Why did God make niggers so grossly inferior to whites? Why didn't he create all races to be equal?

Why did God make niggers so grossly inferior to whites? Why didn't he create all races to be equal?

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god is unknowable.. evolution made how they are

God didn't make them, they are Satan's spawn

Free will includes choice in breeding


The mind of God is the laws of the universe.

3 inferior 5 me

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A lifetime to us isn't even the blink of an eye in the time of God. His will is that of nature itself. You tell me, why must the hawk eat songbirds?

God created beasts of burden to serve man

If god existed, he would create everyone identical, limited amount and everyone would have an eternal life.
Also, if god existed, then the world would be a completely good place to live in.

So superior with my 2.9 gpa community college trade school superior brain superior.

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all humans, with the exception of the jews, can overcome themselves
that makes them superior to any god

Typical Jewish blasphemy

because equality is a meme
it is the destiny of the celt, anglo, frank, nord and slav to dominate the earth

the real master race are the brown and darker people
they are behind all civilizations
white barbarians were just like black people in ancient and medieval times

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>plz don't shoot

excuse me?

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shut the fuck up mutt

cant even fly a 22 but my fortnite kd is 2.5 im superior

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you scrawny little faggots would be sucking nigger semen for sustenance if the united states ever decided to stop letting you use the rare earth we've secured. remember that euronigger faggot. we're number one.

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Whites = Terrans
Asians/Jews = Protoss
Niggers/Beaners/Muslims = Zerg

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who are you kidding right now?

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>bigger dicks
>more libido

He made them better, user, they get all the pussy.

Universal laws of conservation.
The sum total of stupidity and destruction must equal the total amount of intelligence and creativity.
It then becomes desireable to segregate the inferior from the superior.
Killing them is pointless because it will just produce more morons elsewhere.
No, it is better to contain the subhumans and keep them seperated from productive people.

>Why did God make niggers so grossly inferior to whites?

Blacks were from the planet Mercury until it got too hot. Unfortunately, the heat destroyed their DNA.

no they don't you incel faggot. take a fucking shower. brush your teeth. get some fucking exercise. go outside. its easier for white men to get laid than ever.



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this is a meme, whites are the tallest, and largest, by average, and all the strongest men in the world are white.
>bigger dicks
Most likely a meme, as several studies have proven
>more libido
And chavs have more libido than higher class anglo-saxons, this is not due to genetics but due to the fact that poor shits are more likely to have many kids
the only one here that might be true, but given that whites are taller, stronger, and more intelligent, I'd say whites were handed the best hand of cards.

God did not made humans. Blacks are proto humans. Upgraded apes. Rest of humans had global society before great flood. Survivors are now white, asians and native americans. I still don't understand what are native australian abbos.

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fixed it for you

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They just evolved with a physical focus instead of an intellectual one.

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first issue is that niggers are cursed from when Cain killed Abel
The bible on niggers
>And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
The serpent, Satan, here is said to have produced offspring with Eve. Now Eve got Cain and Abel (and Seth, which we dont go into here).
This text goes deeper into the stuff of Cain being the serpents off-spring

Cain, who is the offspring of Eve and the serpent then kills his brother Abel. For this Cain got cursed.
>12"When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth."
>And the LORD appointed a sign for Cain, so that no one finding him would slay him.
This Curse made the land not bare fruit to him, and "marked" him

Now we skip a bit of time until after the flood. people mixed with each other, everyone has some Seed of the Serpent in him, but not all express that seed and thus the curse but because its mixed into everyone, everyone is a sinner in the christian ideology. We go to Noah when he was blackout drunk and his son Ham was "seeing Noahs nakedness" (probably raped him). When Noah woke up:
>And he said: Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
Note that Canaan is also considdered to be of the Seed of the Serpent, which at this point got its second curse.
They are unable to agriculture, "servants of servants" aka slaves, and are "marked". Does sound a lot like niggas which in all these years still cant farm, are historically usually used as slaves and are marked by their skincolour
remember how the niggers engaged in cannibalism and all the other degenerate stuff.

All the stuff about humans allegedly not being properly adapted to this planet, and the degeneration of genes comes from this corruption which was mixed into everyone.

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or maybe you just cant see past the way they look you dumbass

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not even a little bit. i want you all to stop being such hypocritical pussies who act like niggers by blaming kikes, niggers, etc. for all our problems.... we must strive for the best versions of ourselves possible or accept we are no better than the negros we see as inferior. i for one used to believe in an ethnostate, but i am no longer willing to accept half of the untermench who call themselves "white supremacists" as they are fat, lazy, and worthless dope heads who will steal like any other low IQ ape.

i'd argue you all are the ones who get mad when i tell you to stop being jobless losers.

This is a meme as has already been explained here

he's on steroids. the strongest powerlifters are all white. there is literally nothing i envy about black people.

second issue is that there actually were people around from before adam and eve, created by the fallen angels . Now either those were also some breed of niggers and darker skinned people (hence why God marked Cain making him black, so he passes of one of the other people that God didnt make) or things like the homo erectus, australo piticus and the others of that shit around.

The sumerians appearently stateit the same way, that the annunaki (which most likely are the fallen angels) created humans until one day enki made the perfect ones playing into the bible narrative except that it doesnt distinguish God from the other elohim like the Bible does.

Yeah the black people in first world countries have more or less adapted, im not saying its impossible for black people to be smart.

in order to feel success you must fail
in order to feel health you must be sick
in order to feel the bless you must see the niggers

sebastian dute acasa your drunk

Has nothing to do with how they look, moron. Nearly half of all blacks in the US are below 80 IQ. It’s hard to create positions in a functional society for literal retards, and egalitarianism is flat out impossible.

The main flaw is thinking nigger is a race of human when it's really a whole 'nuther animal.
Just because you can get a mule or a liger doesn't mean a horse is a donkey or a lion a tiger. The existence of mulattos doesn't mean niggers are the same as pipo.

Niggers molded themselves in the image of the energy they captured. It is dark energy, they're creatures of the darkness.


2.9 gpa?
that's nigger territory.

Imo some statistics are useless because they dont have context and precision.And stereotypes kind of have to have reason behind them so since there isnt definitive proof ill just go by the stereotypes.

god create many good and bad things

wa sir thawa l din emok

so inferior

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ooga booga indeed.

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Show one that doesn’t have white blood, though.
The most average non-black female is better looking than the hottest pure blooded African.