I realized everyone is born an NPC, it just take one, one single defining event to un-NPC a person

I realized everyone is born an NPC, it just take one, one single defining event to un-NPC a person.
Looking back at my past I realized I was an NPC, I used to care about videogames, entertainment, follow what parents and society expected, hating da nazis, da fash, etc.

Now thinking back, it was Breivik's attack what switched me to non-NPC. I was bothered that he did a bad thing but somehow I knew there was something more to it. His attack was a prediction of what's happening now.

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>it just take one, one single defining event to un-NPC a person
There is already an analogy for this.

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no buddy
pcs are born
npcs stay npc for life

What people don't realize here is that ''non npcs'' are also NPCs but on the other NPC faction if you actually think about it and do a comparison.

>one single defining event to un-NPC a person.

NPC's cant be un-NPC'd

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For me it was around age 5.

I'm 31 now.

I think what triggered mine was being put in hospital for severe asthma and being pumped full of steroids.

Elon Musk said hes brain started running tons of thoughts into his head around age 5, thats when it happened to me as well.

I was unable to form connections with normal people from a very young age. I thought I had autism or something my entire life, so last year I actually went to a Clinical Psychologist for testing, autism was ruled out.

I've been away for a week or so, and I missed the start of this meme.

Can I get a qrd?

If you need someone to explain it to you then you're an NPC and you're about to become self aware.

There are only X amount of souls to dwell in bodies, but too many Bodies are being born.

Most bodies born are NPC's. They can;t discuss deeper things, are glued o their phones, brainwashed, no original ideas or thoughts, most suicides are NPC's, same with school shooters.

Those with souls questions everything, want to know God, to know what is Truth, Feel, are alive, are Sentient deeply self aware that they are not this body nor this Ego

yes, but we never connected deactivating mental programming to the red pill blue pill. it used to be you could become red pilled, but we never associated it with actually breaking the conditioning.

basically normies act like videogame NPCs because you can tell that they are not real characters, they follow a set of dictated rules or a 'programming' so to speak that makes them the way they are. They do not understand this and are not aware, but they know deep inside that it is the most comfy path to take in life, thats why by cognitive dissonance and ignorance they do not 'wake up'.

Churchill was in debt to a Jewish millionaire who bailed him out of bankruptcy in 1938 before he was thrust into office.
He freed the Jews and created Israel to pay his debts.
A quote on churchill.
>he wasn't a Zionist, he once said, but he was "wedded to zionism"
Israel was seen by arabs and communists as a modern form of western imperialism.
Japanese communists, children of ww2 vets, fled Japan and married into the PLO. Arabs in the middle east never committed a suicide bombing or plane hijacking or airport attack once throughout history until after this group arrived. This group of Japs performed the FIRST plane hijackings in history, and were children of the original kamikaze zealots in ww2.
The JRA (Japanese red army) are known and proven to be responsible for organizing a vast amount of Arab terrorist attacks on the west including the very first, tel Aviv airport attack. They are proven to be training al Queda suicide bombers.
Nothing is a coincidence.

some study showed 23% of people have never experienced an internal voice/narrrative and many more "rarely" experience such

>calls people NPC
>can't come up with anything original and just makes yet another wojak edit
At least try to not act like NPCs yourselves.

I follow what society expects.

Not the modern society though.

And I care about video games as a past-time you fucking faggot, you don't have to be stuck up about things you do as a hobby. Collecting post stamps is not more valuable than pissing away few hours playing games.

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Mine talks so much I cant control it and I talk to myself out loud when no one is around. I have a dog now so I dont look so crazy. Intense group meditation for a long period of time can quiet it, but unless I'm in a group, it is very difficult. When the brain is on a higher frequency, that is how the mind behaves.
That 23% of people must be on a lower frequency, one tuned for calmness, aka docile behavior.
Higher frequencies are more associated with learning, btw.

No moron, what makes you an NPC or not is internal dialogue.


user...here's what's going to blow your mind...ready? don't freak out...

you died in that hospital. You didn't make it. You woke up in an alternate timeline...we all died and are in this realm. Don't take my word for it, try to remember your stay in that hospital......

Unless the devs for some unfathomable reason decide to grant a player a NPC avatar there is no way this is correct. Only benefit from doing this was spicing up faction war or opening up various factions for player selection.

>I realized everyone is born an NPC
Nope. I've always had an inner monolog. Even in childhood. And yes, I can remember it.

Wtf is an NPC I take 3 days off and now there’s a new meme wtf

Its your facebook friends and family.

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out of control I swear lol

A poorly constructed study said some people have no internal monologue. Jews shilled the meme in order to scare people into using more easily controlled linguistic thought. Jow Forums took the bait hard.

What does inner monologue mean, like how I talk inside of my head and think thoughts and try to be non bias and all that?

Hey retard, not everyone is born an NPC. This is going to be one of those "NPCs rationalize about their fate" threads. Fuck sake I hate these.

Just because YOU have an experience does not mean that experience is universal. Why is that so hard for you to understand? It's like every little bit of "knowledge" you come to is just another means of rationalizing how everyone else must have come to the same knowledge. Collective evolution is only a byproduct of the collective soul.

voted for shrillary - npc, low iq, high-test, bluepilled
voted for trump - non-npc, low iq, high-test, based, redpilled

So boring and dull. What a sad existence. So glad I deleted it.

A lot of trump supporters are still NPCs

>t. Jew

i was an npc until my parents fucked my entire life
feels bad man
also post in please i beg you

betting this NPC only read the article in the psych magazine

We all died and the internet is a terminal to talk to non-npcs.

Your a faggot

What can be defined as internal dialogue? I can hear myself through my head as I type and read you all. But what does it truly mean to have an internal dialogue? Because so far some examples here have been sounding like schizophrenia

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Funny how every time i post that i get almost the exact same response. Its almost as if its a prewritten script being systematically used by a group of people with hooked noses.

I think it should be important to note that having an internal dialogue does not mean one is already intelligent or has everything figured out, it just demonstrates a capacity for internal reflection and thought. How a person uses this process can be in service of very useful or wasteful activities. Technically, if I were to dedicate all of my brain power to try score all SSS on DMC4, this might be considered frivolous and wasteful, but I am dedicating no less brainpower or thought for doing so than for how some people consider modern politics, perhaps even more so. There are probably legions of people on the internet, most of them on youtube, who use their intellectual gifts for frivolous or indulgent pursuits as their consciousness is boxed in or they just willingly ignore more worldly concerns. People can also be conscious and arrive at views different from ours. We should not assume the leadership of our enemies are NPCs, as they are probably very conscious of what they do.

Finally people should be wary of infalting their ego too much because the study that borned this meme showed that in fact the majority of people do have internal thoughts, but only some of the time. 20% of the populace never stop internally thinking, and then 20% never have any internal reflection at all. It probably correlates to IQ distribution averages. We should be careful not to castrate our movement by misusing studies for a quick and easy ego boost that still wouldn't make you a wiser or more complete person. Self Consciousness is just the first step.

NPC finally started his quest.

That was good insight

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The NPC threads are fucking retarded.
>Looking back at my past I realized I was an NPC, I used to care about videogames, entertainment, follow what parents and society expected, hating da nazis, da fash, etc.
Why do you even think the retards here use NPCs? A bunch of loser gamers thinking they are better than everyone that they look up at from the gutter, they unironically use gaming terms like a cringy nerd.

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this is true, there's even a movie about it.

The Matrix still has you.

I never hated Nazis. The concept always intrigued me and actually awoke me out of my stupor of listening to whatever school told me. Before I made any decision on where I stood on Nazism I wanted to know more about what had happened.

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NPC = the new word for normie
Dont sweat about it and enjoy the lulz of pissed lefties

Here's the list of NPCs by personality type

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I really wonder how people can function without internal dialogue. I mean, I don't always have to thin this way, such as storing memory.

Ex: I keep all memories in a file drawer and pull info out based on context
But for everything else, I think to myself and go over step by step on how to improve myself or whats going on in the world. Sometime I even have multiple of myselves to talk to truly understand what I want. It's like I'm interrogating me, but not in the 1st person but in the 3rd. This is sounding more and more crazy as I type but it's true

The study has been willfully misinterpreted for memes.

That's not true, you're all NPCs in my simulation. There can be only one PC per simulation, and it's clearly me in this one.

I remember when I thought obama was the best president ever

brievik is a hero, he literally took out more leftist then the entire norwegian army combined.

I'm pretty sure Christians are NPC's, though I would consider myself one, there is just something that doesn't click for me, and many others, when I talk to christians, they seem bluepilled as fuck, most of them anyways. They don't solve any problems in the world. If christians all backed some idea we could have real change, but they don't so we don't. Promises of candy in the sky is good enough for them I guess.

Most people are bluepilled as fuck

The opposite is more true. The soul is a flame. School indoctrination, and NPC parents try to extinguish it. Some people can bounce back, but many lose their soul forever.

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Most western people are bluepilled
Most western people are christian
Most christians are bluepilled

Everyone is just ai/npc in this simulation senpai

t. autist

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>Just because YOU have an experience does not mean that experience is universal. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Autists have no understanding of other people's minds It's what leads them to believe things like NPC theory, because they don't understand other people.

Dont blackpill me some more, i m already on the brink of suicide


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summoner fuck yeah

how can you tell if someone is an npc? and how do you know you aren't one

Do you have that inner monologue/voice inside your head? Then you're an NPC. Also, it's very difficult to tell if someone is an NPC or not, you'd just have to guess after conversation. As a rule of thumb, if they easily fit into an archetype and doin't do much thinking themselves, then they're an NPC. I did have a list of NPC archetypes somewhere, if you'd like it.

Autists are telepaths, and can detect soulless NPCs.

Mage reporting in

Sounds to me like you're still running in the simulation m8.
Centrism is the player character's point of view.

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the language I use in my head isn't a language so much as it is just a 'knowing' I don't have to speak in my head to have a conversation with myself I conjure up imagery instead of words.

Cleric, but I've failed at life and squandered what potential I had. My hatred of my own failure and hypocrisy is what keeps me moving forward.

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its almost as if the retards that think they are capable of thinking for themselves are 'pre programmed' to respond with it

I thought everybody does that. I mean if I think about somethink I am going to waste my time narrating every single thing

Its more like abstract random thoughts from wich i gather the idea that I want.

Accurate in my experience.

I'd like a list of archetypes

I lost my internal dialogue when I was about 11 y/o.
It's like having same old autism but without all the fun parts.

PCs try to play along the NPC game at first because its deemed normal.
But they begin questioning it all pretty quick and think for themselves

its a repeating decimal?

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rogue reporting in. this looks pretty good

People are finally progressing towards noticing the percentages for Myer's Briggs. Good...Good. Assassin checking in.

Fuck. I tried looking and I can't find the thread where I went into detail, but basically there are a handful of archetypes for each age group/race combination, some overlapping. As a foreword, I know that Indians are Asian but for the purposes of this I'm counting them as Indian, and Asians as East Asians.

>Asian/White female, young adult to retirement age: Obsessed with Disney and Disney products to a disturbing amount, has a pinterest, will impulse-buy any merchandise that has mickey mouse on it. Classic consumer.
>Asian/Indian male, young adult: Extremely materialistic, especially with technology. Judges character by how good their phone is. Can't tell their individual personalities apart when they are in a group.
>White male (and female in some cases), young adult: '''obscure''' Pop culture references, reddit, gratuitous swearing as comedy. What a lot of people would refer to as bugmen, their defining trait to them is 'I'm pickle rick and I don't give a fu*burp*uck!', while clearly giving a fuck.
>White male, retirement age to elderly: neocon who loves sportsball, hates immigrants and follows pretty much anything Trump says. Loves Israel, though, and is somewhat of a devout christian. Owns guns, more common in America. The real boomer.
>White female, retirement age to elderly: Has mostly traditional values, but agrees with most of what her husband (previous archetype) has to say. Your viewpoints might overlap with hers, but she never gives the reasoning behind it.
>White female, teen to young adult: obsessed with kpop, and can be identified by their use of tumblr case (Putting their name and proper nouns in all lowercase, using alternating case to mock someone [Side note: NPCs making fun of opinions without countering them is a very common trait]). Will listen to pretty much whatever their kpop idols say, and doesn't even like the music, just watches it for the 'cute asian boys hehe'.

I feel autistic now, part 2.
>Female, teen to young adult: Listens to whatever the most popular celebrity has to say. Is a consumer without realising it, yet thinks they're #TheResistance (Hashtags are used by NPCs to find what's popular and just serve as buzzwords), fighting against the all-powerful alt right. 'White fragility' is common, as well as 'who hurt you' and a few other tactics to dehumanise the opposition.

Thanks for looking for it anyway, the reproduction works just as well for me. I like the view of the world as a story/ narrative and scenarios/ events as character interactions. I enjoy archetypes and their variations. I'm always interested to see different lists of observed archetypes.

one of the top memes of the year

turns out a lot of people don't have internal thoughts and basically just act on impulse, i imagine people like this have a very easy time getting to sleep at night

>Do you have that inner monologue/voice inside your head? Then you're an NPC.

It's the opposite, it went that some people *don't* have that inner discussion.

fuck that's what I meant, thanks for pointing that out htough

images such as these have started to make me feel some obscure underlying pain recently, due to the actual accuracy of the depictions,,, i guess the walking dead isn't just a tv show...

assassin, nice

Someone's got a case of the Mondays

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Call me a pussy, but at least I'm not an NPC.


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They misrepresented the information. You fell for the science jew again. Sorry guys, turns out other people actually do have agency.

Yes, and some people doesn’t have any inner voice, tried on room-mate, of the 2 one was a npc

What did he say to you when you tried to explain the concept?

Did he transform into a matrix agent and you had to kung fu him away?

I'm okay with this

This is just "wake up sheeple" but with a low effort wojack attatched to it. I don't think you're going to convince anyone of anything with these barely thought out arguments.

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NPC miner reporting

He was confused because he never experienced it, when he want to speak to himself he need to do it vocally


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I remember dying of asthma around that age too

everyone has the chance to be a pc. we should stick together and help all npc's to become real pc. but wordgroids, who barelly manage to internal dialogue and think they are better than npc's are the worst. they don't even grasp the concept of fluent thinking with images. we, fluentthinkers, laugh at that kind. wordgroids are actually even worse than npc's, because they feel so enlightened and smart that they can't be helped. it's so tiresome to see wordgroids attacking npc's for their faults, not even recognize their owns.