A legit plan to bring back testosterone?

There's almost no testosterone in the U.S. government. ALL men have had declining test since the intro of plastics, + more women in office, + old fucks.

Here's some ideas to save our balls
>get fit
50% of this country is OBESE and half of the rest are overweight.
>legislation to end sugar and corn subsidies
Refined sugars and high fructose corn syrup are correlated to our rise in fatness
>phase out plastics
>legalize over the counter estrogen blockers
Every man should take a small dose of anti-aromatase like Arimidex until the environment is fixed.
>vote in younger people
Testosterone is men really decline in their 60s. Only vote in people 59 years old or younger

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you realize this lowering of testosterone is not accidental right? unironically kikes.

The corn and plastics factors sound like just old greed. So yeah, kikes play a role, but not the goal.

stop eating meat
you think that the "meat" you buy now is real meat? nope, it's pure chemistry or worse that is destroying your hormonal balance

i'm sure all the venison in my garage freezer that i whacked, butchered and froze myself last season is fine.

How long will that last in your freezer? Generally curious cause I'm a city fag that's been thinking about getting into hunting?

It's not really the meat, which is still good protein, it's that fats preserve pollutants, so the FAT of any animal is going to be tainted and saturated with whatever crap is already negatively affecting men.

Make keto mandatory diet for White men.

Them pigs are never gonna get ANY exercise walking them like that

onions and cabbage. cabbage blocks estrogen and onions raises testosterone especially when eaten raw.

Red pill: meat, in particular, animal fat - lowers testosterone.

Meat used to be a luxury. - now you have it home delivered.

Its even worse, it's natural.

Intensive farming in the milk and bovine industry, means the estrogen levels in cows is x300 it is naturally.

Vegetarians have much lower sperm count.
I've been eating only meat for 3 months and never felt better mentally, and physically I've never grown muscle and lost fat so efficiently.
Carbs and plants make you dumb and crazy, why do you think all the mentally ill leftists are also vegetarians and vegans - bit of a coincidence...

>stop eating meat

wtf am i supposed to eat nigga? meat from killing cows myself?

>since the intro of plastics
no its spending all day in doors with zero sunlight aka vit D

not sure if trolling or if you actually think rational thought is linked to testoserone.

bull shark, oxen, and black people have higher testosterone than all other races of people and have NEVER built anything of value except neil degrasse tyson is very cool.

/ end shit post.

Does carrying pigs around like that help?

Testosterone is related to protecting status. That's why niggers freak out at being "dissed" because its biologically a threat to social status. That's why low t old men in political positions are being pushed around.

Niggers dont actually have higher testosterone on average compared to whites

This. That factory farmed meat full of growth hormones ain't real meat.
>meat full of poison, raised in shitty conditions
>veggies and fruits sprayed with pesticides that'll shrivel your nuts
>raw milk is illegal, only milk you can get is pasteurized sugar water
>EVERYTHING is wrapped or contained in plastics
>GMO everywhere, can't really trust all that non-GMO stuff either
>water contaminated with fluoride, BPA, birth control hormones

What are you supposed to do?

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oestrogen + intellect = fear

testosterone + intellect = civilisation

Btw, another thing a man should do is run some steroid cycles to flush out some estrogen and build muscle. Just not too young since endocrine system could be damaged. 22 is a good age for first cycle.

Ironically Trunp is hurting the possiblity of doing this because of increased customs screening. Never buy domestic labs roids, they're all fakes.

Fuck off kike everyone should follow a carnivore (meat only diet).

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>until the environment is fixed
...which will be never.

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not freak out and eat as clean as you can. You wont doom yourself to manboobdom as long as you still exercise and eat well

eat more healthily (stuff like broccoli is great for hormones)
exercise, mostly strength training compound lifts and running
sleep better
lower body fat

These four are easy and legal and every man can do them. Theyre also the most effective natural testosterone enhancers.

>pic related
EZ to beat this and youre in the top 50% of test levels unless youve got some disease or whatever

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