They walk among us

If ayys are technologically advanced enough for interstellar travel, it is logical that they would have the technology to observe, even interact, with us unnoticed. It’s also illogical to assume success would be 100%. So, pol, there must be examples of slip ups, unintentional reveals.

There must be proof. Post it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

ufo ≠ aliens
ufo is a serious field. Stop ruining it by bringing your ayyy lmao garbage for autists

Ufology is noob-tiere. If we already know they are here, shouldn't we be looking into them instead of their tin cans in the sky?

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Its all about Germans, Americans and to some lesser extent if they even have one function today, Russians.

To Jow Forums disgust, the actual elite which are relative organic/artificial organized, relative good/evil motivated; lie in media. Many have already said half truths only that you don't want to see it or pick it. Man in the castle show what if possible to change in the world with so many "small" factors suppressed or changed.

We live in very limited society, specially copyrights, ACTs and social ethics pushing us down on technology and logic. Like a controlled farm.

This is an extraordinary image.

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I want to build one with Jow Forums. I think it'd be fun. Plus it's all figured out anyway.

And well we came from Foo Fighters, known to pilots as enemy advanced monitoring aircraft, to a psychotic narrative of extraterrestrial more shy than a autistic potato. Give me a break, and let me glow alone this night, its so sad who people are sleeping around.

never saw this image, pretty rad. when you consider the vastness of the universe, it's almost certain there is plenty of other intelligent life out there. whether or not we could ever communicate with something, or meet it face to face, that is hard to say. but then again, if something was sufficiently technologically advanced we would probably never even know it was here. i've always thought that perhaps we were some kind of experiment, an outpost of life in some distant corner of the universe away from everyone else. maybe they forgot about us, maybe they developed their own problems. maybe they genetically engineered us, or steered us in a certain direction. maybe they are "those who from heaven to earth came", what our ancestors called gods. maybe we will never be allowed to leave this planet. maybe we are too dangerous. maybe they're among us already, and we don't even know it, pic related.

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Aliens dont exist. Life cannot spring in to existence without a creator. The odds are superastronomically opposed to it. If there are any "aliens" were already here and are servants of Satan. Beware the great deception.

People can have six fingers too, does that make them aliens?

Germans had atomic bombs in 1938, does that makes them time travellers?

The Dreyfuss Oracle had statistics disciplines and a very detailed data base during Bronze age, does that makes them Gods messengers?

People are blind not because they were lied to, they do because they are comfortable complaining and living up to it.

>Aliens don't exist

Look at this dude

That’s not mars with a blue sky

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They made us in their image through technology and using their DNA to mix with early man.

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Yeah that’s obvious.

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(((they))) are scared

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why create a straw man argument peru? no one suggested these things.

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So let me ask you this what is more plausible:

1. Advanced intelligent live form that comes to earth for [supposed] biological experimentation and [allegedly] can't stablish the minimum contact using any regular and repeatable channel.

2. A more intelligent humanoid from the era were humanoids roamed Earth, and they crafter modern humans by Eugenics and whipped the rest of the lesser Humanoids? (Like the Australian aborigines). Because our DNA shows we all came from a very reduced group of humans and the main differences came also from not so related ancestry within the "races".

This is why the Bible said the higher beings created us at their imagine. Of course space aliens sound more logical right?

It's fake. Relax.

They arent space aliens

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The photo at the bottom right of the Earth's pole, do we have a source on that?

nah its just all the galactic radiation hitting us causing either people to go crazy or demons are phasing in and out of our plane

Dont think so. Antarctica is a lie though

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Of course they aren't. They are more related to Jewish people, they do have bigger heads but that doesn't make them less "humane" or mortal. But hey keep masturbating at the idea whites are superior for technological advancements in the last 500 years, specially if most of it was pushed by in fact Jews in disguise like the Enlightenment era.

Even elite Jews feel ashamed of their own kind, because the "superior beings" gave them the role of spiritually guide humanity.

But don't worry, the super species that crafted us are either extinct or almost gone.

When the bombs drop on Israel just know your death will be celebrated.

That's actually a giant tree stump. The government lies to everybody and tells people it's a mountain. They want to hide the existence of giants and giant trees as spoken of in the bible to hide God. There are few giant trees left scattered throughout the earth and the U.S. government has every one of them tracked and under watch constantly. Deceiving cowards

why dont you retards shove your shill ops up your ass

Attached: flatearthfaggett.webm (1920x1080, 1.97M)

The issue you may not consider is that if aliens have come here to live, what the hell did they do to piss off the planet they came from? I mean this place is a shithole.
I mean just look at this asshole.

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How does it feel to belong to a race so mentally retarded that can't foresee the next 10 generations future?

The blacks are not different than whites, its like a delightful irony that any extremist ideals of superiority and xenophobia if accomplished will end up in one sole race, that eventually will spread and diversified just like the more evolved humanoids did in the past to "humanity".

Your hate for Jews is going to be your downfall too, they were given the role of guidelines at which they are failing but they will be tomorrow. Others if they get corrupt will disappear easily. Like many cultures had. So instead of wishing the death of Jews, you should help them to clean their own corruption and learn from their kind words of love.

Your country will be remembered as the ultimate evil for all generations to come.

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I am not even Jewish, just an Amerindian.

You don't even know what that symbol mean

one time I went for a walk and saw a bright light shoot across the sky that was gone in an instant

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Nice fish eye lens. Every body who wears a white coat and a nametag is who you worship. You're more religious than Christians.

NPCs are Ayys drones

and youre fucking stupid

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StarChild skull is fascinating because it was proven comprehensively that it couldn't just be niggers with a deformed warped skull from weird headdresses or any human with a medical deformity.

Strangely enough before they were going to have it properly tested and what not Lloyd Pye mysteriously died.

Like a shooting star? Did you make a wish?

i would beat an alien up in a fist fight easily

>when you consider the vastness of the universe,

So they say, but where is the proof?
These "aliens" are the fallen angels and their hydbrid offspring of Scripture. Their home is under the earth and in the skies.

Its like people choose to be lied, don't you think? Truth is always more boring than a narrative.

>t. refraction/mirage

If curvature was noticeable from that distance, there wouldn't be cases of mountains and islands being seen from hundreds of miles away. You would be able to notice curvature easily from 100,000 feet in the air, yet there is footage of balloons getting to that height and seeing a flat horizon.

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if you have to insult people it's because you're a shill

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>it's all a mirage

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This. Thank you fucking french fries for saying it. The study of UFOs dates hundreds of years back in history. It's a serious study, and morons keep bring the alien red herring in.

Actuall I am not a flat earther, but the water reflects off the horizon creating a dipping look. This is known and common knowledge for anyone with a boat as this helps us gauge how far / close shores are from us by determining how far the tall buildings appear sunken in the water

You could have demonstrated your own advanced technological superpowers and not posted a fucking thumbnail

Oh I forget to mention, Eratosthenes was an Alexandrian. Basically a Jewish Greek. Keep hating on them flat earthers.

Serious question: If not aliens, then what exactly are you hoping the UFOs to mean? Angels? Random physics reactions?

Attached: Extraordinary - The Stan Romanek Story - Alien Photographs.webm (720x480, 2.96M)

wow its almost like mountains are mountains and stick up from surface
whoa dude
do you feel good having destroyed the truth movement?

Google the canadian minister of defense talking about aliens on RT. The government knew of 12 different types of aliens that walked among us, apparently. I don't know if it's bullshit or not but the guy seemed straight. I don't really give a fuck to be honest. Aliens are fucking stupid.

You're too arrogant to be a truth seeker. You're a gatekeeper shill. You're scared. It's understandable since Israel is getting wiped out pretty soon here.

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Fallen angels larping as aliens so gullible humans believe in extraterrestrials.

Flat tard spotted.

Ok grandma.

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the height is 8-10 feet. if you lay on your side on the ground and look parallel to the ground with your lowest eye, your view of the building will be just as obfuscated as the drone at h=0. as you stand up you will see more of it.

Nice job user.

Kick his ass bro he's a punk, he talkin like his ayy game is on point

I have no idea what UFOs are, and that's the point. Those who make a claim of aliens are making one over and above the mere claim of mystery. You immediately invite autists to argue "BUT YOU DON'T HAVE EVIDENCE THEY'RE ALIENS". The alien hypothesis is simple abductive reasoning, inference to the best explanation. I prefer a more modest claim - We don't know what UFOs are and we have no good explanations to fit the phenomenon.

If you peer into some of the literature, you'll find that people have claimed to have face to face contact with UFOs. They fly down, change shape, and carry on conversations with passerbys. This is utterly bizarre, I know. But this type of phenomenon actually dates back BEFORE ufos! Some people hundreds of years ago reported interactions eerily similar to those between UFOs and People nowadays. Back then, they were called Angels, fairies, ghosts, demons etc What's the explanation? I don't know.

Google chemtrails
all you kike fucks need to go back to re ddit. oh wait theres no point since its literally all kikes. just like this shit board is turning into. parasites.

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What the FUCK are you talking about??? It's ROUND dude!

It's on NASAs website

There are many, basically Germans had this technology. Question here is why do they lost the war if they had atomic weapons before some "Jews" from Uranium Club flipped and helped the Manhattan Project?
>Yes they were Jews in the Nazi Party too, not only in Science but Finance (BIS) and military (Eastern Front).
Point here is why so many people claimed American Navy and later Nasa was infiltrated by Nazis? When you didn't get money for weird news. Its truth, but PaperClip can't explain everything.

Did Americans did the Marshall Plan from a good heart intention or was it imposed?

Also so many said the war didn't end in 1945, it prolonged way after. And that around 1950 there were massive battles in Antarctica.

What is more plausible a peace treaty between two factions or somehow the nicest end to the most savage and bloody war? I think is the first.

>You claim this Earth is yours, stay here then. Let us prepare our side to leave to another place. If your system is good it should work and let us keep up our movement in other places far away from Earth.

Now do you get why so many desinfo narratives add the biological part? Or how they handle crashes?

Also extraterrestrial live is not new, its even found in the moon or asteroids. More common in outerspace. Its only than the CIA from the 50s spread the narrative of intelligent life forms coming to earth. Even U2 was said to be from outer space, when radars got them.

>Nazca Alien Mummies

>there must be examples of slip ups, unintentional reveals.

Attached: Extraordinary - The Stan Romanek Story - Alien In The Window.webm (564x422, 2.9M)

They could be so technologically advanced that you could be staring right at one and not perceive it as an alien. You could be inside one, even. Who knows what form they will take? Maybe they exist as hyperdimensional energy waves. Maybe their form exceeds our human-known categories.

Maybe you are a semi-autonomous subroutine in an alien's mind.

>be an ayylmao
>have tech to travel faster than light
>Peer through window to see if there someone inside.

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Magickal beings, who use their magic to travel through time, into the past, and into the future, but never beyond their alloted time of judgement for their wicked deeds.

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Its humans.
Many slaves from this site reported many times, a bell shaped craft Nazis worked on. But the main evidence if you like its the leaked schematics.

But yeah extraterrestrials, right m8?

i immediately download a local copy of all these 'certain features disabled' videos
& everyone else should too
only works atm ....

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>You could be inside one, even.
this is my fetish

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aliens are manlets

Attached: Tape 5 - Skinny Bob.webm (608x342, 2.91M)

Doesn't look real looks CGI

aliens can easily have cloaking tech for their ships, so they can also have tech to blend in with everyday humans.

i sincerely think aliens exist, and are operating at multiple levels of society. many of us are just too distracted to see their actions.

Probably the ISS.

No they aren't, you've probably never even seen an alien. They stand at least a foot taller than humans

t. 5'11 alien

was driving home with a friend about 14-15 years ago near a military base. base is off the highway a ways, about a mile back from the road, its a big one i wont name it. theres a stop light in the middle of the highway there, only one for miles. we get there around 1 am, its dark, no traffic, just us for the last 15 minutes. i stop at the light, and we wait. i see green light on the hood of my silver car, so i hit the gas and look up then immediately slam on the brakes because the light is still red. we look up, we see something. if i had to guess, would say a ball looking object absolutely fucking massive, looks about 3000 feet up, but given the size who the fuck knows. it was all green light, couldnt see any surfaces, like looking at one of those balls in a lava lamp as it kind of swirls in the light. it didnt change shape, but the patters of light werent still at all. we watched it sit there like that, frozen like deer in headlights for about 30 seconds i think before it just zipped the fuck off. if we would have blinked, we would have missed it leaving. wouldnt let my friend talk to me about it for nearly 2 years, scared me pretty bad. i have no idea what it was, but we both saw it. like it was doing recon on the base, which is a munitions supply depot, and a fucking big one with a shipping harbor. size was probably like looking at the moon on a clear night. whatever the shit that was, i dont think it was ours. shared that here before, but its been a few years. shit still gives me the hebrew jewbies.

Mushrooms and mental illness?

There are three universal laws that can be applied to any alien civilization without ever having met them;

If an alien species has to choose between them and us, they won't choose us. It is difficult to imagine a contrary case; species don't survive by being self-sacrificing.

No species makes it to the top by being passive. The species in charge of any given planet will be highly intelligent, alert, aggressive, and ruthless when necessary.


The game plan is, in its simplest terms, the relativistic inverse to the golden rule: "Do unto the other fellow as he would do unto you, and do it first"..
If there is even the slightest chance of us being a threat, or becoming a threat to their civilization, they will destroy us.

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what shade of green, can you post it?

given that it was about 3000ft up, what do you estimate its diameter?

what state?

2 is probably likely, but I think that also depends on the environment. Our technological progress has mostly stemmed out of war and violence - but a different set of circumstances could apply on another kind of evolution and society.

You're probably not wrong, I just think it's worth considering the alternatives as well.

kind of bounced from like a chartreuse to a neon pepe color, didnt shift from one to the other as it did just kind of swirl about, there didnt seem to be a focal point of brightness. if i had to guess, near 747 wingspan. when it left, it seemed to just peace the fuck out of our system. was in nc, on the south east. dont want to give any more than that out location wise, sorry.

I will ayyy myself ayying if I ayy an ayy on the street

>They walk among us
Looks more like flying desu

>be an ayylmao
>travel across galaxies, if not dimensions
>arrive to earth
>start doing anal proves just for the keks

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