Where would you like to live?


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If you vote anything over than a 100% European fascist dictatorship then you don't belong here and you need to go back to Plebbit.

>black and arab Christians
>they rape and murder as usual but then go to church and repent


I made a thread that is relevant to this.

You must be at least 18 years old to post here.

It says it's malevolent though...

>I said that arabs and blacks will do something so that proves it
All nazis like sucking big fat black gay cocks.
Hah I just turned you gay!
This is a fun game, man.

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The minority East Asian population will suffice for those of us who need virgin wives. The rest can have the non-virgin white women.

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They are malevolent, the absolute monarchy would be best. East asians aren't that bad

Monarchy all day. East asians are based. If they teamed up with Europeans with no other races to drag us down, we would be an intergalactic civilization within a few years.

You forgot your meme flag, shill.

>monarchy is best
>just a bunch of aristocrats and the king playing gay-me of thrones with the lives of free citizenry
if you didn't pick liberal democracy you're a whipped dog who likes to be oppressed

Hi Mohammed.

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I voted #2. My yellow fever is too strong.

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Democracy only works until people realize they can just vote for gibs.

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Fuck off, Britbong. I need to satisfy my yellow fever somehow.

>no other races to drag us down
Stop it, amerimutts are absolutely not European

>oh shit lmao ECKSDIE im found out ROFL better recoil so he can post it to his nazi friends and get me when the DAY OF THE LE ROPE happens LMAO
Ik zweer het, jij bent de grootste KANKER neger die der is, ik zweer het op mijn hart.

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Sorry I don't speak Spanish

>implying thats any worse than having niggers pick our leader
>implying that leader gives any fucks about anything other than power
>implying power doesnt corrupt absolutely
>implying there is any government in the world that is a true democracy, or even a true democratic republic
>implying electing your overlords every 8 years makes any difference in how the ruling class opresses you
Ive been on that ride, i want off. I have seen how it works and its just annoying, more than anything, that we pretend to have the illusion of choice. I would rather just call it what it is, an oligarchy with a fun game called “how well did MSM brainwashing work the last 4 years?: the vote”.

kek you sneaky asian shitskin


Democracy works with an educated and balanced populace.
Great philosophers like Cicero agree.
Monarchism begins strong with men like Charlemagne and Augustus and ends in inbred quarrels.

>Democracy works

Asian minority is not a problem and the monarchy will restore national identity. Better than a dictatorship that will crash and burn.

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I am a supporter of the FvD a local party wanting to have more direct democracy.
If a country can make such reforms, it'll work.
Indirect democracies are bound to be ruined by lobbyists.

Goering and Himmler were fucking traitors and destroyed what would've been a benevolent dictatorship. A malevolent dictatorship is the worse form of power on the planet possible. A benevolent dictatorship is the best form of power on the planet possible.
East-Asians are at least humans with ideals and imaginations and ideas, and not empty-headed violent niggers who maybe shit out a decent person once every year at best.

The problem here is
We give the populace every opportunity to educate themselves, yet the vast majority still exceed expectations when they can tie their shoes. Most people are literal retards, and there is nothing that can be done about it. You have to understand this before you understand how a true democracy would actually work, and why there are none in existence.

t. Arab dog
Your are lower than shit

This is why you have a republic that doesn't allow welfare states. You can even have a fairly lax immigration policy because the lack of gibs keeps the subhumans out.
Europe should stay for Europeans, but if the welfare gibs are removed and the US can remain cosmopolitan. Immigration problems happen when people come here for free shit instead of opportunity.

This. We wouldn't need such a big government if we didn't have so many nonwhites

what kind of dumb question is this?

>Great philosophers like Cicero agree.
You can also throw in Macchiavelli, Montesquieu and Plato
Democracy only works as long as the people are virtous and value the wealth of the society more than their own.

means nothing without specifying the immigration policy of those in power

Posting for the 100% European Fascist State. Fuck the le 70% yellow fever degenerates, just as bad as coalburners, kill them all.

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As long as the constitution is created by intelligent folk, and the bureaucracy is able to operate unhindered by politics, who cares if dumb people can vote?

everyone that answers liberal democracy needs to go to reddit

>nigger comes here for opportunity, not free gibs
>7 of his 9 children have the usual retard IQ to be expected of that ethnicity
>they scream gibs
Demography is destiny. "We'll only take in the good immigrants" only thinks of the next decade or so, not the future of your nation for generations to come.

Rome got the greatest rise and prosperity during it republican rule
Athene was the most advanced society on the planet untill the tyrant got power.
the US became a world superpower by being the first modern democracy
It all goes to shit when the population forgets what is the meaning of the society they live in

Its a bit of a feedback loop. Big government welfare attracts subhumans who then vote for more welfare for more subhumans. Don't have welfare, most of the subhumans stay out and the East Asians and small percentages of Meztizos and Arabs that actually want to work for a living are the only ones who want in. I don't mind some non-whites in the US if they work hard and actually provide for themselves and contribute. The problem all comes down to giving people free shit just for existing.

Fuck Kaiser Lohengramm

A republic is not a democracy. This is high school tier retarded.

>implying a country of 100 whites could ever be a bad place to live

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Plato wants a republic. Macchiavelli wants a republic. Montesquieu is literally the guy who introduced trias politica

Why would you want a malevolent fascism?
A benevolent fascism is pretty much a republic.
Why would you want a monarchy that depends entirely on how capable the monarch is and where the ministers that actually run the country are obstructed

you've never taken the slightest look into the Roman Republic, have you?

Because dumb people make dumb decisions, and when dumb people are the majority, so does your democracy.

If a nigger comes here for opportunity, he's likely to keep his family together, not have a dozen niglets for welfare checks because that doesn't work, and teach his sons not to be niggers. Niggers nowadays act like niggers because the system encourages and rewards it. If they couldn't get money from the government for popping out tiny monkeys every 2 years, and courts didn't boohoo over every welfare mom who got herself into her own mess, most of the worthless niggers wouldn't be around.

According to trias politica it is
The people make the laws, the executive run the country and the judicial make sure they don't kill eachother

Have you ever lived in a malevolent fascist dictatorship? Africa would deem preferable to the majority of the population in a malevolent fascist dictatorship. You can't be left alone with yourself at all in such an environment. People legit go crazy.

1. There's virtually no difference between a dictatorship and an absolute monarchy
2. The genetic composition heavily influences the success of a government. Aka there's no way a majority minority white population can still hold a liberal democracy (which is in itself a self-destructive kind of governance)

Also the poll would be mostly 90% fascist dictatorship if it weren't for the aestethical appeal of a monarchy

t. fascist dictatorship

>the US became a world superpower by being the first modern democracy
actually the Dutch Republic was a bigger superpower at that time, and was the first real modern republic (according to enlightenment ideas)

i want to live in the 50% white male 50% asian female benevolent dictatorship

monarchy is gay desu fascism has way better aesthetics

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The thing with fascism is everyone imagines their group to be in rule.
What if you're at the other end of the sword?

Whites aren't a hivemind. There will be many different factions, and you might be oppressed.
>muh whites are good boyes and dindu nuffin wrong and we would all live in Thomas More's utopia praise KEK i love reddit lmao

If you want to post an example of fascist aesthetics this is not it.

There is a very big difference in a monarchy and a dictatorship. In dictatorship you get brainwashed 24/7. In monarchy, it's no social mobility that's an issue. It's not terrible unless you want to go into politics. Dictatorship on the other hand is insecure about it's acceptance and they need to constantly control and brainwash you.

And this means? If you want to get peoples opinions you need to ask something more specific than "good or evil" as neither of those really mean anything in practice, so comparing them to statistics like race is impossible

All sound like shit 2bh.

I picked the dictatorship, but this guy isn't wrong. Templars were not an ethnic -based organization. See the Turcopoles for instance.

why do you assume a fascist dicatorship would be malevolent?
especially, why would it be malevolent to its own people?

Dictatorship is a modern term for tyranny, which simply means Monarchy but with less rules.
A true monarchy has a Prince that does his family interest, nobles that work their own interest, and the commoners that try to live on
A tyranny/dictatorship is only about one dude and his pals trying to get the biggest share of the cake before somebody kills them in their sleep
The difference lays in the law that poses a limit to the amount of power the Prince can abuse

>he dislikes the futurist aesthetics of fascism

quite pleb desu

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Holy shit you fucking retard why didn't you put reCaptcha in the poll, this poll is going to get fucked by bots.

It's more a case that it's not an inherent trait of a facist system but rather a part of the scenario in this case.
My vote would be different if the malevolent parts was left off.
But it being as it is, I'm a monarchy boi


The poll implied that it was right wing (since it said fascist and not just 'a' dictatorship) so it's expected some kind of racial nationalism
It's also implied that it would be 100% european so it's also expected that it would be a pro-racial europeanism dictatorship, so there wouldn't be "other ends of the line" expect if you're in the 0,00000001% of people that are still inside or want your freedom back which wouldn't a realistic outcome since I decided out of my own will to restrict my own freedom in a dictatorship

It's a non problem, at least for those who answered fasctist dictatorship to the poll

Monarchies are dictatorship that get their validity from a divine institute such as a church, so instead of brainwashing people with political propaganda it brainwashes them with (most of the times) religious propaganda, so were ancient monarchies in Egypt, up until the ones before the IXX century

Actually futurism is not tied to fascism.
I mean, almost every futurist was fascist, and fascists loved futurism...
But the general idea of futurism was the cult of the machine and geometry to dive balls deep into a new era. Futurists hated tradition and religion, they wanted to demolish ancient architecture and monuments, stop with the whole culture identity and found a new mechanical society.
They even wanted to stop eating pasta because it was too much tied to Italian culture and tradition

Now you have to serve in the army to protect your borders.
Uh-oh, you're just a fat Jow Forumslack.
Labour camp then?
Oh no, you crashed from fatigue...
Well all the nurses are at the front line or the cities aiding soldiers and the citizenry.

Guess we'll just have to euthanise you, we should save every last scrap of rations and you're dying anyways.

>get gassed

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99% white fascist dictatorship, with me being the only creatura

Thanks for making me hate futurism even more, I always hated how it's just some abstract garbage all mixed up just to make things even more confusing

A little vague there. Are they malevolent to their own, or to everyone else?

I think only a direct democracy would work. Otherwise a monarchy is preferred. The Enlightenment has only led to depravity and secular humanism.

>reading comprehension
Try again dumbass

Brutalism is cooler but Commies suck.

Both options result in Europe being flooded with blacks and Arabs, so what's the point?

The only issue is aren't half asian-half white males more flamboyant like Pagan Min?

The aesthetic is fine, the works are innovative and have a new and fresh perpective
You also have to thank futurism for the Italian love for fast things: Futurism was all about technology, thats why every fastest car/plane/boat from 1920 to 1950 was Italian. That's why we have Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini and so on

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B or C.
B, because the wars would be glorious.
C because the peace would be beautiful.

Brutalism is very cool.
USSR commies don't suck.

sadly i have yellow fever

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>Uh-oh, you're just a fat Jow Forumslack.
I have an unironic fascist apologetic friend who is also a lardass who's in his 20s, no girlfriend, still living with his parents, no job and plays every pokemon games that come out, all day.
I don't know why he says he likes fascism so much (he's just a regular normie dude), but I can tell you for sure his motives aren't actually sincere and he's actually one of those people that vice and buzzfeed talks about that are simply racist reactionaries.
I on the other hand am willing to sacrifice anything you listed if it were to secure the future of my people and if it means to gas people like me (if I were to be fat and useless, which I'm unironically not), I'd gladly accept my fate.

im russian jewish and i chose the democrasy. i dont think you understand how horrid the conditions of life are under a malevolent dictatorship, you fucking dumbass mongrels. look at china. if you speak out against the government you cant work, travel or do anything, and they are basically 100% ethnic chinese. you think this is the ideal life? why do i browse this board, you people are so stupid. like the government can kill you without trial in such a political setting, you think this is the ideal?


i dont enjoy living with niggers and rapists and such, but you have FREEDOM in a liberal democracy. freedom of speech, freedom of business, freedom to do what you wish

not to mention you STUPID FUCKS dont under understand that society is going to go through a radical change when ai and automation reaches the boiling point. all of you will become economically worthless and ai will reach human level, at which point humanity will experience MASSIVE changes. in a dictatorship setting it will be a lot harder to survive

fucking dumbass mongs, honestly you people are so stupid

Option C for sure. Not even a question.

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If your people are so superior why can't they dominate the elections and educate the lesser races?


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Yeah, I know. Futurist cuisine especially was very autistic and a gigantic meme. However, one of the things I dislike about the Right is how reactionary in nature it is. I think Europeans should always be striving for a better world, a newer man, a more efficient and beautiful society, always striving ever upwards to become masters and in fact the gods of our domain. I think certain part's of traditional culture should be preserved, as Europeans should never 100% give up what they are, but Europeans should not halt progress and stagnate as a people. Europe must grow and flourish once again, become masters of the world and forever be the guiding light and the undisputed rulers for all of humanity.

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>the works are innovative and have a new and fresh perpective
can't argue with that
>The aesthetic is fine
Meh, as I said, I can never tell what is actually rapresented so looking at a futurist picture to me is always nothing but a waste of time
>You also have to thank futurism for the Italian love for fast things
And I think that has backfired us a lot, the most arrogant, fast paced, self absorbed people are always the most bluepilled urban people, fuck em they can rot in hell with all their selfishness, traditionalism is the way forward

>Arthur C. Alves
A huehuehue?

Fuck off, Jow Forums is a monarchist weebsite.

Monarchies have been the greatest Jew enablers for all of human history kike.

>those results
do dipshits here really not know what "malevolent" means?

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But the USA has never been a monarchy


>If your people are so superior why can't they dominate the elections
what are democratic elections
what is a replacement threshold
>educate the lesser races
why the fuck would I want to do that?

Basically it means evil.
But everyone here is evil.
So it'd be a good thing for us.

>I don't know why he says he likes fascism so much

Define "malevolent"