why the fuck would anyone believe kavanaugh is guilty at this point??? literally nothing his accusers have said has been substantiated by any evidence, and it seems obvious to me that these are just strategically timed political smears against kavanaugh in a last ditch effort to stop his nomination and give time for Democrats to gain the upper hand, must like what happened in 2016 when suddenly a dozen women came out of nowhere to accuse Trump of sexual assault right before the election despite him having been a public figure for years
also wtf could avenatti have on him besides another woman's baseless accusations? what hard evidence is this fucking dude going to give us that will truly prove kavanaugh is guilty??
idk i just think all of this is fucking retarded and stupid. kavanaugh's entire life was unblemished up until he became a problem for the democrats, and you're telling me that he's not only committed one sexual assault, but now three? sorry, I don't buy it. Kavanaugh should get his name cleared and all these democrats saying he should withdraw his nomination or whatever ought to be fucking fired. they're wasting tax payer money, our time, and also ruining our country, so that's all dandy
not to say the republicans are doing any better because damn the spineless GOP is going to hang itself soon enough
but i'm just so sick of EVERY MAN EVER IS ACTUALLY A SERIAL SEXUAL ABUSER AND IS UNDESERVING OF DUE PROCESS!! being the mainstream thought. i think everyones getting progressively more retarded
should have confirmed him by now it gets a lot harder the longer it takes
David Perry
Its ogre kavanog the rapist is finished
Adam Turner
Breaking: Researchers have discovered Bret Kavanaughs Chevy Citation he drove while attending Yale in a CT junkyard. Stuck in the cassette player was Mentors- You Axed For It Track #3 Four F Club youtube.com/watch?v=gw_oc6uOLos Drums: El Duce Guitar: Sickie Wifebeater(possibly Bret Kavanaugh wearing a black rape hood) Bass: Dr. Heathen Scum
Find her, feel her, fuck her, forget her First you, you gotta find her If she's an airhead you never mind her You search throughout every club in the land It's better than using your hand You find yourself a real dumb chick Someone to get down on your dick Then you know what you got to do You take her home now for a screw You got to Find her, feel her, fuck her, forget her
Fou Fs were not enough for Kavanaugh's Rape Gang, so they added two more. Sick! After further research, it was also discovered that one of Kanaugh's alleged Rape Gang victims appeared on Springer to speak out against the Mentors and El Duce, the groups leader. Dumb Bitch: I was the victim of rape. Gang Rape! El Duce: *Uncontollable snicker* youtube.com/watch?v=HKN29tz0LhM
Well, there you have it, absolute proof Bret is a an unstoppable Rapenado.
You sound like your not from around here buddy. I like that.
Anyways, that's how alot of people feel at this point. Every morning I wake up and my parents are listening to the news, I unfortunately have to listen to what's new with this whole situation and it's all retarded. They are trying there absolute best to make the claims he is a rapist or some shit sound legit when they can't even do that due to how shady the whole situation is.
To normal people all it is is frustrating and makes these women look like total whores and idiots.
Kevin Collins
Roy Moore was the test run, now they will do this to every Republican. It didn't work on Trump though.
Sebastian Nelson
yeah I've mostly avoided Jow Forums in the past because my normie ass believed I'd be doxxed for even typing in the domain name, but now I like it because of anonymity and that fact that i don't have to play games on this website to avoid being called racist/bigoted/youknowthedrill
that's what's so fucking confusing about all this!!! democrats have essentially just riled up all the people on the republican side who feel like Kavanaugh is being unjustly attacked and smeared. if anything, we're going to see a red wave in november in response to all this bullshit, to which democrats will say it was a "backlash against the #metoo movement and women as a whole" because they're literally that fucking braindead. modern liberals really get to me man, i'm seriously concerned with what's happening to this country's politics
Wyatt James
shit i guess i was wrong
Logan Mitchell
why does this tactic not work against democrats?? they're the party of Bill Clinton and JFK for fuck's sake. Liberals are screaming in the streets about Kavanaugh's accuser, but are also sucking on the head of Bill's cock and basically telling the women he assaulted that they don't matter, their pain isn't important, nor is it relevant, and also it's counterproductive for the democratic agenda, so.
i just don't fucking get how democrats wanted the first gentleman to be a literal shit stain on the back of his wife's feminist panties but they won't let kavanaugh, who is much closer to a moderate, get confirmed
like what the fuck kind of world are we living in, even sharia law understands this dumb stupid fucking shit better than we do
Carter Gray
Kavanaugh is getting almost constant coverage here by the state media. They try to say as little as possible to portray the accusers in a good light. The split I've found is both age and gender. Women and 60+ will listen and believe while men gen X and younger are getting increasingly nervous.
Aaron Price
Best part of Springer episode: El Duce :These @#@#*#$$#% are advertising for it Gang Rape victim: I was TWELVE YEARS OLD! El Duce: Well, ya gotta start sometime My sides. Orbit. RIP El Duce, you were truly a Metal God amongst mere mortals. Another Mentors classic from an album that is possibly the best Shock Metal of all time: youtube.com/watch?v=G9BZQmx-DAc Band: The Mentors Song: Golden Shower Album: You Axed For It!
Drums: El Duce Guitar: Sickie Wifebeater Bass: Dr. Heathen Scum
Listen little girl it´s near the hour Come with me and take golden shower Listen little slut, do as you´re told Come with daddy for me to pour the gold Golden shower, it´s getting near the hour For a golden shower, I´ve got the righteous power All through my excrements you shall roam Open your mouth and taste the foam Bend up and smell my anal vapor Your face is my toilet paper Golden shower, I´ve got the power For a golden shower, I´ve got the righteous power Our relationship I don´t want to spoil it You are my personal toilet Listen little girl It´s getting near the hour On your face I leave a shit tower Shit tower, prune skin power Smellin´ sour, it´s the shit tower Golden showers, It´s getting near the hours For a golden shower, I´ve got the righteous power
kavanaugh's name has been in the news for the past week straight at this point, day in and day out i keep hearing about Dr. Ford and her baseless, honestly unbelievably accusations, and then this Rameriz lady, who made a claim just about as provable as Ford, and now this third, anonymous lady being represented by Stormy Daniel's lawyer.
A lot of my family and friends are the ones to listen and believe, which i dont understand at all. they expect me to do the same but i'm on my way to fucking law school where evidence actually matters and i can't just make and accept claims willynilly.
i really hope all this nonsense against men is going to cause a resurgence of truly good men. at the same time, all i see is more crazy ass fucking women convincing other, less crazy but easily persuaded women to live reckless, carefree lives, which in turn gives men reason to fuck em and leave em. why stay with a crazy bitch anyway? just get your dick wet and leave. except now she can come forward about it 30+ years after the fact, just in time for you to get a great promotion or what have you, and ruin not only that opportunity but the rest of your professional career in the process.
shits fucked man idk
Jayden Price
>why does this tactic not work against democrats?
because republicans mostly have standards to not stoop this low in the first place and can win by other means
Ryan Ward
Letter to Grassley and (((Feinstein))) from Kavanaugh saying he won't step down from nomination.
The fact that all this shit is happening outright proves he is the man for the job to me, the kikes must be worried to try this shit yet again.
Charles Cruz
Because dems are the "party of women" (aka no responsibility), so they can summon immoral female pathological liars at will. Being the "party of minorities" also helps for similar reasons in terms of public perception.
Hunter Peterson
i wish i got paid by the sentence, instead I’m just actually angry enough about politics to write 2,000 words worth of complaints on the internet
so that tells you the kind of person i am
Ryder King
seeing kavanaugh actually have a backbone made my cock rock solid
i’d suck the dick of every conservative (women included) if they acted with as much spine as he just did
Lucas Johnson
right?? if he can face this much and still stand against this character assassination attempt, put that son of a bitch on the supreme court forever. give that son of a bitch immortality and let him sit there until the earth itself fuckin implodes
The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are terminated: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed as amending the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended [50 U.S.C. 781 et seq.]
Brayden Sanders
how can we possibly energize the conservative base into not being shitlords?? i want more people like ben shapiro and milo and other such fucks to come out and make conservativism as exciting as liberalism, or more importantly postmodernism, marxism, communism — all the isms bro. just all of them, goddammit
i want my conservative god-fearing republic back
Colton Wilson
can we can cancel the democrats now please
Caleb Walker
Idiot thinks we still live in a constitutional republic.
Hes gonna learn real fast we under talmudic gynocentric Marxism real fast.
Fuck, I hope this pisses Kavanaugh off enough to actually push for overturning Roe v. Wade. That's what all this is about. The baby murdering Democrats are terrified that the right will use the court to overturn it. So they're trying everything to roast a good man and bringing down #MeToo with them. I hope all the accusers and more so the Democrat senators all get publicly shamed.
Brody Johnson
So, i dont pay much attention to us news, apparently this guy was meant to become a a supreme court judge but wasnt made one so far because of baseless #metoo accusations? Just like donald "raped" 5 or so woman? Has donald pronounced yet?
Jaxon Watson
because NPC's don't understand what evidence is because their brains are linked together by social reinforcement ("appeal to authority") rather than any consistent logical scheme.
I'm not kidding you, NPC is not a funny name, they are not people. They are literally braindead, most of their brain is literally disabled. The few functioning parts they have are linked together by social signals to form a hivemind.
A literal hivemind. NPCs are neurons in the hivemind.
Zachary Long
I am hoping for this as well, I'm ready to mine lib salt for years.
i think democrats care less about sexual assault that republicans ever have tbqh
democrats give so little fucks about women being abused that they’ll conspire to use such powerful stories as politically opportunistic strategies
at least republicans take the claims legitimately as shit that needs to be looked into (briefly or extensively), whereas the democrats would actually LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it if a woman had seriously been raped and beaten half to death by a conservative white man, specifically Kavanaugh, Trump, or any current GOP officeholder. they’d love it so much that they’d use her as a political spearhead against their opponents, decrying needs to find truth or seek justice, and instead demanding undue vengence. like what the fuck are democrats other than actual animals??
and americans as a whole eat this shit up breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which is all the more frustrating because our retarded asses find this constant cycle of sensational headlines and half-truths to be so entertainikg we’re tuned in 24/7
america is gonna get a lot worse before it gets better and this beautiful fucking country doesnt deserve this shit smfh i hate
Lincoln Kelly
Three sexual assaults? Oh sweetie, that's just the beginning. By the end of the week there'll be thousands of women coming forward to share their stories of being victims to this serial predator.
All that was necessary was for a strong, independent woman of sound mind to come forward and, against all odds, tell her powerful story of abuse at the hands of this serial rapist.
Guess what, Washington, you're not going to be able to keep this man in the boys' club, and you're not going to keep getting away with it! Proud women from all walks of life are sick of putting up with your rapist impulses and are going to stand up and proudly proclaim everything you've ever done to demean, harass, and exploit us to further your sick sexual impulses. NO MORE!!!
I proudly stand by Dr. Ford and ALL WOMEN who have suffered at the hands of the sexist pigs (white males) who run Washington. I hope this sends a message to the Orange Cheeto in the White House that HE'S NEXT!!!!!!!
Overturning Roe v. Wade would be a huge mistake. Aside from demographic reasons, it'll hugely promote shitty women turnout forever. That fight is not worth it, at least for now. No woman who gets an abortion for convenience (most of them) would have made a good mother.
Charles Clark
Why the fuck would you want to overturn Rowe v Wade? Do you love niggerspawn?
Landon Miller
you know what i hate about this?? the fact that i’m considering that it’s actually true becuase it explains why these fucking imbeciles exist in the first place
i thought the npc meme was funny at first but now i feel like you can make a solid argument for how its real, literally so many people don’t think critically at all anymore
US education; fucked US secondary education; fucked but by commies and Marx’s bbc
Cameron Bennett
are you on any psychoactive medications by any chance?
Austin Nelson
We would enjoy it for a while but it would be incredibly short-sighted. Much like a complete gun ban would be for the left.
Isaac Diaz
you’re probably right g
the obvious answer is to cuck all white men forever, kill off the white race, and then we’re basically gaurunteed world peace because black solidarity or what the fuck ever
Joseph Mitchell
Every system can be exploited. The Dems and their allies in the media are just exploiting our confirmation process with bottom of the barrel attacks. We all know how this is going to go, more accusers in an attempt to obstruct and delay. It took 150 years for the FED to take over the control of our currency and now we're seeing a complete breakdown in our Government. Things are only going to get worse as the left moves toward even more extreme attacks once the rape angle has been used up. We've been through racist, bigot, homophobic and now rapist, and next up is accusations of murder? I don't know how much lower you can go after rapist, maybe pedophilia but then all hell is going to break loose once you start unraveling that mess because I'm sure a lot of ppl in our Gov are guilty of it.
Kayden James
I had a friend who knew a girl who's cousin went to the other girl's school in Maryland near where Kavanaugh went to high school. And she told me that the girl there was at a party and another girl was forcibly held down by Kavanaugh and his friends and they all shit on her chest, and then they took turns titty fucking her. Isn't that awful? I heard the girl had to move to Australia and the family changed their name and no one knows what happened to her. #Resist
Leo Carter
Go back to where you came from smear campaign faggot
Zachary Barnes
pussy pass
if you have a pussy you can rewrite reality
Andrew Hill
No one does believe it. Some people are just repeating it because it's politically useful. They don't want to lose the right to kill babies.
Carson Sanchez
come on my dude, these people also walked in there in hand maids tale garb and assumed someone would take them seriously. this is obvious leftist bullshit, oh high school trick didn't work, shit ok go for college allegation now. they must have thrown these together quickly tho since they dont seem to have full details fleshed out. but i'm sure we'll have to listen to bitching and brow beating from a bunch of cunts
Because everyone knows Democrats are degenerates. That's already baked into the political cake. If you're a Democrat voter, you know you're voting for scumbags, so you can't be shamed or shocked with the facts about them.
Easton Long
i genuinely think there’s child sex rings in the gov’t
Adam Brown
It’s funny because literally two days ago, I was discussing this with my brother and he said they were pretty close to shutting this whole thing down. I said knowing the Democrats, they’re going to do a second accusation and keep this confirmation from happening until the election. Lo and behold, I woke up today to the headline that there was a second allegation. Now I just hope they put that shit on CSPAN so I can watch it for laughs.
Dylan Watson
i don’t think any officeholders believe these allegations, but i’m 100% certain my friends and family do, which fucking is insane
i’m so sick of hearing about all (white) (rightwing) men being serial sexual abusers when it’s not even the fuckin reality bro
like goddammit im so over it
Nathan Scott
Um sweetie he has 4 rape accusers now and the false incidence rate of rape reporting is known to be 0.01%. There's only a 0.00000001% chance he's not a rapist by official statistics.
shove your statistics up your ass and giving me evidence that Kavanaugh ever did anything other than what he’s said he’s done
i know you’re just being a bitch ofc but i’ve unironically heard arguments akin to that and i mean seriously
Noah Perry
They've probably had certain assurances made to them. I promise you whatever happens they will be coming out in the green.
Easton Bell
Whats interesting is just how alright people are with their tax dollars getting wasted daily by these stupid fucks.
Blake Morris
i pray he gets every last penny if it comes to that
Bentley Long
Thanks to MeToo this is no longer accurate. Assuming that it ever was.
Brayden Hughes
Oh honey. You are so not right.
Aiden Morales
I think these accusers don't really care. Or their minds are so warped. I don't doubt that these wahmen are experiencing TDS and have geniunely convinced themselves that Kavanaugh raped them. I'm not into MK ultra and that stuff but these women seem to have become completely brainwashed. It would make sense because that lady passed a lie detector test, which doesn't mean that it actually happened.
Bentley Green
>I wonder if these bimbos considered that? Liberals considering anything...
Jeremiah Richardson
What you are witnessing is not honest belief, but animus and propaganda.
No one believes he is guilty. No one believes his accusers. The accusations are merely there to associate Kavanaugh with rape in the eyes of the public. Yes, "no one" is not hyperbole. No one in these surveys is honest in their belief of his guilt.
Michael Robinson
>Posting things that are WAAAAAY over the top unbelievable = smear OK, Buckey. Sounds like you have it all figured out. Way to use the old noggin for something other than a front loading cock holster like you normally do. Enjoy. youtube.com/watch?v=rNJacSjRAd0&list=RDEM5aOJobQmQFrcnrZXYN8iWw&index=1
Just look at this shit. Sen. Mazie Hirono: “I put his denial in the context of everything that I know about him in terms of how he approaches his cases”
So Kavanaugh's credibility is in question because of the way he decides on cases, so basically fuck his innocence, he's guilty because he's not a liberal. Welcome to the end my friends.
Wyatt Hernandez
Because this strategy requires the cooperation of the media, which the right doesn't have.
Nathaniel Morales
Liberals have the nasty habit of screeching something over and over until people believe it, even if it's not true.
Mason Butler
lurk more. neocons and fags are not real conservatives
Establishment republicans exist to lose and moral grand stand.
Repeat that above line after me.
When you understand that, politics over the last 30 years or so in America will begin to make sense.
Both republican and Democrats are establishment. Republicans have existed for token resistance for a long time now. Search your feelings, you know this to be true.
Ryan Campbell
Democrats use planned parenting to launder money to China which in turn pays off politicians in the US.