.

colored version

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Whoa. Okay, now this is epic.

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He is a zionist that supports israel more than america (you cant support both as they have opposing interests in the middle east)

But truth is really what matters and Shapiro is right on most topics (feminism/islam etc)

Hes a fucking kike. Any more dumb faggy questions?

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because he's a jew and supports the jewish world doctrine

One of the reasons- Michelle Fields.

he denies christ and is after Greater Israel just like all the others

Oh yeah, a Jew taking the right stance on two problems Jews are creating. We should totally trust him now lmao.

>why does pol hate

Should have ended the question there, the rest is obsolete

he's almost a libertarian, but mention israel or iran and he goes full neocon authoritarian.

He's a decent gateway drug, but once you actually start to think for yourself it becomes plainly obvious that he's either

>an idiot who actually buys his civnat crap
>a blatant shill

You choose which is worse

he's obnoxious little neocon faggot midget

get out faggot

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manlet zionism

he does, but he's also full of shit and is a profiteering opportunist who will change his views in order to benefit his media company and preserve his relationships within the media. That sounds smart, but when you say "Roseanne shuold be fired!" and yet defend James Gunn, something's wrong.

I used to watch his show before I just got sick of his 2-4 min shilling of whatever products at the beginning.

He just seems to be the typical jew trying to "negociate" status quo. A cosmopolite, like all the jews.


He is a neocon, never trump, jew first, israel first, judeo-satanist.

Image name says half of it.
The other half is the fact he's a contrarian to his own ideology for the sake of sticking it to Trump and "da nazis"

Jow Forums UNIRONICALLY can't handle the bants with Based Ben. I haven't seen a single person go toe to toe with him and win. That plus his Jewish heritage makes him Jow Forums's prodigal son.

He is a lying kike and an opportunistic charlatan. He only has his position due to nepotism and being a jew.

The only good thing about this piece of shit -is his sister.

He's a kike and he serves kike interests.

We have those in France, they're everywhere in "nationalist" side. Pushing cryptomarxism ("civic nationalism").
Just last week there was a scandal of one of those jews telling a nigress she isn't french because her parents didn't give her a french name. In fact, she is not french because she's a nigress.


Well, that takes the fun out of pushing him in, though...?

Where does he say that

It's nearly every "conservative" politician in the government and talking head in the media in the US.

I really wonder why. Could it be neocon is pushed while other form of right wing thought are banned from the political scene and media ?
I really wonder (((how))) such things happen. A mystery.

>But truth is really what matters
>Shapiro is right on most topics

Shapiro is a "johnny come lately", in the area of current day right wing politics. He literally said the opposite of what he says now -right up to the point where he was being surpassed by youtubers -when suddenly, he changed his tune...shocking...

At best he is simply repeating the ideas of other more intelligent, more intrepid thinkers in order to stay relevant -in which case he should shut his jew mouth and let better men speak.

Another shill tread because kavanaugh news is about to drop. Fuck off moshe

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I dont hate him, i'm just suspicious.

Name one pro tip: you can't.

>it’s about ideology not race
>I don’t care about the browning of America
Besides the fact that with the browning of America your ideology will lose its influence, he’s all about race/ethnicity when it comes to the Jews

I do like him, I just don't fawn over him or worship him. I think he's useful, especially since he's helping drag college students to the right, kicking and screaming if he must.

He's a jew

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No he doesn't. He's a neoconservative pinworm spreading cuckoldry to white idiots like a disease Wtf fuck is wrong with you?

His bad ideas prove that his good ideas are just fake crap to make you like him.

He's already explained this. He wants America to have immigrants who share the ideas, just like how Israel accepts Jews from China, India, and Ethiopia. He explained how immigrants who don't believe in western values are incompatible. He also said his pride as a Jew is religious not ethnic.


This. He's a spineless little cuck, constantly sticking his finger in the air to check which way the wind is blowing. No deep convictions.

Fuck you Benji. We remember how you sold out Lewandowski, you feckless kunt

He has that "identity isn't for thee but it is for me because I'm chosen" thing going on.

ads every 15-20 min on his podcast are enough to hate him. He can't help it though, he has to go full jew on his ads

holy fuck. how short is ben? or how tall isa peterson? that's a laughable difference jeez.

Peterson is around 6'0''
While Benny boy claims to be 5'8''/5'9''

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They accepted Chinese Jews as well as Ethiopian and East Indian Jews to become Israeli citizens, no joke.

I always find it funny when some retard says that Israel is an ethno state
>20% of the population is Arab muslim + 70,000 Migrants from Africa
>Still considered an ethno state

Somehow he manages to be even worse than the traditional neocons. Because at least they stay firm in their convictions on how to best subvert the US in favor of Israel.