It’s over boys

It’s over boys.

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sage this shit jew spam to hell

Its over

>polls predict 99% in favour of Hillary
Wtf I'm Albanian now?

I could only dream about having a man like brett kavanaugh, the bitch cristine is destroying him and I will never forgive her. I've made poor choices in life so I know I would never have a chance with someone like Brett, but I'm also not a bitter woman, and bless the woman who ends up with men like Brett. You're so lucky you don't even know.
I hate the Democrats so much for smearing Brett, I can't even imagine what he's feeling right now. And those spineless Republicans.
I still have faith he will be sworn in. And I hope he gets his revenge when he does.

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>National Interest
>neocon jews
pick two


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A woman in politics is only marginally worse than a papist in politics, T.B.H.


Only thing that should be a goner is Democrat scum like Jonathan Chait.

Papists are probably best to be supreme court judges, because their translation of the law remains the same and doesn't change every 10 seconds to fit their current need.


that means he's defiantly confirmed now

I just can't figure out why the dems are bringing out the nukes now. what will they do when Trump nominates a real shitlord next time?

Haha that means he will be fine. When liberals seem over confident its just a scare tactic. They know its bullshit.

> Jonathan Chait
yeah ok



If he was confirmed without any issue he probably would've been a fair and just judge. But after all he's gone through, all hes stuck through, and the tarnish you've applied to his name? You better hope he doesn't get confirmed. Like Thomas, he's gonna have a vendetta against your kind for life

Another day, another 200 cohencidences!

This whole episode sets up a situation where Trump can nominate a 1488 extremist next time because the democrats screeching will seem like the same old histrionic nonsense.

Bret Kavanaugh was the real killer of OJ's wife. Demand the FBI be ordered to investigate this.

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

Woman are beyond worthless in the political field, and are often such a nuisance as they act predictably. Papists can be counted on to work as subversive foreign agents unless they can be bought. Therefore the woman is the worse in politics, but papists like Mr Kavanaugh are also really bad; and, there would be no need to make a decision from two losers like the politcal woman and the politcal papist in a healthy society. So I say that it's hardly worth mentioning.

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>subversive foreign agents
If you thought they were bad, wait till you see the subversive domestic agents.

>gamergate is dead
yeah yeah

They are "as" foreign agents, but they are indeed domestic agents, since they are local, lad.

>is probably
hahahahaha so he's definitely getting confirmed

That's actually a pretty good point.

Smear them all faggots

Reminder that pic. related is a quote of the highest ranking ordained Vatican official in this country.

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so do we get supercon milf with the hardline wired tight views on all the big topics

Anglos don't need any foreign help, they'll subvert themselves for money.

If pic. related is what they do in front of the cameras, what is going on behind closed doors?

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I'm an ex-catholic and hate catholics because they do put the church before the country.
They were right.
Catholics openly selling out the country to latin america just to get more people sitting in the pews turned me away.

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Anglos could easily be mistaken for being anti-anglo.

GOP needs to grow some fricken balls.

If this keeps up, and GOP gets torched in November, Trump will have no choice but to call Patriots under arms into the streets.

I'm ready. Home-armory it stacked.

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Unfortunately, this is a bad Supreme Court pick. We need real patriots in there, not taigs like Mr Kavanaugh who can be counted on for more of the same: the Supreme Court is already majority Vatican-Roman "Catholic" and has been an agent of degeneration, and has upheld a lot of anti-American positions like refusing to stop a Hispanic-controlled school from suppressing students which wore American clothing during the day of a Mexican festival.

This is a Paddy-controlled country now, dude. The Supreme Court will soon be majority-Irish Catholic. Lots of Irish Catholic CEOs and influential Irish Catholics in government. Military is full of Irish Catholics and Scots-Irish (Ulster Scots, really) and/or Irish Protestants.

Wait, does this mean Hillary is going to win in 16?

Not if things change, user. And they are always changing.

>Scots-Irish (Ulster Scots, really) and/or Irish Protestants.
That's alright, as long as they aren't named McCain (McStain).

i wonder who is behind this post

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>why didn’t she come forward 30 years ago with
>a demand for secret payments to keep quiet?

Stop larping as a woman





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At least they understand the likelihood of this failing kek

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are leftist sadistic? do they do this themselves on porpuse?

Seriously trump needs to stop being a cuck, this is legitimately psychic

>are the most evil creatures to have ever existed this sadistic

When are people going to wake up and see the consequences of the Left winning. It's literally game over for the human race.

Lol no. Poll they did showed only 26% of people found Ford to be credible. This is going to tank that number even lower, it's beyond ridiculous. No fucking proof whatsoever and tons of conflicting testimony from people interviewed with retracted statements all over the place.

Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell tried to warn the orange moron about Kavanaugh. badda bing badda boing

The media is fucked. Really, on both sides, or every side. But what the leftist media does is so dishonest it hurts my bones. First, somebody says something. "If I know kavanaugh like I know I do, he'll make it through this!"
Then "source close to kavanaugh admits odds are high"
"Can kavanaugh overcome the "unbeatable odds" sources close to him have claimed are turning his nomination into chaos?"
"Admitted compulsive liar admits to being rapist." The quote : " I think if the allegations were true, people would know, and I would resign. But these allegations are lies."
"Kavanaugh tells Congress that female rape victims are liars, who probably asked for it." Also, he tells us that it isn't rape cuz he's white.
"Kavanaugh rapes countless women everyday. Forces them to get abortions if they want to keep the baby. If they want an abortion, he forces them to keep xir."

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Scots Irish aren't ethnically Irish at all and they hate Catholics.

Their narrative is failing.