Only a third of young men prosecuted for rape are convicted in the U.K

Senior CPS staff believe the failure to secure convictions reflects a desperate need to educate jurors, who appear particularly reluctant to punish young men at the start of their adult life for serious sexual assaults.

The figures cast doubt on the ability of juries to provide equal access to justice for all rape complainants, regardless of the age of their alleged attacker, according to experts and campaigners.

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“This may reflect the prevailing attitudes of society and therefore juries to women, who are often blamed for putting themselves in risky situations,” she said. “Juries seem to view evidence through the lens of stereotypes.

“There is still a dominance of rape myths in our culture, including that a woman who has drunk a lot cannot complain if she ends up being raped or that it is only rape if someone has injuries.”

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Or, basically, "wah, don't make me prove anything!!! he's a man, isn't that enough!!!"

18-24 year old rapists in England are mostly immigrants and the victims are painted as racists/whores.

1/3 of bongs need to stay away from thots

Hello, Senator Hirono-kun here

You mean to tell me 2/3rds of rapists in the UK get away with it?

>Only a third of young men prosecuted for rape are convicted in the U.K
this can be read two ways
1) 2/3rds of men who are prosecuted are found competely innocent
2) they want everyone who is prosecuted for rape to be convicted

both are chilling

we need a false accusers law

You forgot the 3rd and accurate reading, 2/3rds of rapes are committed by non-Whites, and their fellow non-Whites and Leftists will not convict them because they dindu nuffin.

No, this time it's becuase they're invading Muslims having sexual emergencies.

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False rape accusations must be punished with actual rape.

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I'm still amazed that during those rape gang cases up north, some cop, some absolute piece of shit who pretends he enforces what is right and good in this world.....

...went into a room where a rape was taking place, saw the girl....and arrested her

this fucking happened, fuck this place

"Rape" is a roastie construct. Intolerance of undocumented consent is racist and islamophobic.

The cop was a paki too and wanted to get his dick wet with a young white whore.

Fuck the media. Call them what they are. Call them by their nationality.

After the Alison Saunder's debacle I think most Judges are just going to not bother without actual proof.

At the end of the day, yes you can lock up a potential worker and taxpayer based on the lies of a defendant and ruin their earning power forever - or you can keep one more prison cell free for actual criminals. We know that Saunders wasn't operating on racial bias either, she loved it when police went after students and native men.

Seems like an easy choice for a judge who isn't corrupt.

And yet they can legally be named in the press and that law was introduced by the 'conservative' Tories in the 80s.

In the U.K. "Asians" are convicted for rape.

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And ethnic British are acquitted.

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Let's start at the beginning anons. Earlier this month I made a post about the glow surrounding the resistance to Veterans on Patrol and #tucsongate. What I was trying to express in that post was that something is definitely up, they are getting trolled on social media harder than #pizzagate and it seems very organized.

In that post I indicated that my wife works for a certain "agency" and there was some potential evidence as to who was trying to stop VOP. Suffice to say, the opposition to VOP looks like it is coming from a place of ABC.

I now have some additional evidence to support my claims. Starting with the discovery of what LE labeled a "homeless camp" but VOP has proven was a child sex trafficking camp on CEMEX property, VOP has gotten an enormous amount of organized resistance. All of the experts flipped including Craig Sawyer. Don't know if any of you have researched Sawyer, but he looks to be dirty.

Unless all of these so called "experts" who told VOP it was a child sex camp in the first place magically came to the conclusion it was fake and they were wrong at the same time, it's safe to assume someone got to them.

My wife found this in the trash can next to the Xerox machine. Before judging it as a piece of evidence, you may want to research #tucsongate and VOP.

All I can say is this proves there is active LE interest in VOP that pre-dates Lewis giving them evidence this week. Someone has to say something, these people are trying to rescue children. Since many of you may not have read my original post, I will include it in comments.

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Maybe they should stop prosecuting dubious cases.

Women lying about rape and pakis being let off.

Not true.

Maybe because the standards to prosecute are very low which means lots of bullshit cases go to court

Fucking Koreans at it again, huh.

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Not enough proof to properly convict people. We have due process for a reason.

>jurors appear particularly reluctant to punish young men at the start of their adult life
aren't situations like these exactly how common law (the basis of our legal system) was formed?

How so

I like how everyone just agrees that beyond a reasonable doubt has been dead and buried

Why the fuck are there even such discrepancies in the numbers like that.