Has there ever been a bigger cuck in the royal family?

Has there ever been a bigger cuck in the royal family?

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if you see him interviewed he seems like a nice guy, he just seems really dumb.

Wait, he virtue singled so hard he married a nigger?

Ah man why would wash down his royal blood line like this...

he has no royal blood desu

Don't pretend as if Jow Forums doesn't have a history of openly admitting to race mixing themselves.
But yes, Harry is a cuck faggot.


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Probably, but it's good to see a Brit talk shit about their royals. Now get your spoons back, then your knives, get your guns back, shut down the Big Brother CC tv shit, and hang the kebabs.

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Honestly, they did kill his mother, I'm not surprised that he doesn't care about keeping the royal family the way it was

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it actually feels weird now when I go to other countries and they don't have CCTV everywhere. Like what if something bad was to happen or someone was up to no good. I don't think a Maddy McCain situation could happen here.
I was really against it to begin with too. Now I pass so many cameras just stepping out the door to buy some milk and I'm totally fine with it.

>but it's good to see a Brit talk shit about their royals
did you think we all adore them?
only centrists, hippies and irish loyalists give a fuck about them
I love the ancient insitution of monarchy, and many of my heroes were kings or queens (edward the confessor, alfred the great, athelstan, william the conqueror, richard II, etc) but the current lot have made it quite clear that the monarchy is an anachronism that we would be better off without

he's shot more 50 calibre bullets at sandnigs than you ever will

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what's the appeal of William the conqueror, so much negative shit came with him. I can only really think of castles as being positive and I don't think too much credit should go to him for that.

cool guy
I like our glorious norman ancestors

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you know he brought the special people here


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I used to hate the Normans when I was a kid because they brought lots of annoying difficult-to-pronounce French words names.

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>Has there ever been a bigger cuck than the royal family?
Fixed it for ya. Good luck with your German roach problem.

Charles was cucked comprehensively

Of course you are.

His father

I stand corrected

Doubt it, Harry looks a lot like him.

>that skull
race isn't real, goys. believe me.