What a fucking piece of shit, what the hell is wrong with Canada?

What a fucking piece of shit, what the hell is wrong with Canada?

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The PM is a faggot but this debate is stupid, niggers should just get jobs if they want more food

He was talking about people living in poverty, and he's right. You just need to eat pasta, rice, beans, potatoes and frozen vegetables as your staple.

This is ridiculous, $90? I can't be expected to live on $120 a week. What am I supposed to by with $150? $240 paychecks are not a living wage!

I'll be calling my accountant!

There are less people in Canada than there are in California, they should be furrious that they are living anything less than a Quatari tier lifestyle but Canadians are irl like the most hilariously mediocre people you will ever meet. They are never doing bad or well, just generally OK

You can eat rice beans and chicken, not lavish but it's doable for a family of four at $75. $75 buys a shitload of rice.

That "debate of the chiefs" they had was a huge virtue signaling contest.
And then they come out with shit like this.

UBI in america first will show the world why were the best.

Once the automation system starts up and we get UBI we will be fucking seeing a new age of tech a new age of men patriots creating wonderous inventions with their free time.

The right forgets, libertarians forget. The right and libertarians work jobs, they dont have as much time or money for theirselves to reach their potential.

With UBI we will see this potential and see a new age of discovery and tech that will see men explore the stars.

Even if you are so retarded that you can't find a way to inexpensively make your own food, im sure you could manage on 15 fucking little ceasars pizzas a week

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UBI will lead to widespread poverty, disorder, oppression and then exterminations.


People will all become NEETS on UBI. That is until the system implodes under the weight of degeneracy.

Living modestly, for two people (+ 2 kitties), it's about $150/wk for foodstuffs where I'm at in the states. Cut that in half and I would start cannibalizing pols to save on meats, although I couldn't skimp on catfood, p. sure our cats would turn their heads at the prospect of eating our representatives, not that I blame them.

The moochers are already mooching.

We will see working men like us with spare time and cash.

Give men like us spare time and cash and what do we do with it? We change this world, we build businesses or upgrade our communities stature we help other good people.

The moochers can spend thei ubi on stupid shit.

Us workers that get UBI will change this world.

You should see that 1k a month in the hands of men like us, is worth it to give 10 moochers the same, theyll waste theirs our will help us invent, create, bring change.

he never they were eating every day.

piece of shit Couillard kept implying that Legault was saying a hijabi bitch wasnt Quebecois and Legault was too much of a bitch to flat out say that a rag on your head is not part of our culture.

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Fuck off commie nigger

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unironically this

My favorite part was when Legault was whining that people kept lying about him and that they were taking advantage from it, and Couillard told him something like "You know why people are saying these things about you? Because you scare them, Mr. Legault. YOU ARE SCAWY.".
Fucking kek.
And Lisée was just screaming about tolerance his arms in the air or at least that's all I remember from him.
Manon might be a near-commie but at least she believes in it and she wasn't even virtue signaling as hard as those other fags.
Legault might be OK. I mean, he's probably a corrupt asshole with big plans to make himself and his pals lots money. But that doesn't even necessarily make him any worse than the others.

see this
A thousand dollars in a hard working mans hand is worth way more than those moochers.

People forget let the moochers fuck themselves and waste their UBI people that are hard working will use it to better evetyhing and inventt.

I seriously want to see anything reasonably healthy for a family of three on $75 a week, some serious bullshit. Like seriously pol make me a shopping list that is healthy enough not stunt a child's growth and sustain two adults.

$75 is plenty

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Fucking six limes.

Also 75$ for three people is easy. You can buy an entire chicken for like 4 bucks. And that feeds for two days.

Haha this sounds like a communist. Next thing you know they are talking about rations.

75 a week is a good food budget for a family of 4. Protip: leave the wife and kids at home so you can buy the shit that you need without them nagging to get unnecessary bs.

He's right though.

im sure theyd still make a news story regardless of wahtever arbitrary dollar amount he said

What an American post

>per week
Absolutely fucking true and if you can't manage to feed 4 people on that you're either retarded with money or retarded at cooking

t. single canuck who lives on $20/wk and eats heartily

>what is bulk
>what is slowcooker and freezing extra
>what is chicken thighs
>what are eggs

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if you replace everyone with chinks, a famiry can rive on $75 worth of lice.

$500 for matzoh? oy vey!

no reason to work = no reason to live.

why dont u commies understand this

if you buy 15 little caesars $5 pizzas within a month, you get half-off American citizenship. pretty decent deal

>eating low quality poisoned food.

Absolutely reprehensible, I bet you smell and look like shit.

Wrong. People need things to strive for and some kind of "bait" to move them in said direction. When given the option of being a need with all the bread and games around going the extra mile for humanity takes the back seat.

Musk memes aside the guy went through hell and a lot of hardship (bullying to the point of hospitalization) to be moulded into a remarkable human being.

People need a struggle and something to strive for to truly live. And I'm saying that from experience and a fat paycheck thst I get for doing jack shit.

Don't be like me, don't end up like me. Don't let the government do everything for you, find your own inner power and potential and find and save the people that you love around you.

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too many chinks. but our type of conservatism is closer to national socialism than america's type of conservatism.

Also ITT: people who have never lived with less than $100 a week and rent/bills to pay.

So let me show you how that is correct. Chicken thighs are 2 dollars a pound at Sams Club. Lets say 3 dollars a pound just for fun. I believe a serving of meat is 3 we'll allow 2 servings a meal so a half a pound of chicken her people. That's a dollar fifty for the meat. Potatos are about 4 dollars for a 10 pound bag. A family can maybe eat 2 bags a weak. Add to that a 3 dollar bag of carrots, and a 3 dollar bag of onions, and just for fun a 20 pound bag of rice for like, I dunno 10 dollars? I don't know how much rice goes for these days. Add in 10 more dollars for a bag of black beans and you are up to 65 dollars. You can definitely feed 1 person for 75 a week. You should be able to feed at least a family of two.

Being a neet*

After I got blacklisted by the Jews I would never work again and lived my life out in exile. There was meagerness mixed with moments of happiness. You never know how somebody's life will turn out.

I was living on $200 a month for a good stretch. That's $200 for my car, utilities, cell phone, internet, and food. It's not hard at all really.



maybe not for an american getting pop, chips, and burgers everyday

And for the record, I am lean and fit and have strong semen

"socialism" - where everybody is equally poor

That piece of shit Couillard lives in a bubble and probably has not shopped for his groceries in 30 years...like all the rest of the scumbag elites that lord over us.

Forget chicken, you can buy a fat pork shoulder for like $9 that will feed 4 twice over easily. Slowcook that shit, have it any way you like all week.

well yeah, if you're living innawoods away from modern society then that is obviously preferable to being a normie citizen. im saying it would drive people to suicide if they still lived in los angeles for example

Organic, unprocessed food is the cheapest, you absolute retard.

You white people are pathetic with your pasta and vegetables lol such bland shit taste in food, go eat some raw unseasoned chicken

Also...Couillard and the rest of those fucks get an allowance of 125$ for restaurant meals every day three times a day.
Really makes you think...

No, you just adapt and find other measures of meaning to life. Its rather remarkable really.

Quebec should really separate. Or at least stop leeching off of Alberta

Look at the date, 2015. Now seriously go to walmart's website and check the current prices on those items. 1.24 for 36 eggs, bullshit. I got 39.20 cents for all that. these guys are eating is fucking beans, tomatoes and fucking rice boiled in plastic. Where's the toiletries & other necessities. Laundry detergent? Hand soap? Toilet paper?

You fucks are scrooges, playing right into the jews hands of turning against your white brethren over fucking grocery bill size. "Oh gee I don't want my white brothers to enjoy life, or eat healthy to build up fine white children, they need to adopt a high carb diet and vitamin poor diet like I do! Oh man they bout a gallon of chocolate milk, fuck those guys"

Elon Musk wants UBI.

He knows what it brings.

You and I both know the moochers are already mooching, UBI will help the workers. the working men who strive to survive.

It will bring about change you cant imagine. It is already coming, no stopping it now, Elon, Zukerberg, Virgin mobile dude, Google, Facebook, more and more politicians.

It is coming and you will see, a new age, brought on by working men who can now invent and use their time for betterment.

They dont see that UBI will mainly help their brothers.

We get shit done, we do things right, that 1k a month for us will change things because it mainly goes to your brothers and sisters and that means true change because we will have the time to do shit.

Liberals always have time because they have no jobs.

With UBI we will have time, and that is a thing of beauty.

It will also silence liberal bullshit, because everyone will be paid the same and the cream will rise to the top, us.

Couillard is a massive faggot

Multivitamins + 14000 calories of carbs.
You survive. Its that easy. Shouldn't be more than 30 quid a day.

He's a (((politician))) with no real connection to the people, of course he is out of the loop. Granted you could probably feed a family for that, if not less, depending on the time of year... if you don't live in the middle of the woods or up north.

Go eat some burnt low quality pork-chops slathered in Generic Barbecue sauce and salt, Jamal.

hes not wrong though, people these days cant budget for shit. even the homeless niggers have the latest iphone

You better genocide all the spics, niggers, chinks, and Indians first. Maybe go for the natives too, but maybe not since they are already on "UBI" most of the time and just die of alcohol poisoning on or near their reserves.

I live on $60 bucks a week as it is

$75 would be a cakewalk.

He probably spends $75 per plate though

When I went to the US, all of the shit restaurants I tried were black-run.

>I live on $60 bucks a week as it is
4 people on the same quality of life, is $240pw.

>fed 6 college guys for $70/wk
>rice, beans, egg, veggies, ground meats for flavor (3 to 4 times a day)
>$25/wk during small game, fowl, and deer season
the fuck you idiots eating?

Unironically this
One of the most resource rich nations on the planet, enough land for every single person to own 80 acres
so we spend it all on importing brown people

what the fuck

Coming from a country whose politics are dictated entirely based on false rape allegations.

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Yeah not to mention yellow people are turning your already non existant middle class into neo serfs

>3 Dozen Eggs -> $5
>1 Gallon Milk -> $2
>10 cans of Black Beans -> $8
>3 lbs. 80/20 ground beef -> $15
>10 cans of mixed vegetables -> $10
>1 loaf of bread -> $2
>3 Whole Rotisserie Chickens -> $15
>1 bag of Coffee -> $4
>1 3 lb bag of Rice -> $8
>Salt, Pepper, Butter -> $3
>10x Ramen -> $3

That's $75 worth of groceries. A family of 4 could easily survive on that in a week. Very easily.

>famine chairman critiquing the foods of others
Have another deep fried chicken wing you fat nigger.

>Life comes at ya fast

>being this poor
They should make it a rule that if you're too poor to kill a baby, you shouldn't be allowed to fuck

Ramen is gross though.

those are american prices, not accounting for how much higher in value your dollar is compared to the loonies

stop siding with that greasy slimeball




but theres no cheetos or soda how can someone live like this

a FAMILY? Yeah fucking right. I spend around $375/month on myself and I my diet is mostly goats milk(intolerant to regular milk), orange juice, ground beef, and snacks. That doesn't include going out for food.

Price wise, per day:

1L milk- $3.25
1L Oj- $1.75
450g lean ground beef- $6
Snacks/fruit/veg- $1.50

I couldn't imagine a family surviving unless they just eat nothing but rice, beans, and water.

Family of 5, I spend over $1000 US on groceries per month, just fyi.

That went nowhere.

if youre so poor raise chickens. its fucking easy

And trust me this japanigger knows all about eating fucking rice everyday.


good comment yoshida.

It's obviously fake, Justin Trudeau would never grope a woman. If it was a man I could believe it

I have to agree. Why don't they get jobs and make more money?

oh.. wait. they're in canada

Ramen noodles are 10cents a pack
Cheap fishing rod and worms $30
Roadbkills FREE

A Canadian Super Market---
The Open Road

>politicians from foreign countries talking about how far the US dollar can go
could there be a more blatant sign that every other currency in the world is worthless monopoly money?

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>That's $75 worth of groceries. A family of 4 could easily survive on that in a week. Very easily.

For 3 meals a day between four people? Are you stupid?

An average person needs around 2,000 calories a day. A family of 4 needs 56,000 calories a week.

BeansX10=4,000 calories
3 dozen eggs= 2,520 calories
1 gallon 2% milk = 2,000 calories
3lb Ground beef = 3,700 calories
veggiesX10= around 500 calories
bread= 1300 calories
3 whole chickens = 4,300 calories
coffee= nothing
3lb rice= 4,500 calories
ramenX10= 3,700 calories

Which is about 26,000 calories. Less than half of the calories needed. You can't be living on less than 1,000 calories/day for an extended period of time, much less having you're kids eat that little.

I wish I had US prices here, I'd literally be able to cut my food budget in half.

It'd also cut your income in half

are you... pretending to be a moron?

how much money do you literally make in canada?

You can if you just eat eggs, lettuce, and other low price expirables. There’s also ramen and crap like that. It’s totally possible, just sucks.

for 4 people?

So a faggot in the last thread tried to say that I was wrong to say that, since vegetable mix and fruit cocktails cost a dollar each, and whole chicken goes for 6 bucks, a family could easily live on $75 a week. He said something like "B-But that's only 3 dollars per person!" Bitch, that's a whole chicken and 69 cans of vegetables and fruit for ONE WEEK. If a family can't live off of that then it deserves to starve.

Minimum wage in the US is $7 an hour, in Canada it's usually around $12 an hour

I eat on 300 a month. If I have a little extra, it rolls over into next month. Meat, starch, vegetable.

Hes actually right if they arent impulsive idiots, well in the rest of america at least, i heard a meal is a mortgage now in canadia

In America I sell nothing door to door and make $100/hour.

your dumb ass government made it illegal

you people should be gassed

Canada wages and prices seem to mirror those in the US. It's all up to the exchange rate, isn't it?