Should women have rights in society

(Last thread got instantly deleted)

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women have proven over the last 50 years that the womens rights movement has been an absolute disaster for children and the family structure.

Stop posting that stupid pic
70% of men are not virgins

Choose one negro

Why are you people so unsophisticated? The picture is about sexual relations not marriage. People switch partners all the time. So the top 30% can get all women. This doesn't mean that only 30% get sex, however. Rather it means that for 70% of men it's extremely difficult to lose virginity and find a long-term partner

every civilized culture in history has violently enforced monogamy and fidelity.

>and find a long-term partner
It is much easier for a man to marry than a woman

They should not have the right to vote in a Democracy -- but Democracy should not exist.

It needs to be understood: mistreating women and having the mentality of "owning" them etc, is a 100% Jewish (Abrahamic) concept. In ancient European society, for hundreds of thousands of years, women were always treated with respect and had high social standing. In pre-christian Europe of course that wasn't a problem.

>implying any self-respecting 7 would fuck a 1 or a 2.

Shut up Mohamed. No one is buying your shit. You are fat, ugly, and unable to hold a decent job. Women fuck suitable mates, not greasy neets like you. Either be an Alpha or accept that you have nothing to contribute to society and thusly a true tradthot finds you repulsive.

There are plenty of guys that will basically screw anything that moves

It is not hard to find a solid 7. You may have a hard time finding one in your small world of basement and walks to the 7/11 to get some doritos. But if you started traveling and looking for them, they are plenty of good ones. They just don't come looking for you.

>It needs to be understood: mistreating women and having the mentality of "owning" them etc, is a 100% Jewish (Abrahamic) concept
Based Jews

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Except statistically people with specific mental disorders and low iq are having the most sex.



So then you admit it is not top tier alpha men getting all of the women

>losers have sex
wow ok?
so kill them.
>I don't know what red lines mean

They should have every right but voting rights, women must be encouraged to love traditional family

They have ACCESS to all the women. And the women choose them. Meaning 70% of men are left with scraps of used women who call them ugly/unworthy

Because men no longer need to marry to have sex with anything other than bottom tier prostitutes
"long term committed relationships" have replace marriage

Because there's an endless line of single mothers with half nigger kids just waiting for a wallet to marry them. The hot women can marry whenever they want but they are outnumbered by the former greatly.

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>They have ACCESS to all the women.
No they have access to all of the sluty women

this lad

>Should women have rights in society


You either have women's rights or society. You can't have both.

women shouldnt be allowed in politics or teaching roles either

it should be illegal for a women to work as a politician

also abortion they shouldnt have the right to abort their baby

Well said Jow Forumsack

No they should not. Not only that, every man should have a guaranteed wife to fulfill his basic needs, women keep man down, they bring us to the dirty with them, the reason we are not going to hte starts already is because women, and jews. Why oh why god hates us so much.

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Eh, I think it's more than just single mothers with half nigger kids that are the problem. The hot women will either sink or swim, they need to adapt and try harder, shaming guys on the internet won't change anything.
Male promiscuity ruins a lot, yes, but when you lived in a culture as filthy as western culture, and men are encouraged to get notches under their belt or they aren't real men, this is what happens.

>he hot women will either sink or swim, they need to adapt and try harder,
> and men are encouraged to get notches
Your thinking is completely backwards
Men are the ones that are suppose to actually think for themselves
Women are always just going to be followers

So you are denying Darwinism?

Unfavorable genes ought to be pissed away.

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Yes yes, men lead and women follow, and all that.
But some women can think with their fucking brains and maneuver their own lives in a sense that they have an advantage over other women. Hot women who are also smart will be at the top of the pecking order.
Women are capable of such things.

>Women are capable of such things.
Not really
Good and bad girls are 100% the products of their fathers
I have never seen different

Fucking based. Fpbp.

Those exist but you have no idea how rare they are.

Roast post

Yes, women should be allowed to do all of the things than men do.
No, there should not be incentives or extra support provided to women who want to do things that women haven't traditionally done in the past.
If something is difficult for a woman due to social reasons, that is a social problem and is not government business.

Who should actually reproduce and who women fuck are different things.

So you're both telling me that women cannot assess a situation, and take steps to change their situation? That is ludicrous of you to say such things.
As western society is right now, there is no solution to any of the problems presented in this thread. Except for a complete reversion to legitimately traditional social orders of the past.

No. No right to vote, no right to work, no right to choose husband. The father controls the daughter until she is transferred to the husband's ownership.


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Only homeowners and military vets should be allowed to vote.

Fuck off, fedora trash.

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Yes, let's give women (((high social standing))) so they can be picky like OPs pic.

I think it’s a real testament to the power of the “Women are Wonderful” effect on the human psyche.

Say whatever you want about niggers & jews, at least our bodies aren’t physically PROGRAMMED to shield then from criticism. Like can you imagine the shitstorm if the mods deleted Jew or Nigger hate threads on sight?

Many guys here who are 100% racially aware STILL do accept gender realism.

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99% of women are NPCs so no

Yes but they are not reproducing with men they are not having sex with
> there is no solution
Fathers actually raising their daughters

>Stop posting that stupid pic
What about this?

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>The picture is about sexual relations not marriage

Right, this picture is about marriage, happy roastie?

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>on ok cupid
Also it is much easier to marry than have sex
At least relative to history

>94% of marriages dont last 10 years
gonna call bullshit on that one

We all make choices. Denying female responsibility is like saying niggers dindu nuffin as they didn't understand what they were doing when cought red handed and it's all whiteys fault anyway. It's tradcuckery.

Giving women rights, is exactly like giving lanterns to blind people.
Fuckin' useless and causes only damages.
For giving women rights, we let women become sluts and a lot of quality men are left way behind.
We must take away all women's rights and decide for them how to dress, who to marry and when to marry.

>and it's all whiteys fault anyway.
yes for bringing/letting them into the country


Putting a ring on a woman is one of the dumbest moves you can make. You’ve basically declawed and defanged yourself to her.

>Hello my beloved!
>Despite knowing you are a cold hearted hypergamus female....
>I agree to love you forever and ever
>And be your beta provider
>And never look at other women
>And never leave you
>And give you half of my stuff forever if you find a superior model to upgrade for

The only thing that a woman fears from a man is him leaving her for another woman before she has the chance to get another man ready.

Vows mean nothing to a female. Females will ONLY maintain interaction with males for as long as they extract value.

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Women seek partners across and up the socioeconomic ladder.
>protip: neither women nor men have access to women past 5+ decentiles above their own
OP's pic is a salty incel meme

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>Putting a ring on a woman is one of the dumbest moves you can make.
That's only because marriage laws in the US are 100+ years behind the times.

We both know that won't happen.
Whites let non-whites into our lands and then deny any possibility of ever removing them, so that was a bad example on your part.

>It is not hard to find a solid 7
Whatever you say Chad.

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Family men are the anchor in a civilization. Take that away and society drifts, chaos reigns and wrath and blood soon follows.

To be fair he's not wrong. 7's grow on trees. 7's that aren't degenerates .. now that's another thing.

Does Israel have any good women or are the vast majority of Jewish women in Israel thots?

>You may have a hard time finding one in your small world of basement and walks to the 7/11 to get some doritos
I can't help but think this type of insult has become so popular online because women are frustrated more guys aren't chasing them and so they amp up the shaming tactics to the highest level possible.

Did you not listen to Hitler? Jewish men are perverted and Jewish women are whores and prostitutes

no aplliances have no rights.

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Dumb incel shut up

>be OP
>can't get laid
>blame juice

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> Last night
> Hanging out with my girlfriend
> Watching some random Steven King movie adaptation
> Part of movie shows a hardened man tell-off a woman for acting out of place
> I look at her and say, "just like training your dogs, the same goes for being in a relationship with a woman"
> She looks at my raising an eyebrow and says, "what the hell does that mean?"
> "Like the woman in the movie or training a dog, you only reward good behavior and make sure they know when they're doing bad."
> I smirk
> She knows I'm right
> 10 minutes later we're into foreplay before sex
It's not that hard when you find one that has a reasonably level head and can comprehend strong-willed men

Your to do list:

Women need a reality check. How do we best give it to them without breaking them or using physical violence (too OP) ?


Relative to history implies way too much. What was normal in Sumer or Rome is crazy by today’s standards

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Its a joke about online dating you fucker. Which is dead accurate.

Yes. If nothing else, it exposes the women that you don't want to be around.

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See what I mean? You'd never know that Anita likes to huff her own farts unless she had an open platform to do so!

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>Private paternity tests are banned in most western countries

From your own article, the only countries that ban private paternity tests are France, UK, Germany, and Israel.

They are fully legal in USA, Canada, Spain, Australia, etc.

There are plenty of facts on your side without having to resort to posting bullshit lies.

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That's not even an IDE, it's just a web browser's standard standard console with the inspector opened.

I hate it when people post and run shit like this
>muh alimony
>muh lapsed child support lead to jail time
>muh income-adjusted child-support
All of these things are Burgerstan -specific. Most countries don't even recognize the concept of alimony.

Yes, the US, Canada, France, Bongland and maybe Germany are cucked, but that's pretty much it.

So you are blaming jews for making you an unattractive incel?

>Should women have rights in society
> Should people that cannot think straight have control over society ?

Clear No.

Beauty and ugliness are descriptions of women, you braindead idiot. Men are neither ugly nor beautiful
