Mein Kampf

I got the book what should I expect
I thinks it's going to be a fake version but some jew but I'll give it a shot.

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A normal man driven to do impossible things.

It's a book about a village boy who's father was a social servant before clocking out of society to be a farmer.
I haven't gotten past the first chapter yet.

the ramblings of a deranged man

"By some jew"
Mobile and proud kikes

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it's translated by "manhiem" which is a jewish last name

what the actual fuck is going on.

i read on the first two chapters online and adolf said 90% of books were written by jewish authors.
>i'm actually shocked right now

to clarify, 90% of books written in germany during the 20-30s.

also, adolf didn't actually show his calculations on how he came to the conclusion it was 90%

but yeah

It's a pretty terrible book

Yes, you should really be learning German so you can read the original; all translations are kiked.

that book is a mess regardless of how you think about jews, hitler and the nazis

it like a long boring blog post. i got bored and stopped half way

Even in german it's sometimes hard to understand because some sentences just never end. I have no idea how good the translations are but as others have said, it's a bit boring and written like a blog post. I would recommend reading the books of David Irving instead if you want to learn about WW2. You can download many of them directly from his website.

First few chapters when he's recounting his life experiences and observations are pretty good.

When he gets to talking about political things it seems less than collected. He repeats himself a lot and some sentences drag on painfully.
Perhaps it would have sounded better in speech, but reading some parts of the book can be a pain. Either way whomever edited the book did not do a very good job..

Stalag Edition
>The only complete, unabridged, and officially authorised English translation ever issued by the Nazi party. Not to be confused with any other version. Translated by a now-unknown English-speaking Nazi party member & printed by the Franz Eher Verlag in Berlin in limited numbers during the years 1937–44.

non epub online version.

Not necessarily a bad translation. I have had the same feeling about the never ending sentences in the german original.

lurk moar

Good summary, Hans.

It's useful to remember MK was written in a time when people had attention spans longer than a tweet. Think of the pace of movies from that era and you'll understand why the pace of the book is what it is.

moron...wrong version

I farted.

What's the best english translation then? We can't all be autistic and speak your sperg language.

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10/10 better than cleaning your room. Reading this book got my life in order. Downside, its like after pic related, you will see the shit and dirt everywhere.

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>calls others autistic
>watches mm
really rotates my gyros

the stalag edition. official english translation for allied pows.

Your nails are filthy

You did good, user.

That's because you're an homosexual faggot.

he dictated the book to his secretary who typed it up for him. it's not structured like a book, it's more a stream of consciousness, whatever he feels like talking about at the moment kind of thing.

Expect words to form sentences to argue a point. Also maybe paintings of dogs?

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You'll get over it.
>Translated by a now-unknown English-speaking Nazi party member, it was printed by the Franz Eher Verlag in Berlin for the Central Press of the NSDAP in limited numbers during the years 1937 to 1944.
Most copies were distributed to the camp libraries of English-speaking Prisoner of War (POW) camps, and became known as the "Stalag" editions (Stalag being a contraction of the German word Stammlager, or POW camp) because they all carried a camp library rubber stamp on the title page. Only a handful of copies survived the war, and the text contained in this edition has been taken directly, without amendment, from one of these extremely rare editions.
>This official translation is not to be confused with the "James Murphy" or "Ralph Mannheim" translations, both of which were edited, abridged and ultimately unauthorized. The Murphy and Mannheim editions both left out major sections of text, and contained long, clunky, badly-translated and almost unintelligibly long sentences.
>In sharp contrast, the only authorized "Stalag" edition contains none of these complicated and unnecessarily confused constructions, and is extremely easy to read, as anyone familiar with the other versions will immediately notice. Most importantly, this only authorized edition contains the full text of the original German--and none of the deliberately-inserted racial pejoratives used in the Murphy and Mannheim versions (words which Hitler never actually used in the original).
>Contrary to postwar propaganda, Mein Kampf does not contain a "plan for world domination" and instead consists of a short autobiography, the effect of the First World War upon Germany, a discussion of race and the Jewish Question, the constitutional and social make-up of a future German state, and the early struggles of the NSDAP up to 1923.

What about the Ford translation?

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I knew I would find this in this thread - thanks!

You have disgusting fingernails

stalag or broke. the damn thing is like $18 at barnes and noble.

Tedious to read, especially in certain fonts, but overall a good overview of what Hitler believed. I would suggest for further complexity to view the books of his inner circle, who express what Hitler really believed. Mein Kampf is a good basic introduction and even describes much of the inner workings of Adolf Hitler, but he kept private beliefs only those closest to him knew.

It's not nearly as poorly written as people claim. I thought it was quite good for its intended purpose and it is well reasoned as well. Don't forget that it was written in prison and he didn't have access to libraries or a professional editor. Hitler also was obviously not a professional writer but the book captures his intelligence and highly developed sense of logic. It's also not scandalous at all. No one can refute the claims he makes about jews in the book which are just as relevant and accurate today as they were then.

just like your post

Price doesn't concern me - ordering with a credit card online and not being able to walk into a store with cash does.

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you got the shit edition should have gone for the Stalag

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What books are those?

absolutely wrong. I read the whole way through and found it engaging and insightful.
Don’t be a retard

this but unironically

you need the Stalag or Ford edition.
Ford is easier to read
Stalag was made by nsdap

I worked for Mannheim auctions for a couple of months . Absolute worst employer I’ve ever worked for and they deserve to be gassed

>Mannheim auctions is a company that started in Germany, they act as a middleman , auctioning off cars that were repoed or cars other dealers wanted to get rid of and were auctioned to other dealers
>only people with a dealers license could buy the vehicles at auction though
>for every Thursday on auction days they need a whole bunch of people to drive the cars through auction sales floor to be bid on . So every Thursday they bring in About 20 extra people Paying these yucks 16/h for 4 hours every week
>they are so desperate for people to do this they even resort to bringing people in from temp agency’s but preferred to have their own staff
>no one wants to have a bullshit job that will only give them 4 hours once a week
>so they promise me and others that this will be a way to get your foot in the door and will lead to a 40 hour 9 to 5 making 20 an hour
>actually believe it
>it’s not that weren’t actually always looking for new people, they would always be giving people those full time jobs
>only if you couldnt speak English , shit skin, Muslim, fag, incompetent nigger
>these people would be there for only a week or 2 before getting that comfy steady full time job
>eventually realized they were full up for straight white males, took me 4 months to figure it out though

I want to break into their yard and slash the tires of their entire inventory right before an auction day

> Not getting the ford translation.

You fucked up user. The fact that you can hold that in one hand is telling. The non abridged version of mein kampf is the size of the fucking bible and will take you over 24 hours to read.

He goes over his childhood, moving to Vienna, attempting to get into art school, being a broke nigga, going to see plays, almost getting thrown off the roof by union niggers, joining ww1, getting hit with mustard gas, turning into a glow nigger to subvert the nsdap, a whole chapter about syphillis and prostitutes. The best is the second volume when he gets to the early history rallies, gaining power, etc. expect a ton of bitching about the Hapsburgs. But reading it you will see how genius he actually was. Tons of references to classical plays, books, music, geography. The guy really was brilliant in so many areas. He was like a sevant at everything.

Shouldve got the ford translation fampai.
But what to expect? And incredibly insightful treatise on human psychology and the human condition.
What makes a man?
What drives him to better himself and society at large?
What dictates the behavior of the enemy?
Its a fascinating read

expect pseudo science, logical fallacies adn lacunae, bad repetitive ranting, historical falsehoods, stupid generalisations, scapegoating, and racist nonsense.

it is a really bad read.

fat hand. fatty

>highly developed sense of logic.
uses "the exception that proves the rule" argument - a blatant fallacy, no logical thinker would use.

Honestly, not that great a book. I know all white supremacists and national socialists consider it a 'must read', but the book is famous much more for who wrote it than for being a good read. But that's just my personal opinion. Who the fuck am I, right? Read it and draw your own conclusions.

it fucking sucks. shows how stupid hitler was. he contradicts himself in the same chapter several times.

I think I go to the same college desu.

The DVD is better.

But is it a HOT mess?

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