>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
next act of the play. Seehofer said that he suggested the compromise last week but Nahles didnt accept it. A Nahles now saying its not true. Shitshow continueing
Michael Parker
I'm wondering if Seehofer could promote Maaßen for his good work after a month or so.. Would be absolutely fuckin hilarious
Joseph Foster
Nobody cares. If you really want to achieve something become wahlbeobachter at your local election place. But I guess actually going outside and doing something usefull is too much for internet edgelords
Is germany a good country to move to? from what ive seen germans seem like a very cultured people, I have a couple of drops of german blood aswell (prussian).
Easton Gonzalez
you got some abo blood mate? come on over if you do
Im predominently english-irish but have drops of nothern italian, german and french.
Asher Perry
James Morales
Germany is having trouble keeping its identity already due to the large influx of migrants speaking different languages and practicing different cultures. You can come to appreciate the culture of Germany just like you go to japan to appreciate the culture of the Japanese.
Isaiah Ortiz
Depends. How white are you on a scale from 1 to 88? How are you banter skills?
DG, Sombra and other Stammtischers! ruskies just confirmed what I was saying all along. 'tis yuge (ok I'm hyperbolizing) anyway, 2025-2030 timeline confirmed, Neil Howe and Strauss were very right. of course Ivan is twisting it his own way, but many conclusions are very prescient and more than relevant! haven't found translated stuff, and I doubt it will soon become available, but here is original. ukros.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/podberezkinai_i_dr_mir_v_xxi_veke.pdf get ready folks, big one is coming, ruskies are preparing, ARE YOU? ukros.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/podberezkinai_i_dr_mir_v_xxi_veke.pdf get fit, get your shit together, get supplies, plan, analyze your surrounds, know risks threats and potential sources for survival.
You faggots need to get this pic into the normie-sphere, this will tank their votes.
Adrian Evans
I see very many cross/references/ in prophecies. for instance Dimde's interpretation of Nostradamus says WW3 will begin after 3 political murders of high ranking persons Dimde also mentioned war in Ukraine (that was way before 2014) Baba Vanga (many pro-russian distortions and plain fabrications exist) claimed ww3 will begin after the fall of Syria (makes sense, since Syria is one of the red lines for Russia) and Irlmaier too but then again, I prefer hard logic and analysis over prophecies (although one can say that good prophecies are nothing more than person's subconsciousness spewing out conclusions from the array of gathered data) anyways, it is my deep belief that this current world order will come to the end around 2025-2030, I was heavily influenced by "Fourth turning" - which I admit freely. and I also understand that this is not an exact "science" thus it can play out in a variety of ways - >global Mad Max >global balkanization >big semiconventional war >global collapse of economy >irregular warfare (like Syria) engulfing more and more countries until there is nothing but strife and war >all of the above
well, if it's any consolation - 2025-2030 is the END date. we are already in the fourth turning, so the big/all-encompassing-small-ones can begin anytime, it just will end around that date thanks, never heard of that one, will def look into it
Caleb Cook
Okay, so three political figures will be murdered, war will be declared and warnings are given out by riot police cars (wedges) nukes will be activated left and right around europe (spears), airplanes apparently use some sort of chemical weapon to stop eastern invasion, we get a nuclear winter (the big darkness), southern england gets hit by a wave caused by a massive nuclear explosion and may or may not hit germany, netherlands and france.
I love myself some tinfoil
Joseph Perez
oh my bad, I read those, just didn't remember the name. interdasting things in there. but as I mentioned before - don't immerse yourself into prophecies too much!
two of the murders have happened already (popular serbian politician last year, Donetsk republic leader last month) :^) I know, but it's too entertaining and comforting. Something will happen and everyone who is not an NPC can feel it.
Easton Reed
Irlmaier says the murders will be "in the east", check out the german texts (disregard the stuff in the brackets, it's interpretations by the site admin): schauungen.de/wiki/index.php?title=Alois_Irlmaier
>Something will happen and everyone who is not an NPC can feel it. words of gold, Bruder!
Robert Taylor
Jayden Watson
>dear Shitlibs and peer pressure social engineers >sorry for not clubbing them into oblivion and stripping them of their constitutional right to assemble
never heard of them, i'd like to hear their points of interests.
Colton Thomas
in the words of Hitler: "Volkverräter!!!!!!!!!!!"
seriously. secession from the german Volk is Judäa tier
Andrew Green
>secessation from germany i can't blame them, but that's pretty fucking shit.
Brody Cox
They are actual conservatives anti-abortion etc. Also separatism, but they'd need a 2/3 majority for that I think. If they make it past 5% it's good for us because it weakens CSU.
Adam Brooks
>seceeding with 20% greens and Drehhofer leading the ship as captain
Farewell Mountain-Shitters
Landon Wood
I want East-Germany to secede from the rotten BRD.
dude, let's not bicker, let's not divide. that's (((their))) game. remember pic related.
We don't want to drift into meaninglessness like yugoslavia and atomize to be easier conquered and easier destroyed as a people. instead we should lead a united front, germans, austrians, nethers and maybe danes, french, italians and maybe swiss too.
Leo Rodriguez
i feel closely connected to prussians and saxons so i would like to have NRW in my country.
if the Green party % from the polls are true than Bavaria will outcuck NRW anyway and reach Berlin tier. (who would have thought THIS even 1 year ago lol)
Jackson Fisher
i am not dividing. i am not part of a party that wants to seceede. i get your point though
who the fuck cares? If the people want it they will get another constitution which allows it. Whos going to enforce it? BRD? They will just be more determined then
Charles Bailey
No dude, you are wrong, there is not such thing as "divide means weaker", people respect you and show you strength when they treat you like they would normal people not LARP and pretend to be your friend.
I know it's not possible under federal law. They'd need 2/3 to make such a decision in accordance with the Bavarian constitution, then send unilateral declaration of independence and see what happens.
Isaac Taylor
fuck off latvian incel. balts cause nothing but trouble.
Lith-user is such a faggot that he feels shame for the only flag that symbolizes his ethnic unity of his fellow countrymen, estnog is a shitposter retard and you're not better at all.
>Get Jow Forums. >Get a job. >Spread flyers and stickers. retarded
David Harris
>implaying shitposting is a bad thing >Lith-user is such a faggot that he feels shame for the only flag that symbolizes his ethnic unity of his fellow countrymen Actualy its fat half Lithhuanian chick from America larping as Lithuanian, as for Estnog he is funny at times, and im high IQ shitposter.
zeit.de/2018/39/landtagswahl-sachsen-michael-kretschmer-cdu-rettung >"Die, die so weit weg sind, können mir ohnehin nicht helfen, dieses Land regierungsfähig zu halten." I hope it's true When the CDU is thinking about doing a AfD-CDU coalition in 2019, we don't need that autistic screeching from Berlin
Sebastian Phillips
Now that's a toughie. keep her in that position and watch her fuck up the SPD below 10% or kick her out and signal more divides within the community of the SPD and cause voter-drop that way.
It's like choosing between pest and cholera.
Joseph Jones
Der Zug hat kein halten.
Julian Ortiz
Laima > HEY HEY HEY its not us who owe you money you have to pay us for 700 years of slavery and genocide of Baltic Prussians.