Why do leftist npcs think a vice is a virtue? How brainwashed do you have to be to like shit like this?

Why do leftist npcs think a vice is a virtue? How brainwashed do you have to be to like shit like this?

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It's their desire to do everything without consequences and without responsibility. I assume shows like Bojack (which I used to watch) comfort people whose lives are a mess from vices, knowing that it's 'normal' to have fucked directionless lives.
It also shows how fucked our societies are, that people become reaffirmed in their world view by a cartoon horse.

I never found this show funny, from what I gather it's just an alcoholic actor horse

There's another netflix show called Big Mouth which is just about children masturbating and fucking. I don't see the appeal in this garbage. When I was a kid these types of shows would go on for 1 season, but I think bojacks been out for 4-5 years now, and big mouth the same

Fucking reditt the show

Art in general just sucks nowadays. Everything is purposely absurd, grotesque or unsettling. None of it feels good to watch. It's like leftists have unconsciously internalized being subversive as a virtue, but most lack the creativity or vision to actually say something meaningful so they go for cheap shock value.

>people become reaffirmed in their world view by a cartoon horse
There is no reason for Bojack to be a horse. He's Bob Saget with the attitude and voice of Will Arnett. It's just removed from reality ever so slightly in order to infantilize the alcoholism and to keep Bojack from just being a depressed, rich, straight white male.

It's funny because they actually turn it around and acknowledge that if you use Bojack to feel good about yourself that you're an idiot and the show a collosal mistake.

It's just that they won't levy the same criticism against the female cast, maybe next season.


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Are you confusion virtue with relatable and depressing-funny?

Never trust a man without at least one vice.
Can be anything, coffee, smokes, collecting anime figures.
But NEVER trust one that doesnt have a vice.
Why? Because if their vice isnt visible, then they are hiding it, and its probably horrible.

you're supposed to laugh AT the degeneracy not with it brainlet.

the first season was shit, but there was something about it that kept your attention, and i assumed that would be the consensus opinion on it -- fair and complimentary. then the critics went nuts for it -- i don't know why, subversive themes probably, probably they knew #MeToo was about to destroy Hollywood -- and all the normies fell in line and started pretending to love it. it's fun to watch them move in herds.

>relatable and depressing-funny
It's masturbation.
It feels good but doesn't benefit anyone in any way.

That's because the protagonist is a dude, and even then there's plenty of people who face good consequences for doing conventionally bad things like Mr peanut butter and that old roommate.

The theme is that life is brutal and doesn't care about you, so find someone who does before you wind up alone and forgotten.

Are you serious?

>There is no reason for Bojack to be a horse.
It's propaganda for race mixing. All different species of animals fucking each other in some hedonistic hell. It doesn't even picture it in a good light, all the characters are depressed. They even have the Cat try to get pregnant with a beta after she hits the wall, and she can't.
On the flipside the only 'normal american family' shown is in flashbacks of Bojacks parents. They have the classic woman trapped in the home and goes crazy. And a mean overbearing father.
Watch the film the Meyerowitz Stories, it perfectly showcases the dysfunctional families most of these (((Hollywood))) writers come from, yet they have such disdain and hatred for the family unit of the past, why? Probably because of resentment, who knows.

Are you guys fucking brainlets? The show is about how consumeristic lifestyles, negligant narcissistic personalities and shallowness can not be redeemed. They had a whole literal arc of the main character basically getting told "Fuck off" by basically everyone he fucked over.

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So trust no one?

This show is a satire on hollywood and todays values. I mean the main character is a horse, and is an actual NPC. I don't see anything presented in a positive light, it even gets more depressive the more you watch it. But I guess, people watching it and finding some meaning in it are pretty much fucked already.

>Only trust shitty people
>Everyone else is worse
This is terrible advice

It' s a jewish thing (what a coindidence, I know!). What is it called? Salvation through sin? I' ve read it somewhere.

Are you from a shithole country?
Fuck, even its nail biting or some shit. Vice doesnt neccessarily mean evil or bad, just something one cannot control and enjoys. Mine is coffee, used to be nicotine, but I traded off. I wolf bite too.

First season was pretty good. Second season was pandering garbage, to a much greater extreme. Stopped maybe 4 episodes in.

every fucking time.

Nihilistic masturbation piece.
>my life sucks
>I'm totally like bojack
Same thing happened to rick and Morty when it decided to go up it's own asshole.
So many people I knew who liked that show thought they were like rick.
It's like people cant appreciate life and art without having this weird detached unironic attitude about it.

Someone bites their nails, or really likes coffee...those are shitty people?
How many kids you got locked in your basement faggot?

that show could have entertaining moments. but mostly, it felt like drinking flavored water. You don't know if it's supposed to be funny or just be a show half the time because some stuff is so unfunny.

Yea, but in a "funny" non responsability taking sort of way.
There is no lesson learned by the charecters and just like its always sunny, celebrates shitty horrible people. ITS FUN!

>If you don't have bad habits you must have really bad habits
Aren't you just trying to justify not being a better person yourself with this attitude?
>Well yeah I have vices, but those people who don't are just secretly serial killing baby rapists so I'm still better then them
Sounds like cope

It's a show about convincing the masses not to eat the rich cause trust us bud they are way more miserable and fucked up than you. You'd be doing those disgusting creatures a favor by rising up and wiping them out, better to just stay home and wait for the next season.

Don't know why you'd watch a show to make yourself feel bad.

Chill out man. Do your drugs and shut the fuck up.

It's far from celebratory. I'm not sure how you're taking "Yeah this is how I'm going to act" from a show literally and quite obviously to the point it can be stupid making it clear that Bojack is a shit person. That he can't redeem himself, but that doesn't mean he is unable of doing good in the future.

And what lesson did this character learn from that? Nothing it was sitcom teir lesson teaching.

I'm sorry Jow Forums. I can't let you do this. This is a good show for being self aware of self destructive behavior and is realistic to those who deal with bad people. There is no other show that goes this deep with insight on what it means to actually be a good person and this "shitty" show existing provides a medium for society to discuss this. I saw some it's always sunny. Not very insightful.

I try to be a good person for my sister and show her how not to be a bitch. Unfortunately she only understands the bad habits I do and doesn't give a shit. Nobody is perfect and people like my sister will latch onto bad habits of others and ignore good ones. Meaning if Bojack doesn't exist, people like my sister will just absorb only badness from other forms of media and other people.


Stop going for Prince Charming and settle with someone with your morals and can tolerate you.

You can't always fix everything with an apology.

"Our elite masters have given us permission to fuck and do drugs all day! Hooray!"

>Who the fuck is Bog Sager or Will Amett?
>How absorbed by themselves can be burgers to don't even realize this is an international board and there are more countries beside USA who don't give a fuck about their celebrities?
Somedays I'm happy about the fact that you all are jew slaves and aren't even alive nor have a soul.

Literally what lesson does bojack learn?
He doesnt learn anything from this destructive behavior

I cant believe youve never heard the phrase...
Look it up, I didnt create it.

Have you even watched the show?
It's not about him learning lessons or some shit, if anything bojack's more of a plot convenience. He moves along with it, rather then him moving it.

Based Aussie shitposter. Keep shining u crazy diamond.

>it's a Diane episode
>it's a Todd episode

That's not a phrase. That's just something stupid people say.

What ACTUAL consequences does anyone suffer on the show?
If your answer is anything less than the full set by everyone, its celebrating sin.
>watching ANYTHING on broadcast TV
Know where ya fucked up?

It's resentment of life itself. It's the feeling that you were cheated and that nothing ever can work out well, and that the world would be better if it ended in nuclear hellfire. It's a nihilistic hopeless view of things written by people who are resolved to be helpless in the face of it all.

The thing that pisses me off about Bojack isn't the obvious degenerate shit. You can tell a good story about degenerate characters doing degenerate things and still have it be good.

It's that the characters are always so helpless and nihilistic... It's always "I'm staking my entire future on this one thing, and if it fails I'm fucked!" and then predictably it fails and they're fucked. They have no backup plan-- it's as if the failure state was the desired outcome from the start. Or the entire thing was always an excuse to give up but not think of themselves as a failure. No one ever says "whatever happens, I'll always X" unless X is some stupid virtue signally thing.

I think that defines a lot of the problems with modern society. People almost glamorize failure, rather than seeing it as a relatable, understandable, if undesirable outcome.

Yeah I've watched it multiple times and there is nothing coming out of the show besides: Dont be an asshole like this guy.
Yet, the more I watch I wonder why wouldn't I be an asshole like this guy, he literally has no bad things happen to him.
>but...but his friends have died
Yeah and he is still a rich asshole who can continue living the life he has always lived. It is basically false pain and tragedy for bojack cause like I said, its literal sitcom teir story telling.

So all you do all day, is breath, and eat and shit and pay your taxes and help little old ladies across the street?
Wtf are you doing here then?

I know that leftists think vice is a virtue but I don't think Bojack Horseman is that kind of show- it shows the vices as having destroyed his life.

I've heard it, I just don't agree with it

Threads like this remind me not to take opinions on Jow Forums too seriously. The show celebrates vice and sin? What a brainlet assessment.

>not think of themselves as a quitter
Not failure. Thinking of oneself as a failure seems to be the desired outcome.

If you're a failure you never have to exert yourself trying. If you agree to be a bad person/drunk/whatever else, you don't have to take responsibility for fucking things up. If you can somehow gain peoples' sympathy, you don't even have to be a bad person-- you can be shitty and horrible and people are willing to see it as "something that happened to you", rather than "something you caused."

Bojack Horseman is stealth red-pilled.
I enjoy it although the politics are getting a bit far. But that's basically anything on TV right now.

>Implying I watched it on TV
Use your fucking brain, jackass.

For you and the other dude, are you legitimately brain dead? So does Bojack have to like OD and die for you to be convinced that the bloke is effected by his behaviour?

You literally mentioned one of the things which cause him pain. Someone going back from his youth who he betrayed essentially told him to get fucked and died. There was no ultimatium or solution to bojack's behaviour. That's the effect. The whole show is literally about control over yourself and your life, and Bojack is failing miserably destroying everyone else's life while slowly realizing that he's destroyed/destroying his own.

They're fucking idiots who over-analyze the living shit out of everything.

Honestly that's the point of the show. Bojack doesn't learn lessons. You can see that even for a brainlet he obviously doesn't enjoy doing this and he's more miserable everytime. A running theme from the show is that all Bojack does is run from his problems. He gets worse off every season.

Everybody has problems in the show.

The careerwoman that makes her career into a baby, and now she must decide between having a career and having a baby.

The seemingly happy middle aged man that only superficially pleases his partners and refuses to grow up and date women his own age because all his young wives grow up eventually.

A stronk independent woman who just wants validation from her family and has a disconnect from her culture but doesn't try to fix the fact that she wants to be miserable.

You basically described the golden age of grotesque and now I maybe understand it more. Thank you, user, and have a listen.

Needing a tv show to teach you an explicit lesson is the intellectual equivalent of wanting to be breast fed past infancy.

>jungle spic crying about irrelevancy

I always thought Bojack is a parody about how fucked up a life that follows "modern" values is, and goes to show that having fun by doing drugs, partying, drinking, throwing away money, having non stable relationships etc fuck you up pretty bad.
The most beautiful thing about the show is that he finally smiles when his sister appreciates him, giving us the message that having a proper family is worth more than everything in the world.

>What actual consequences
Friends and loved ones wanting nothing to do with him?
>He's still rich
And part of the point of the show is that wealth doesn't mean your life isn't empty.

Thats because you are most likely an unselfaware NPC

Is it not a show that shows on broadcast TV?
Watching ANY of that shit will do you more harm than good.

The whole point of the show is that everyone is fucked up and they can never do anything worthwhile because they have other fuck ups that always bring them down.

>who told him to get fucked and died
And bojack forgot about it two episodes after.
The show does show bojack facing pain, but again this is false pain because he never learns from it. You can yell and get blue in the face that that's the point. And that I dont get it, but how can anyone take any sort "lesson" that this show has when the protagonist never learns from it. Its masturbation at bojacks pain to relieve the audiences pain.
>bojack is a piece of shit
>i can be a piece of shit too as long as I'm aware of my problems
Nothing about this show from the feminists writers who spend weeks of writer room time debating if a giraffe should have female characteristics to will Arnett half assedly delivering his lines, is redeamable

>having a work of fiction that doesnt have a complete story line

>What are streamer sites
You absolute fucking miniature minded cunt

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Yet his friends and loved ones are always a phone call away.

It promotes degeneracy, period. If it doesnt have a good message, or uses negative emotions to "entertain" its degenerate. I dont watch it, I dont watch any of it. I just know enough about it, to know what it is...Its shit, the very brown creme of which oozes out of the devils anus.


>Anyone who tries to better themselves or successfully does is still awful and even worse then me who hasn't succeeded yet

>it's 'normal' to have fucked directionless lives.
it is for rich hollywood jews who will always have rich family to fall back on

typical amerifart brain

My fucking god are you dense?
I understand you can dvr it, or download it...thats not what I said..IT IS A BROADCAST TV SHOW! It is owned, written and produced by the SAME people who Own ALL BROADCAST tv...guess who they are? Therefore is is a BROADCAST TV SHOW. Dont watch BROADCAST TV shows. Ffs

yeah but they had lots of wonderful "gross-out" stuff in the 90s and early 2000s
beavis and buthead, ren and simpy, rockos modern life, ed edd and eddy, courage the cowardly dog
seems like the people who grew up on that stuff missed the whole point and decided that gross automatically equals funny

>international board
>use self-country references
Tell me what country besides USA can do that and still have the balls to defend himself.

Are you terry davis or some shit? What's with the conspirital ranting.

My vice is raping little girls but you should trust me rather than your neighbour who is a simple family man going to work during the day and coming home in he evening for dinner, because he might be a racist, no man can be perfect

sorry mongrel this is the politics board of a American website
is that way
go talk about rape and narcotics

When did I say that faggot?
I never said anything about NOT bettering onesself, you ignorant NPC. You can better yourself all day and still have vices, even more. Fuck, CONSTANTLY trying to better onesself could in and of itself BE a vice. Plenty of gym rats, or obsesive readers out there. All vices is its something they cant or wont give up regardless of how it affects their lives. Coffee in moderation is good for you, so is alcohol. Still vices.

The pro-abortion episode almost seemed like satire. It’s shocking liberals actually see the world that way.

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Everything you do in life is a setback and you can change the goalposts. Someone who goes to prison can still be a fast food manager. Not a great job but you can build off anything.

He inadvertently killed his younger co-star that looked up to him. We'll never to see new developments on this character.
He ruined the chance for his agent to get a baby.
He ruined the one thing that his roommate loved to do because of selfishness.
He contributed to divorce of a friend of his.
He strangled a woman that he sort of loved.

It's a show, user. It goes on but you can't replace the people and connections that were lost. Bojack can because he's rich but we're all nobodies. We place ourselves in Bojack's position because of mirror neurons but even then we realize we're not rich, famous, and have a strong social support.

The show isn't just about Bojack being hurt. You can hurt other people with your actions. The show has made it clear that it's not just Bojack. There's people just as bad as Bojack and they all have feelings and not just literal NPCs.

"1 post by this ID" OP strikes again.
This will be my first and only reply to this.
All fields.

spoiler alert but he went to rehab at the end of this new season

user, I’m a phone poster and whenever I make threads people always bitch about the “1 post with ID thing with me”. What do you actually mean? I get a new ID every new thread I go on.

Yet these people he has hurt are always there for him. They are literally still (minus his old partner and that chick) there.
And speaking of sabrina? He forgot about her an episode after.
None of this affects him. Again sitcom teir writing, youd think a show that mocks consumerist sitcom society, they would actually depart from that style of writing

i know what to do with threads like this, but i also have to say that I think it's just a show and you guys should get over it. They don't exactly make Bojack look like a great guy having all these vices, he's a pathetic scumbag piece of shit and if a person found his character relatable it would surely be an unfavorable comparison.

And he will be out in two episodes or learn nothing from it

You prove my point.
If that is your vice...which I would not be surprised. You keep it hidden, and people are not aware of it.
It also doesnt mean you IMPLICITY trust anyone with a vice. It simply means that if they have no apperant vices and appear to be "good virtuous upstanding people"
It would statitistically serve you well to NOT trust those people.
Fuck, even Mormons have a vice, their religion. im enjoying all these yous.
But not for too much longer as I must engage in yet another of many vices soon...running.

>cartoon horse
the anthropomorphic shit is to avoid it being a show about a middle aged white dude
also all the various sight gags and animal puns that stem from it are probably the most entertaining bit

You have two posts
Sometimes phone posting, if you change IPs alot will change your id

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Thank you for your wisdom, I actually never saw it this way.

I will remember what you have said here.

Well Todd has severed his connection with him.
Wanda is gone.
That new chick is gone.
Diane basically told him that she doesn't like him and basically wants him to get better.
His agent is his agent but she has moved on with a new partner.
He Is essentially alone now.
I'll have to say Mr. Peanut butter forgot about his hate towards him but I think now is a big period in his life. This is season 1 but now with an opioid problems plus with more people hating him. I want to say season 6 will be big for him.

Fair enough

>says "jew slaves" and admonishes burgers
>has a little baby fit when it's turned right around

you're like a toddler

>Yeah and he is still a rich asshole who can continue living the life he has always lived.

Never in the show do they paint the rich and famous lifestyle as something that should make you happy. They make it a point to show Bojack is just as sad as a rich adult as when he was a poor kid. The anti-consumerism is one of the few good recurring themes in the show.

So it promotes communisim as well as degeneracy?
Its allmost like...GASP...NO! The jews are behind it!

>be in situation
>have no power over situation
>no way to gain power over situation
>rage and get hypertension
>situation passes by itself

well done, you just ruptured a berry aneurysm because you're too busy not being an NPC

The jews are behind everything, user. Except for ethnic nationalism. They do everything for profit. Maybe shoehorn their own ideology. It's not out of reach to say that people with artistic goal to inspire with an artpiece wants to make an point and make the audience understand the point. Marx made a good point even though he has created the worst thing to ever exist.

Back then workers were exploited, extremely poor. They worked long hours and Marx said that this meaningless consumerism led to unhappiness because people were unable to express themselves through art.

But it was a period of time where the standard of living was not improved with cheap products. In essence, Jow Forums is against mindless consumerism too. It basically ties in with degeneracy. Mindless consumerism is an easy target to be against. I don't think you can find Jow Forums the show. I don't think there's anything wrong cherrypicking the good parts of the show to advance your own development as a human being either. Just critically question whether if degenerate shows are subverting your mindset.

desu it's not as clearcut as that, it seems to glorify them in their misery
like "look at me i'm so fucked up, aren't I so cool?"

>People without vices don't exist
You're only proving my point.