>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Pres Trump lands @Wall Street Landing Zone NY 9/23/18
>SoS Pompeo on MeetThePress 9/23/18
>SoS Pompeo on FoxNewsSun 9/23/18
>NSA Bolton on SunMornFutures 9/23/18
>UNAmb Haley on FtN 9/23/18
>UNAmb Haley @UNSC on Peacekeeping 9/22/18
>UNAmb Haley @UNSC on Yemen 9/22/18
>TrumpTweet: United Nations 9/22/18
>TrumpTweet: Spend Your Money Well! 9/22/18
>VP Pence @Values Voters Summit 9/22/18
>Values Voters Summit Day 2 9/22/18
>President Trump MAGA Rally in Springfield MO (RSBN Pre/PostRally) 9/21/18
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Springfield MO 9/21/18
>Bannon's Trump At War re-up 9/21/18
>TrumpTweet: Consumer Sentiment 9/21/18
>Pres Trump arrives @Springfield MO 9/21/18
>Pres Trump Signs Appr Bill @VA Southern NV 9/21/18
>VP Pence stumps for Rep French Hill in Little Rock AR 9/21/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @Natl POW/MIA Recognition Day Ceremony 9/21/18

OP pastebin:

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Attached: BloodTears.jpg (601x601, 112K)


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Give it to me straight lads, are the GOP going to cuck on Kavanaugh ?



Attached: 1524103909844.jpg (350x268, 28K)

Oh I get it. Sadly Presidential limos are not for sale. You can get this funeral limo though, and transform it into something similar.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1174x866, 189K)

fuck guys im so sick of that stupid hot cheeto puff in the office, can we finally get rid of him before he does some real damage? hes basically a ERROR_STRING_ATTACK_NOT_FOUND anyways...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at GetChanAuth(
at ImageHandler.renameImage(
at ImageHandler.main(
at InsultHandler.main(


Friendly reminder that having acted like a completely normal teenager/20-something at any point during the 70s, 80s, or 90s is now absolutely forbidden. If you were part of the approximately 100% of young men who acted like a normal heterosexual male during this period, you are permanently barred from any sort of public service.

>are the GOP going to cuck on Kavanaugh ?
No. That said if they do the political consequences will be immense and not favorable for them.
Taking a dive it would be, 100%

>you are permanently barred from any sort of public service.
No you aren't. See Trump. All you have to do is
> to own up to the things you did
> to threaten to sue (with all intention to follow through) to the ones you did not

>born too late to acquire women in a non cucked way

Attached: final hope.png (602x849, 776K)

>If you were part of the approximately 100% of young men who acted like a normal heterosexual male during this period

Oh nobody here is that old.

Grassley needs to grow a spine. Everyone does

Attached: joe ascii.jpg (659x592, 155K)

>The GOP will surely do the right thing that they said they were going to do

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> teenager in the 80s/90s
My estimates put at very least 70% of this thread on that age range. Dock 20% of women and you have at very least half the population

Working theory:
Gina Haspel was John Brennon’s protege
Haspel apparently despises Trump
Trump took away Brennon’s security clearance
Op Ed letter
Weird Rosenstein attack
CIA imbeds claiming sexual abuse
Soft coup in the works

8th place for Michael Moore's movie. The guy actually thought it'd start a revolution lol

>mfw everyone forgets about this Kavanaugh shitshow in two months
>mfw no punishments to fear for anyone involved
>mfw the principled GOP let me does it again for any and all high profile candidates in the future

Attached: jewmercap.png (856x881, 134K)

>Grassley needs to grow a spine. Everyone does
It's not rocket science
> Kaanaugh confirmed = Cocaine Mitch
> Kavanaugh blocked = Cucked Mitch

Mitch McConnell knows that, it is his legacy as the "great supreme court thief" in the line.

Attached: cocaine_mitch.png (629x535, 224K)

Doesn't work like that when your future is in the hands of corrupt cucks scared of controversies instead of voters

yeah.... yeah

Attached: 1537590519552.png (500x263, 58K)

It's really simple: if the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh they will lose the House & Senate and will never get a conservative Justice on the court again.

No i'm not exaggerating.

>8th place for Michael Moore's movie. The guy actually thought it'd start a revolution lol
Fahrenheit 9/11 was the same. He thought it would cost Bush the reelection when actually it just reminded people what they were fighting against and likely gave him a boost.

Nothing to see here goys

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Attached: They're not after me, they are after you.jpg (627x884, 65K)

He is beyond irrelevant. CNN and the NYT only give him air because he's anti-Trump.


He ended up giving Trump one of the best ironic endorsements ever during the election. I bet he's never stopped steaming about that.

> Double standards and hypocrisy is common in politics
Who da thunk it

Attached: 1508453164892.png (960x1200, 2.41M)

I was called a shill for calmly stating this the other day. Wasn't even going that far (a good chance).

whatever though

Alex Jones was right. More hippie accusers will come out.

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It's not Mitch I'm worried about. It's Grassley and Flake. Hell I have more faith in Collins and murkowski

>I was called a shill for calmly stating this the other day.

>implying there aren't some of them that want that

Is Alex ever wrong?

Well you're not wrong. People like Sean Davis, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Gregg Jarrett, Candace Owens and Joe DiGenova have said similar things all week.

Honest question

Do you all find your food service better or no difference or worse at restaurants with a fair amount of diversity and why?

The commie left will use this tactic every time if they are successful and even expand it to cabinet and other federal judgeships.

>It's not Mitch I'm worried about. It's Grassley and Flake
Mitch is the only one you should be worried about. He is the one with the ultimate power to make the political calculation to let Kavanaugh fall. As long as he wants him to pass he can paralyze the whole Senate, strip senators from committees, kill their funding, etc.
Flake could be easily a "no" and he could persuade Collins and Murkovski to vote Yes with that leverage.

Chinese people are worse at everything

>absolute shitshow everywhere
>no word from POTUS

If u guys remember I said that on Wednesday of last week maybe someone has the screen cap

I don't know. I think I have decent food around me, but none of it is winning awards anytime soon

>no word from POTUS
Bullshit. Pic related. When you read "White House" it means "Trump".

Attached: statements.jpg (1224x1473, 300K)

Kinda easy prediction 2bh, they tried the scattergun approach on trump at the 11th hour too

Attached: CuckSERVEative.png (960x747, 570K)

Highly doubt Mitch will buckle. Kav is the candidate he wanted and pressured Trump to nominate.

Rumor has it Flake is negotiating a commentary deal with CNN and MSNBC

I don't think Flake wants to vote "no." That means giving up the possibility of confirming a conservative justice, after all.

Jafir go to bed

>Kav is the candidate he wanted and pressured Trump to nominate.
Kavanaugh is the candidate Romney would appoint and even McCain, Flake, Romney, the whole "RINO" guard of the GOP are for his nomination.

Which crying_wojak_with_maga_hat.png image did you use?

Sometimes I like going the China buffet but also think there is good chance they tamper with the food and laughing at all the round eyes picking from their slop

He's keeping his powder trying after blowing up the Twitterverse with that one tweet. I think he knows what he's doing.

It wouldn't surprise me. At the very least the Reps won't be able to confirm SCOTUS Justices. Disruption via activist Circuit Courts is a given. And the "big" leftist executive branch jobs like State, AG, DAG, CFPB, Education, DNI, FBI, CIA and Treasury will be crippled.

It's already happened often enough to indicate a clear pattern of attack.

>yfw this is real
>yfw this is the democrat platform currently

what is this timeline?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 7.37.42 AM.png (1176x304, 99K)

Tell us about Hispanic jobs again

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Good morning America!

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He was on a list of approved candidates by the conservative Federalist society. This is one thing Trump got very right--releasing that list--during his campaign.

wow that guy is creepy

I can cook a tastier and healthier curry than some paki.


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So Kavanaigh is quoting Mentors lyrics in his yearbook? Several years before that group formed?

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I don't eat at restaurants, but I often find more such "service quirks" among Hispanics at takeout joints around here. Beer can in a taco bag.

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You're not wrong. Senators and Congressmen are elected to "represent" their constituents. By bending over backward for the Democrats Republicans are indicating they're not going to fight for their constituents. Its very demoralizing.

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The only outright "when you win, you lose" principled trueconservative types left in the Senate are Flake, Sasse and Corker and 2/3 are out by January 2019. The women are another ballgame but they can be bent into submission.

Only that Kav was one of the 4 or 5 names added to the expanded list. Not the original list during the campaign. Mitch was lobbying Trump for Kav and told him he would be the easiest to get through the senate.

>Kavanaugh must explain his entry in his yearbook--hobbies include reading, lacrosse, and tongue-punching bitches in the fartbox
t. Creepy Porn Lawyer

>became famous for being a pornstar's lawyer and vigorously defending her life choices
>is now going to be the champion for women

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The Reps should just force Kavanaugh through. It's fucking ridiculous that twerps like Avanatti accuse him of being the captain of the local Rape Train Team while the FBI combed through Kavanaugh's entire life at least six times, and as recently as this year. Seems highly improbable that the FBI would miss Kavanaugh being Alex DeLarge after checking no more than six times, won't you think?


Attached: ok.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Whites don't need other races

Attached: a3358-arrest_by_race_for_murder_rape_robbery_assault_autotheft.png (499x398, 59K)

I don't believe your jewbooks at all

Potus should be a good sport and let Hillary pick one now that he already got to pick one. What a nice gesture that would be and clean up some of this divisiveness

You will continue to be called a shill similar to all the faggots who keep coming in and saying "NO WALL NO RE-ELECTION!"

No one cares that much about the wall, and everyone who was going to vote Republican on the basis of economy and immigration isn't going to cuck and run on the basis of Flake ruining everything again

That would literally be like declaring you're not going to vote GOP because McCain fucked up the Obamacare repeal. Why should the entire party be destroyed because of a single cucked asshole who isn't even going to be a senator next year? Use your fucking brain.


Karen still loves you, Mr Kavanaugh and hopes you win the nomination.

Attached: maga karen.gif (722x720, 163K)

What new epic may-may?

Had to deal with normies on Austalian faggotbook today who thought they were murderers because they were "blatantly waving about their guns."
Because being open and honest about what you're bringing to the table is so much more evil than surprising them, right?
Uncultured cocksuckers probably never had a shirtless argument with their neighbours in their life.

The only good diverse food here is the döner and Asian food.

>President Trump’s administration unveiled a new regulation to limit green cards and visas for immigrants who have received a various forms of welfare, the Department of Homeland Security announced Saturday.

>“This proposed rule will implement a law passed by Congress intended to promote immigrant self-sufficiency and protect finite resources by ensuring that they are not likely to become burdens on American taxpayers," DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said, per NBC.

>The proposal is rooted in a federal law that restricts immigration for people “likely to become a public charge,” according to U.S. Customs and Immigration Services; a “public charge” is someone “primarily dependent on the government for subsistence.” A regulation promulgated in 1999 construed that law as applying only to cash benefits, NBC explained, but the new proposal would broaden the list of benefits.

So basically Congress passed a law nearly 20 years ago, and Trump is using that to curb immigration. Lel.

Hollywood is your enemy

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Thankyou Stephen Miller.

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>how dare america adopt practices that almost every other country in the world uses

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230 billion,... well i guess if thats the best they can do. maybe they can get a loan?

Got it.

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Capitalists are against you and your family

Attached: DiLgjeoUEAAfqbY.jpg (768x768, 101K)

>Uncultured cocksuckers probably never had a shirtless argument with their neighbours in their life.

one of the fundamentals of living in a free society

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I don't think I've ever been to a restaurant that was noticeably shitty in that manner. But since Trump got elected most places around here seem to be hiring more white teenagers and college students so it's not really an issue.

>In 2016 Chipotle was all beans
>In 2018 it was white teens