You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't taken the Monarch pill

You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't taken the Monarch pill

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I have taken it.

Imagine Hillary becoming a Queen.
Even democracy at worst saves you from that.

The clintons would never be the monarchy

>Being governed by a priviledged minority
>Being governed by anybody

sorry, OP, i thought we were working to abolish a secretive ruling class of inbreds, not install a new one

I have. But Germ-money has not..

The main advantage of the monarchy is that an honest person can come to power, in a democracy it is impossible

dude looks like a skinny Mel Gibson

Modern nobility play identity/gender politics, brew craft beer and marry South American weather girls for social media likes.

You can say that Rothschilds are American monarchy, as they own Federal reserve that basically rules US and it is obviously inherited within family. American president is just their shabbos goy who do what they say, and if he doesnt want to, he gets the bullet like Kennedy.

I want her to kill me.

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hahahaha what

Because I read too much history

The land nobility was a counterweight to money nobility because unlike the money nobility their prosperity was tied to the welfare of the nation.
A billionaire can move his assets and be a billionaire elsewhere. The count of whatever loses his asset on betraying the country

The divine right of satanic pedo kings who were bred to think you their cattle.

>I'll pass

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They are the exact types to be installed as monarchs so Fuck Them.

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Ready and willing

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I had a monarch butterfly sting my pisshole once.

Fag smut.

He's right, you know.

Their children look Slavic as fuck

>implying the Trump family wouldn't do the same if they got a chance

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Uhhmm... I have...?

Wouldn't expect an American to have any other reaction

Read some Hoppe, my dude.

Digits and Elizabeth lives for another 15 years.

It is the only solution. They don't need real power, they just need to be there and represent the unity of the nation. It worked while we had it

Due to how human society work, power will always concentrate in very small amount of hands, you can't possibly avoid that, it is just nature. If you think that it's not like that in your country, it only means that the rulers are well-hidden and you are not aware of them. Therefore best thing you can to is to see that power is in a good hands. And absolute monarchy is best thing for that because:
- Monarch is seen by all. No shady kikes who pull the strings behind the scenes and can fuck off any time without taking any responsibility. Monarch becomes an anchor for aforementioned distribution of power, nobody can have it while this order is in place. Therefore it is extremely kike-proof, and as you can see through history, no major European country fell to kikes unless there was a revolution that eliminated monarch.
- Fate of royal line and nation is one and the same. Monarch has nowhere to go from his position, if he loses it then most likely not only him but his entire bloodline will be killed by enemies (which are impossible not to have). At the same time if one is a good ruler, he ensures not only his but his descendants' well-being. No other kind of ruler bears so much consequences for his actions.
- So-called "democracy" (which is basically rule of mass media who tells lemmings how to vote) tend to result in extremely bloated government due to more and more gibs to ensure more votes, which is nothing good unless you are nigger who consumes these gibs. There obviously wont be such shit, as monarchy utilizes more compact government.
This is monarchy pill.


Because at some point in a family there will be that one kid born with inborn flaws that will cause the whole country he/she presides over to go sideways

Because the only monarchs with any right to Poland are Wettins and they're cucks.

Why would you care about if little decorative pet of kike bankers who own Anglosphere lives or dies? Last real English king was killed in 1649, and Cromwell sold England to jews immediately after that.

I should be emperor of the solar system ruling from an asteroid battle station in earth orbit with a waifu from each nation as my crew in sailor moon uniforms in the star trek colors except engineering gets shortalls and the fighter pilots skin tight black leather

Absolutism or retarded constitutional monarchy?
Absolutism and you're destined to at some point withing max 150 years get a retard who completely ruins everything and/or allows for nobility and court factions to tear the country apart from within.
Constitutional monarchy is pathetic and a joke. I hate the King of Norway because he is turning into a SJW puppet. Can't wait till he dies - except we get an even worse boomer-tier fucker instead.

>Therefore it is extremely kike-proof
Do I have to start naming all the jews that dealt with banking or informally organised some government policies (Blochs for instance basically ran everything railway related so for example the logistics for 1878 war with turkey were run by John and for russo-japanese war by Ivan) in Russian Empire?

no bulli charles

This is nothing compared to level of infestation so-called "democracies" have. And again, they had to fight brutal revolutionary war and kill the emperor to grab full power, while for example in US they took over without a single shot (except those fired at Lincoln and Kennedy).

>wanting two kids to have more privileges than your own kids just because they came from the right pussy.

you must live your children a lot


Which one?

>believing that one family and their kin should rule over a country perpetually.

What a brilliant system! why isn't the world controlled by monarchies and dynasties, it would be so perfect....oh wait...

Sweden - cucked (immigrant invasion)
Uk - cucked (immigrant invasion)
Saudi Arabia (psycho land)
Thailand (trannies and prison for mentioning the king is a trap fucker degenerate)
The commonwealth (invaded by chinks)

Letting a family of inbred freaks and pedophiles control your country is a mistake.

I'm just against usury really. I'd rather have a dictatorship than a democracy dictated by usury.

>thinking a spanish proxy gives you any sort of credibility just because the spanish princess is in the op
>le "if you don't love jewish supremacy you hate your children"
Could you be any worse of a shill?

There will always be people with more "privileges" than you. No matter the ruling system. Humans are not equal. In this matter monarchy ensures that those with privilege are your own ethnic nobility who are interested in well-being of nation as much as you, and not rootless transnational kikes who acquired power with usury and deception and now bleeding your country dry only to fuck off to Israel afterwards.

That kids "smile" looks ugly as fuck.

Either or

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You're a pedophile, please kill yourself

They all bow to banks or controlled by kikes in some other way (or even kikes themselves like Saudi ruling family). Last real monarch was Nicholas II of Russian empire, all who left after his failure are kike pets held for amusement.

I don’t think you know what pedophile means.

yes kike pets AND criminals who think people should never own land or any resource...only them for ever.
Monarchists should be flogged in public and throw out of helicopters.

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>who think people should never own land or any resource...only them for ever.
Now that's just plain bullshit.

commonwealth countries and countries under monarchies have as a system that land is not owned but rented out to the plebs

>he Crown is the ultimate owner of all land in England and Wales (including the Isles of Scilly): all other owners hold an estate in land. Although there is some land that the Crown has never granted away, most land is held of the Crown as freehold or leasehold.

Even if we assume for a moment that English crown is an independent entity and not a family of jewish court jesters, this law is more of a symbolical one and cannot be abused without very severe consequences for crown. Any government system held together by loyalty of its subjects, and precedent of living space being revoked from you because ruler desired so will be extremely damaging for loyalty of many people. If this abuse crosses the line, monarch and their entire family is fucked beyond any measure because there are more than enough enemies who will use unrest against them. Again, no other form of government imposes this degree of responsibility on ruler.

Power corrupts. Monarchs are kikes

Cromwell was based lad, go whine about muh evil British exceptionalism in your hut.

Consider that the governor general has a higher position in all commonwealth countries than the prime minister does.
When swearing in any PM of a commonwealth country, the PM must pledge to serve the crown AND ITS INTERESTS.

The governor general must sign any law that is to be put in the books. everybody says that the power is why the fuck does the governor general need to be retained if it is all just for show.

Furthermore...take Canada for example.
The Queen of England has her own Army unit and police force: Canadian Grenadier Guards and the Royal Canadian Mountain Police.
If war breaks out, these two entities serve the crown, not the people.

if we have a Canadian that served the Grenadier Guards on this board he can confirm what I am saying.

They made the jew the tax man to lord over the goy. Fuck the Monarch

>Any government system held together by loyalty of its subjects
What are the subjects going to do, rise up and overthrow the monarch with plastic spoons?
>living space being revoked from you because ruler desired so
Like when your cities are invaded by brown hoards and become no-go zones for whites?

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Democracy supports and breeds a cast of liars and leeches. It's a rigged meritocracy in which the law is to fool the voter and sustain the rest of your mafia.

The prince is the avatar of the nation and his life and that of his succesors are the nation. They are educated and ingrained from their very childhood to take responsibility and take the helm of their nation. They get no reward from lying or being corrupt.

>If war breaks out, these two entities serve the crown, not the people.
Well, Canada has no real sovereignty, of course there will be forces from its actual capital. But main problem here is that "crown" and "people" considered two completely separate entities due to how fucked up Anglo system is. Which is, again, because Anglo monarchs arent real monarchs and have no actual power of their own.
Well, if you are fine with him letting into your nation and its financial system that previously expelled jewish bankers whose descendants sent you into world war against Hitler who didnt wanted to fight you, deconstructed your colonial empire and flooding your country with shitskins how, then okay.

>wanting to live in statist shithole ruled by family of inbreds.
Absolute state cucks.

Monarchs are usally a bunch of cowards that had a easy life while the peseants scrafice their lifes for them.

There have been only few kings in the history of humanity that fought alongside theri soldiers and gave their lifes for their country.

Alot of them were fcking ProtoJews being hypcrite forcing poor peasants who probally never saw a sword fight and die while they were hidden in a bunker with 1000 gold plated knights

Lol throne sniffer, right now Trump is president while English flail impotently at their royalty marrying a literal 56%

Fucking idiot slav, go drink yourself to death while I vote for Trump again in 2020. Right now, voting in my Republic is changing things, while you all are bitching about some dead inbreds.

I have, elector palatine save us!

The Crown recently gave the lease away to practically the entire Australian outback back to the "original" inhabitants, ie the Abos. So if you own a cattle ranch, Abos have the right to drive onto your property and do whatever the fuck they feel like, and if you need to build a dam or a fence you better get permission from their wise elders or you're fucked. Stuck a rich vein of copper ore? Better hope there aren't any sacred sites that could be disturbed by your operations, although no doubt a huge bribe would appease the spirits. Shit's fucked, the Crown died and has abandoned us, this country is going to the dogs mate.

Read Hoppe retard. Although I'm not sure it'll help someone who is into kosher sort of libertarianism in first place.

Fucking moron, there are differences in technology that have given rise to mass society. I know you slavs are still stuck in the 20th century because your peasant revolution, but you should now have access to Jacques Ellul, James Burnham, and Ted Kaczynski who will explain why this is so.

because i dont and will not accept the fact that someone should be above me, that i should bow to someone by the virtue of being born in a certain family.

Mere idea that i am beneath someone, and that someone is above me just because he was born in a certain family, not because he deserved it, or earned that position, is so fucking unacceptable to me, that i cannot understand how can anyone accept it. Like what the fuck, someone is better than me because he was born somewhere and i was somewhere else? Fuck that shit, and fuck everyone who supports it. We should respect people for what they have done and achieved, not for the mere fact he came out from a certain pussy

Why does Merkel have her fucking hands like that in every photo?

Every example of monarchy is cucked and controlled by Jews and you still want to try it? I know you fucking slavs have a knack for applying shitty political systems so why don't you give it another shot? Hell Putin is already halfway to a monarch.

Merkel does not exist its a mask if u take it of its a stereoptical jew rubbing his hands

>He doesnt believe in genetical superiority

I bet you dont even have a negative bloodtype


dear lord

Only one like that I got

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>no Kaiser to serve under

thank you son

Really? Cuz it sure seems to me like all the monarchs in Europe are betraying their country and actively supporting the invasion by subhumans; they still seem to be living comfortably though.

You are living in a fantasy world.

what if i had a white ethnoasteroid and the only people of color were my tribute wives/Crew

Been overdosing on them recently