How do we save the west and the white race without performing a mass genocide

How do we save the west and the white race without performing a mass genocide.

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protip: you cant

That is literally the cuckest question you could ask. Lots of people on this shithole planet would have to die for things to get better from the super rich to the useless dregs.

it's too late
move to japan

Why the super rich?
Most of them create jobs and make technology evolve, for example Elon musk

White Nationalism is on the rise. Respect for property rights and freedom of association is on the rise.

We don't NEED to commit genocide to win, we are already winning the culture war. Don't let the Jews trick you into violence, just be ready for it if the time comes, but move forward without relying on it.

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Tell you what let's make a list of all those who Jow Forums thinks need to die. I'll start:


I know those things, but it doesn't matter if our enemies still have the power to destroy us

>You shouldnt kill NSA or CIA agents

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Our enemies have no power in either the material or immaterial world. We need to keep pushing for the good of our children, but just between you and me? From an overlook of the planet, our momentum is such that we've already won.

No, you should get rid of those agencies so there are no NSA or CIA agents.

JFK tried to remove them and he got his skull btfo.

I don't want anyone getting hurt but it's hard to picture a scenario without blood being spilt on both sides once the breaking point happens.


Yes, rabid CIA and NSA dogs will try to destroy you from within.

The super wealthy who created this prison and the leeches who empowered them. Only those in the middle who were self sufficient should survive.

>elon musk
>successful new technology
Now pick one

>Elon musk
Helped create paypal (or at least profit off it)
Given a shit load of money from Obama to do all his other shit since then which, aside from maybe spacex, is a total flop

Addendum: the re-usable SRBS's are fake


Harsher Moor inquisition. Take the example from Spain. Way too much African DNA in Portugal.

same as his Mars colony plan could succed
spoiler:Nasa research showed it wouldn't

Honestly, I do not care for what happens to other "whites" who are not Finnish.

one option is to "bunker down". create new white communities away from pre-established settlement, wait for current governments to collapse, deter any non-native away from new white city states, wait for Islamic states to collapse in to anarchy, Reconquista of Europe, left wing wont have power for 1000 years as people damn well know what happens when Marxists have power.

Like stop watching, fantzsizing and jerking off to anime?

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Name a single time in history when significant wide scale social change occurred with out violence or the very immediate threat of it.

Aren't all the major religions based exactly on that?

We kicked niggers out of Portugal, they only came to Portugal during the "Estado Novo" because Salazar wanted to keep the colonies so he said that every race could be Portuguese and that our colonies were Portuguese territory like the mainland

Last resort is Reconquista

Trps for truth.
Masturbation has given us all an unthinkable madness that we refuse to admit to.

Jews to Israel, all of it. Niggers to Africa, all of them. Concentrate that filth in their homelands and they will kill themselfs.

Tesla and SpaceX are good companies, and he is investing in new technology to make our lives easier

naming the jew

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I never get why Jow Forums always acts like it's all just a numbers game, why there's a clock ticking and once that hits midnight we're all over.

Not that demographics doesn't matter, but like some more moderate ARs point out even when we cross the threshold, we're still a plurality, yes that's bad but it's not like every single white dies overnight unless something really evil happens.

So look at the Jews and how many of them there are and they benefit from this. Like, 6 million. Maybe 12 now. And yet with that little manpower they found a way to control a lot more than that.

So there's a lot more of us and we just need to start thinking creatively and maybe look at what other groups do that work. Like when you think of it couldn't you call US and Europe under liberalism basically Jewish neo-apartheid in some sense? So instead of following Richard Spencer at retard rallies, for a time we just need to study what worked and see what we can learn from that. MLK was more powerful than Hitler. I don't care if you think he was a nigger womanizer drug abusing communist who incited riots, he still overthrew the US that existed up until that point and basically without firing a single shot.

Q, walkway, kekistan, etc., all of these things are maybe cancerous but is it possible that they're closer to what's effective than the alt-right strategy of the last few years? I dunno. There's differences in terms of technology now and back then, our values vs. their values, etc., that all factors into the calculus of course but you also have to take a cold and honest look at what worked and see what you can learn from that. History only marches forward.

Idk, just my 2 cents.

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make kosher pizza...

>white race

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Which major religion become a 'major' religion with out any violence occurring to catalyze or directly cause it?

Go fix your country before it becomes a shithole

hard with all the cucks around, lost cause. just watching the whole thing go up in flames at this point.

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We need more white weeaboo incels. They will save us.

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>without performing a mass genocide

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Richard has a dumb way of spreading Alt-Right ideologies that's why the alt-right does not grow, the face of the alt-right should someone like Jared Taylor and other smart people, not Richard (By the way I'm not alt-right im close to it but I'm not alt-right

>Most of them create jobs and make technology evolve

I always assumed it was the other way around.
They are rich BECAUSE they invent some goods/services they sell and thus generate jobs.

Once wealthy they succumb to hedonism, cheeze pizza and become parasites.

no major political change can happen without violence or force

Rome was not build because of charismatic pseudocelebs buttblasting liberals and shitposting NEET's, but by strong men who fought, built and died for it.
Nazi Germany was not created by using the same old political system already established hoping that someday it would work for them, but instead by breaking free of the old system, creating a new one and purging those who stood against it
Our ancestors believed in violence to supress and defeat our enemies and look how far it has gotten us

non-violence is a jewish meme created to pacify the goy because the jews can't fight
also, read Prince

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You fucked up


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Problem is western europe is ruled by Lucifer worshippers and pedophiles. They need to go first.

Burma model was great. 700000 kebabs removed with minimal deaths. I think a hundred or so died.

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i hate abrahamism but are we just gonna forget about how romans slaughtered and enslaved other native europeans for financial gain?

because niggers, mussies and kikes wasn't really a big problem back then but other Europeans was
The world was smaller back then

If you unironically believe this then you're in for a rough awakening

You don't.

we don't. "what is falling should be also pushed and he who you cannot teach to fly you should teach to fall faster"

western, white culture is weak, it is displaying a death urge. let it fall and something great will arise from the ashes.

None of these cultures exist anymore and none of them are coming back. Christianity is on its deathbed too, in Europe, I doubt it's coming back.

The elite want to fill the vacuum with their bland monoculture, the only hope to counter this is the shit people come up with on the internet, usually here. Memes are literally the only way to make sure our culture in the future remains civilised and interesting. It's sad in a way but kind of cool in another.

Mass castration

>None of these cultures exist anymore
They exist within us

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So you think getting rid of the agencies will just stop them from following their masters' orders?

2 faggots and 5 barbarians. what can go wrong?


user... we're at the point where civil war and societal collapse are the best things we could hope for, a hard reset if you will.
ZOG bolice officers won't be getting in the way when those days come around and in the chaos, a culling will take place.

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Stop immigration from non-white countries, offer incentives for the current minority population to leave as as well as detriments for staying.

skip to 15:00

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We are fucked!!!!!!

We dont, we let it burn

What's wrong with genocide? If we let the enemy live they will regroup and return stronger

First we work upon ourselves, then include the most valuable people we can find as extensions of ourselves, then we help them with redpills, and if you catch them red handed that's when peace is no longer an option.

It's surprisingly easy to convert people. Most aren't radicalized shitheads like you see on the news or tweeting 10,000 times per day. For most people on the left it's a breath of fresh air to find someone who actually wants to help and not just talk about helping. If you can actually see their point of view and where their screws are loose it's an easy fix. If you're just poking your screwdriver around scratching their shit up, then of course they're gonna get pissed.

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why bother asking?

Do you have the power to put a plan into action even if you knew what to do?

I think he was saying like how a lot of people in this world would die for things to get better, including some super rich people

Genocide is the only answer

Mass sterilization.

no free gibs unless you or a parent have paid in for x amount of time

How do you save something that doesn't want to be saved?

Start Ngo that out competes other ngos at shipping and integrating refugees, unironically outtegrate and ship them home using leftists own money

The Final Solution

>How do you save something that doesn't want to be saved?

are you taking the opinion of the computer controlled NPC's as gospel?

or just what the mainstream media tells you?

Preform lots of small genocides.

keep eye on this channel for next two days, and you will get all the answers in the next video.


You wont regret, 1-2 days for the final solution upload

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Christianity. When you hold the charisma of truth it's possible.

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>>without performing mass genocide
Enslavement is NOT genocide, soooo
