Telegony, The Ultimate Redpill


>Ancients knew what happens when someone is an adulterer.

>The spiritual format of the male restructures his wife. This is known. You know it by how someone's girlfriend begins to mimick him.

>Stop and think for a second. Do you know of anyone who has disputed if a child is theirs or not? Seen all them shows where the current boyfriend is disputing if its his child? Was this man "late to the party?" Is he there for sloppy seconds? Any women who has a number of sex partners has an increased hardship sustaining a marriage, and children that do not relate to the father, even if he is the biological one in the case that there were earlier partners. He will have a harder time raising them, they will not think like him, in fact, NONE of the previous partners will, since the child will be an amalgam. This is an epidemic.
>Stop and actually try to think.
>A simple is example is this. Find someone you know who had a single husband before remarrying and having kids. (This may be hard except for more rural areas) Her kids from the second husband will have resemblances to the first. If the second father is black or hispanic and the first was white, the kid may have curly black hair, larger lips, brown eyes, but pale skin or unusual height(in the case of a hispanic father.) Obviously the reverse is also true. If a white woman had a black or hispanic husband first, and the second husband is white, the children may have blue or green eyes, wavy or straight hair, but darker skin tones.

>Forget fatherless children
>Forget crime statistics
>Know that this is a step dad situation 1000x more complicated.
>Ask yourself why males have an innate gut reaction to not want a woman who fucked another man.
>Feminists are a plague.

>There is a reason ancients valued viriginity, why a prince's royalty would be disputed if his mother had a previous husband, why in the bible days, adulterers BOTH male and female were put to death. Obviously this would basically remove 99% of the US

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last thread died >this is political, don't let this slide.

speaking of which, according to the gnostic gospel of philip:

>Whomever the woman loves, to him those who are born are like; if her husband, they are like her husband; if an adulterer, they are like the adulterer. Often when a woman sleeps with her husband, but while her heart is with the adulterer with whom she is accustomed to unite, she bears the one whom she bears so that he is like the adulterer

In other words, simply if her heart is not with her husband, she will "bake" the child in her womb to be as the adulterer.

>You could have prevented this.

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Was in last thread. Fucking mods probably deleted it. Mods this is 100% political, so fuck off.

user, does it affect males?

From my experience I can tell, that women with multiple sexual partners tend to bear children of lesser quality, because, according to telegony, the information of different men becomes mixed and conflicted. The result is a genetical frankenstein monster, which the mother calls her beloved child.
However, if the child is born to a virgin (or actually after intercourse with 1st male), the child is rather healthy and has no psychological health issues, nor physical disabilities or sicknesses.
Just pay attention to it, you might come to the same results.

I do not know user. All I know is that ancient texts speak of adulterers both male and female are to be put to death. I would guess because the male would be untrustworthy, thus should not procreate, whereas the female would be contaminated. Ancient texts often refer to males as "the seed" and females as "the soil."

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I had mentioned it in the last thread that died, it is obvious to those who look. You are right.

>user, does it affect males?
Yes, it does.
Each human being recieves and leaves a genetical "stamp" on the person he has sex with.
Usually the virginity of females is valued more, nontheless male virgnity is very valuable too.
So the ideal would be, that male and female remain virgins until they form a life-lasting commited relationship together and then have sex and get children.

This is not science. This is ideology.
Each pregnancy is formed through one (1) egg and ONE (1) sperm cell.
As heterosexual males you are attracted to the *concept* of “purity” in women.
“Telegony” is a bogus theory that attempts to give scientific objectivity to a trait (purity) that is socially constructed and relative.

People with who sleep around age worse after each new partner they end up looking terrible, it's why they say they can spot a virgin, because their skin has a youthful glow

This stuff resonates with me user. You should take off the memeflag if you want to be taken seriously, though

I am a Christian and I maintained my celibacy until the age of 25, when I finally allowed my lust to put me in a dangerous situation and trip me up. I have not had very much premarital sex, but it's more than none, unfortunately. And it was only just a little while later that I met a girl who I am now dating. She lives in a small, remote, conservative town, and she is a woman with a heart after God. She has never been in a relationship with a man before, let alone engaged in intercourse.

I would like to eventually marry this girl. With respect to your topic, I know that she will provide her side of the formation of a family perfectly well. But my past and my lust still haunt me, and I feel that I am in a race now to purify myself before becoming very close with her. Thank you for your thread, as the reminder of the importance of these things has helped to stir the fire under my feet. I think I can hold my end of the deal up sufficiently well, just not yet. I wish that God had introduced her to me just a few months sooner, but this outcome has more potential for my growth, and I have little doubt that His plan for us is for the best.

Pardon the blog

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>"muh science"
So you believe you know everything about procreation and whatever is not mentioned scientifically doesn't exists?
What about microchimerism, for instance?

>inb4 "muh fruit flies"
This hasn't been tested on fruitflies only. Each horse and dog breeder knows this:
If you want a pure breed, you don't allow the chosen female to copulate with random males, because the female will bear offspring with the traits of the very first male.
So if your female was white, and you let her breed with a brown horse without offspring and then with a black horse with successfull pregnancy, the offspring would be brown, not black.

Ask any dog or horse breeder, mate.

This is also interesting, since couples tend to look alike over time.
Some believe its just due to similar life experience/everyday life.
But if telegony is true (leaving genetically imprint on sexual partner), this becomes even more obvious.
And people with multiple partners have again a horrible mix of different mix in them and accordingly look worse.

epigenetics says you're full of shit.

>take off the memeflag
I know the drill. I refuse it because I'm not the JIDF. Southern US is it's own country. Ask the US.
>But my past and my lust still haunt me
You're doing the best you can user. These are shit times. You're doing great. It is for the best. God is leading us out of the degeneracy one step at a time, by our own hands.

>"slut face"

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Good job, user. You're a good man.

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Ancient texts refer to various illnesses as witchcraft too.

The first person you sleep with you're spiritually bonded with them forever

>Never heard of microchimerism.

What do you consider sleeping with?

>Thank you for your thread, as the reminder of the importance of these things has helped to stir the fire under my feet.
Fuck i meant to put my respons in this postYou're welcome user. Good luck.

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Yummy. She has the same body my wife does. My wife's tits are bigger, though. Asian girls are the superior female.

Aren't they? Failure to understand a phenomenon doesn't abstain you from the harm it causes.

Thanks anons; God bless

>No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
1 Cor 10:13

>The first person you sleep with you're spiritually bonded with them forever
>Matthew 5:31-32
It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce. But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery."
You are, which is why adultery is a big deal.
According to the gnostic Gospel of Philip:
>Whomever the woman loves, to him those who are born are like; if her husband, they are like her husband; if an adulterer, they are like the adulterer. Often when a woman sleeps with her husband, but while her heart is with the adulterer with whom she is accustomed to unite, she bears the one whom she bears so that he is like the adulterer
In other words, unless your break the spiritual bonds by stating the marriage is no longer valid, you are are still connected and committing adultery. Adultery and telegony go hand in hand. Stop spreading the degeneracy.
>Adultery via telegony is immigration to a ethnonation.
Let that sink in.

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If you do not tell your wife the relationship is over due to ONLY her sexual immorality, then she is the VICTIM of adultery(another man is the adulterer, no matter what.) If you marry a divorced woman, YOU COMMIT ADULTERY.

I do not think telegony affects men. BUT. It does affect women. This is why men are referred to as "the seed" and women "the soil." Women who have had different seeds are in a bad situation. Amalgam children. If she cheats, the soil is contaminated by 2 seeds, unless the first husband does remove "his seed" via vocal contract, his seed will be contaminated by another, and the man fucking other peoples wives is also contaminating the soil with his seed without prior permission. It's pretty simple. Regardless, it is the woman who takes the brunt of this, and should be protected from her fallacies as well as the males.

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found this:
'The most likely source of male Mc in female brain is acquisition of fetal Mc from pregnancy with a male fetus.'
So they dont exclude other possible sources...

Good luck m8. It's not so easy to stay away from whores.

you are retarded if you want to marry after 2018

Bump for interest

Telegony affects men if they come into contact with another man's sperm. Sperm doesn't distinguish between men and women in its ability to get into the blood and dna. So if you are a homosexual you will indeed have parts of your brain being parts of your homo partner's brain over time, among other areas of the body.



user, build up your discipline. You are being watched!

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Good luck, leaf. I'll try to pray for you if i can remember it.

Your story is also important, it makes me hope harder that i don't have to wait another 6 years before i meet my future wife. I'll have to work harder on that.

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brb chugging hrossjizz

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You people are all idiots, but non-White's must be expelled from white territory.

non white's what

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i am the son of a woman who slept with at least 10 men before marriage and who fathered a previous child with a previous man who is not my father. I was born to my mother in her 30's. I was born with heart defects, joint defects, I had to wear a heart monitor as a child, I didn't have a strong puberty and I have been very sickly in my childhood and adult life with many illnesses. I have also suffered from depression and these sicknesses have interrupted my life numerous times at critical phases.

For the sake of your child, please find a healthy woman at a young age who is hopefully a virgin or a low low partner count (no higher than 2 or 3 and hopefully never have had children with another man).

It has not been that great of a life being sick all the time and I have never been able to embrace and cherish what others might call "radiant youth" as wellness and health have always been far away. Be careful who you marry. Don't just be selfish and marry and have kids for the sake of it, think about your choices and the kind of children you want to bring up. Do you want your children to be healthy and powerful or weak and sickly. When you go to help create another being, only a careless or self-centered person would give little to no thought as to the being they are helping to create. If you are going to help create, do so with purpose and fervor.

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>Do you want your children to be healthy and powerful or weak and sickly.
>If you are going to help create, do so with purpose and fervor.

Thanks for sharing your story, user.

why would you make this post with a pic of a pozzed whore who sucked a gorillion of unwashed dicks for $$?

Most 4chaners are so numbed down, that they wouldnt pay attention to this thread, if not for boobs, butts and vaginas.

here is an acchive link to the last thread

>From the last thread:
>Male fetal progenitor cells persist in maternal blood for as long as 27 years postpartum
>oldest woman tested was 65 at the time of test
>Additionally, these cells were shown to be capable of division, survived postpartum, and increased in number in a second pregnancy
>Alternatively, the progenitor cells could remain in the circulation and continue to divide for years
>Male microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history
>Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse
>Male microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories
>Maternal microchimerism: lessons learned from murine models.
>It aims to summarize the potential mechanisms of migration of MMc
>In this context, we propose MMc to be a materno-fetal messenger with the capacity to critically shape the development of the offspring's immunity
>Male microchimerism in the human female brain
>We report that 63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain
>Male microchimerism was present in multiple brain regions
>In conclusion, male microchimerism is frequent and widely distributed in the human female brain

False, best clickbait is cute christian girls.

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Alright anons I need the non-christian version of this

Fucking sad. Why are men so evil and fucking stupid that they desire the current world to be as it is? Fucking stupid pieces of shit. The west deserves what it is getting.