Pray for my fucking country

This bitch is runing for president again and has a real chance of getting elected

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That's a skeksis. DNA test it

That's why Argentina is such an unnecessary shithole.
Take action you absolute pussies.

She can't be worse than what you have now, right? Your currency lost more than half of its value from the beginning of this year.

how much do whores cost there now in usd>?

90% of the reason is precisely because of her tho.

$30 I bet and that's longer than an hour. Question is what they look like, and what would $50 get me?

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Didn't she get caught up in a huge corruption investigation?

She caused it lmao

Didn't she get charged with corruption or something

Her and her husband were presidents for 12 years and fucked the country , they gave money to lazy shits that didnt work to get their vote while they stole money from the country

isnt that every politician in history?

She is being investigated but she probably wont go to jail due to her money and power, if she goes to jail her supporters would riot like crazy

Wasn't she just brought up on corruption charges? How can she run?

Shitty laws

m8 she can't be more powerful and have more zombie militants than Lula, keep fighting the good fight and demand her head on a pike

Would you hate fuck her?

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Why isn't she in jail hermano?

Do the right thing and better your country for future generations.

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Nope, she has the law protecting her because she is a senator

She looks like a female version of Pope Fr*Ncis. I hate her already.

Only if she dies while giving birth

Cannot unsee.

Isn't her kid some sperg?

He is mama's lil boy

You know I'm right.

Imagine the tax money they spent on his tendies...

you guy's can't get anymore fucked than you already are. she would probably make things better at this point

Who keeps electing these kinds of people in Argentina?
Suburban whites?

This is like saying Obama fucked us up so bad we should let Hillary win in 2020. Because what'a the worst that can happen?

>Take action you absolute pussies
stop paying 30 billion yearly to israel tough guy


Now seriously, is there a way of voting out of the current situation?

Basicly people that dont want to do shit and also get paid ,people that steal and people that dont want to pay bills

Unironically believing Hillary would be worse than Trump.


Are you guys seriously defending Macri? Not saying this bitch isn't bad, but come on. Argentina is burning to death rn.

Not bad, is that $30 or $50 though?

The world is burning. There is a consciousness shift or something

And who's the fault?

Fun fact : age of consent is 13

Seriously though. I don't know what's happening, but something weird is going on. Hopefully the end of the world is getting near.

If we eliminate all her supporters we can save ourselves

yea man we should tots vote Peronism again like dude is obvious viva Peron bra.

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Why isn't your economy booming from the sex trade then? You should be the south american Thailand, minus the lady boys...unless that's a thing.

I don't think that was Peronism and Macri isn't the answer either. I expected more from argie/pol/fags.

Gender politics are starting to gain force , there is a public tv program called "todes" wich is like saying they but butchering the lenguage even more

>I don't think that was Peronism
no real socialism bra

>Seriously though. I don't know what's happening, but something weird is going on. Hopefully the end of the world is getting near.
I know right? what's going on?

ah, it's the same here

Fuck latin america

only in democracies

My family wants to go away from the country if she wins , but where the fuck we should go

Cristina was a good nationalist though, can't they get some minister from the same party who doesn't steal as much money

vamos a volver

no no, we were never as fucked as argentina. what you meant is electing obama, then hillary, then oprah

what happened now?
is she in jail at last?

You guys have your own problems with Mujica and his pals tho. They are still in power.

She will run for president , and no she is not in jail

Looks like one of the Steinem clones got loose.

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id rather canuck it desu

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>chance of getting elected
She'll be in jail by 2019