The Dam Is Breaking!

Possible accuser NUMBER FOUR is now on deck!
Kavanaugh about to get BTFO yet again!

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>Kavanaugh about to get BTFO yet again!

I hope this will teach Mr Whiteknight Kavanaugh a lesson.

Piece of shit supported women his whole life.

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Looks like Kavanaugh actually did the 6 million

A little bit this; he passed over qualified male candidates simply to specifically give women the clerkships.

why didn't any of these cunts come forward in July?

It's almost seems like it's all bullshit to delay confirmation until after midterms

Because the checks hadn't cleared yet.

Don’t they know that this type of baseless shit actually hurts their cause? >I was drunk but it was him!
>what day and where did it happen?
>I was too drunk most days to know

And that avanttis tweet can’t be fucking real. Dear god they are reaching.

I really think this is one of you fuckers doing it

I got three words for you bucko:

Marginal Return Benefits

Even the women at my work said this. I over hear them at the office saying it all sounds ridiculous

Merrick Garland.

He was a plant. They thought they were going to win and threw out a moderate lefty knowing they would not vote on him.

If this is the man that will tip Roe v. Wade it'll give dems infinite ammo for a judge impeachment or just packing SCOTUS campaign.

Topaudible kek

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calling an accusation false doesn’t defuse it though

this is just too messy, republicans lost on this one

is true, this mess is what happens when republicans decided to disregard the rules of decorum

>Rod Rosenstein resigning
>*Trump teleports behind you*
>heh... nothin' personal kid...

We need to put up Barrett. A woman who is even more conservative than kavanaugh. Watch the dems go fucking apoplectic. We can do this shit

Where did you read this?

They lose if they pull the nomination. This type of bullshit can not stand. For either side it is detrimental for the country to let false claims with no proof ruin anyone’s career.

He's already perjured himself and trafficked in stolen senate democrat documents. I imagine in 2021 the new president will ensure he is in prison to open up that slot for RBGs 30 year old twin. Lock him up!

Fake rape accusations are a LIL DIFFERENT

Rush Limbaugh predicted this.

Gorillion!!!!! Shoah2. He bathes with jew soap too.

>He was a plant.
Alright, walk me through the logic here.

They do that every fucking single day in the work force. Every day. It is mandated. With niggers too.

2/10 bait

>bong thinks he knows anything

Garland was never getting that conservative seat. If it was a liberal seat then maybe you have an argument. Lets see when Ruth dies. Its coming very soon.

all this is doing is making people angry at democrats, so they'll confirm him anyway.

more like this is getting to completely unbelievable levels and he'll get voted in out of spite regardless of the veracity of any testimony.

The LAST thing we need is another vagina on the court.

Remember Sandra Day O’Conner? She was a disaster.

Insider here. All of these women are being hired by gunpoint by Jews in order to delay confirmation.

None of the allegations are true, it's simply to delay.

Goys he has jew lamp shades in his house to
the 6 gorillion
impeach trump

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RBG shoved her 3 inch clit in my face during a women's suffrage gala in 1901 and made me admit Ghostbusters 3 wasnt that bad impeach NAO

Obama puts up a moderate liberal.
The republicans refuse to vote because they don’t have to and there is an election coming up.
Obama knows that when Hillary wins they can nominate a real left winger.

Also remember when Scalia died it was fucking weird. No autopsy despite not dying in hospital.

Political terrorism will not be tolerated

totally different scenario.

So... either these people are liars or the FBI sucks at doing background checks with their six investigations on this guy.

>inb4 accuser number 5.

It will never end. The Dems have been given too much leeway.

In that case, why put up a moderate at all? Nominate the real left winger, making them more likely to refuse to vote.

This is how democracy works
If enough people claim something it becomes fact
This is why we don't have democracy

Putting up a moderate liberal allows you to take the high road.
>well we gave you chance
>now we nominate Michael Moore

The GOP should put an end to this circus and vote ASAP.

What did he do this time? Looked at somebody in a funny way 30 years ago? The libtards are smelling blood and going all out, I can only hope it will backfire spectacularly.

Interesting. Thanks.

I am hoping that this kills #metoo crap.
I hate Harvey Weinstein and would love to see him choked out by an actress Jabba hut style but it seems it opened up a can of fucking kikes. Now getting fucking black out drunk resolves you of all responsibility even if the other person is black out drunk also.


the thing is, we don’t know
if republicans weren’t trying to steamroll this through right before an election they’d have time to investigate and blow dems out

but the GOP overextended and bent the norms and it made them vulnerable

and dems, for once, seized the initiative

>trying to throw enough shit at the wall to see what sticks
>completely deadlocked construction of the wall for as long as possible so there's no wall yet
>kavanaugh's feel when

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well this convinced me that women lie about rape

You just now caught on?

I swear American politics is the silliest thing there is. Don't you guys get tired of this?
Every day, the media whips up some "sexual assault" that may potentially have happened eons ago.
Does anyone actually take this serious, or is it just the media talking to itself?

>moderate liberal
No such thing.

Merrick Garland wasn't personally attacked and never had his reputation tarnished with false accounts of rape.

It's almost exclusively the (((left))) doing this shit. But, eventually the right will also be forced into these dirty games in order to defend themselves.

Dan Bongino talks about this a lot. He points out that the left has been fighting dirty for years and the right has been playing by rules that the left ignores. He suggests that the right should take off the gloves and follow new rules..


None of this matters anyway. Anything that happens in American politics today will only do one of two things: speed up the coming civil war, or delay it.

We might as well get it over with as soon as possible. Arguably best thing that could have happened to America would have been for Hilary to have won in 2016 and then immediately calling for the confiscation of firearms. That would have been the perfect tipping point to initiate the purge.

The lines are already drawn. My side has all the weapons so let's just get it over with.

Robert Bork.

I like the predictability of this tactic. Get one accuser to go deep, but if the obvious bullshit falls apart they go for the broad and shallow approach.


So, considering the Dems will produce whatever amount of """"victims""""" it takes, it looks like this is getting pushed until after midterms. This will push both Dems AND Reps to the ballots. Who will benefit from this?

Half the country has literally no moral compass or virtue. And when you include treacherous, clueless, cowardly 'right wingers' who want to try and appease the evil left you get American politics.

Who had the senate majority?

750 millionth accuser steps forward!
At this point I hope he's raped every one of them and ate the flesh of a few of them. Get him in so we can revoke these stupid women's rights.

You raped me you sick fuck and you know it if you ever get anywhere important in life I will tell the world what you did to me and you will be "too messy" for any employer
Good idea right?
Fuck the rule of law only fake female tears matter now

This shit is so fucking stupid

Republican base is angry, but they're more angry at Republicans for fucking this up so hard and it will de-motivate some of the base

Dems had zero chance at the Senate before but now they might

avoid all contact with females is the new rule of conduct

>investigate it and blow dems out.
Investigate a 30 year old rape accusation? How? We can't even get a date or location.

Not to the extent he did it.


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GTFO here. Obama got 2 appointments, one of which was never a judge at ANY level let alone an appellate judge.


Tooth nigger.

Each subsequent accusation makes the previous less believable

You'd make all 9 seats conservative seats in the blink of an eye, if you could, you lying POS hypocrite