What are we supposed to do?

She's right, you know.

Attached: ann-coulter-tweet-fb.jpg (720x667, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope that's fake. That vile bitch encompasses everything wrong with the alt-right and the right in general. What an awful, nasty woman.

Lmao this has to be edited

Is she wrong?

Yes, she is




She was being sarcastic. Shes still a vile excuse for a woman though.

if i take good care of myself i'm a 7 at best but i got many girls who are way way hotter than me some even had BFs who lived together had good money ect.. while i had no job no money no car and a shitty apartment....
women are dumb creaturen who believe words and you can get good girls if you want who are above you but it needs some time,luck and good skills to lie

Well, she ain't wrong.

Attached: kavanaugh.jpg (1842x1036, 71K)

>tfw have tons of opportunity to get a nice GF but still rape women just for the lulz

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Feel free to explain

>No choice but to Rape
I knew this disloyal bitch was dumb but this is stupidity on an elephantine scale.

I'm going to rape until society stops pretending grabbing a girls tits is the most agregious sin imaginable.


>attractive women
Or any women, for that matter

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More fake news from shillniggers

Try and stake the moral high ground all you like, but sexually frustrated men will be source of the next political uprising in some form or another. We are lucky video games and the internet have pacified beta males so far.

am manlet and virgin.
what do bros?
i think the chemicals are subsiding at my late age.
maybe it so too late.

Of course she is. Most men do not rape even if they are lonely.

i can get any attractive woman i want but that's no fun

god you're so gay. liberals have no senses of humor because they have no souls. that's the genuine reason you people act like this.

She's right you fucking retard. Haven't you ever come across the 80/20 hypergamy? I'm not MGTOW cuck but it's factually correct.

she's wrong if only because rape is about power and dominance not necessarily having sex with stacys

She is showing how crazy the idea is people stealing is justified because they are poor.

it is justified because the rich have stolen everything they have


yes , men always have at least two choices as long as they have hands.

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>follows a coalburning whore
Yeah fuck you Op.

t. roastie

She's based and redpilled, Jose


>she's wrong
I agree. You have these rich, famous and powerful men who can easily get young, beautiful women to fuck em yet some of them still rape.

>based and redpulled

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>no one has the courage to bring up the rape statistics by race
It isn't a rape problem, it's a mudpeople problem. Niggers and spics do the majority of the rapings, and white men get all the blame. These cunts always cry about fairness, how is this fair?


stereotypes exist because they are true

Don't you see any correlation between not getting laid and raping? Ofcourse it is about power and dominance but chads must not be raping at the rate of some beta.

lmao Ann remains based as always

its not real

so they have an unfair advantage? like attractive women?

Show flag, shill. Then we can have a chat.

The real victim of rape is the boyfriend or husband.

>mexican complaining about racemixing

>people will say she's wrong because MUH NATURAL SELECTION
if Natural Selection was able to take its course, social betas would be able to kill Chad with a knife or gun and take his women
it's no longer survival of the fittest, it's survival of the most social

How manlet are you? Are we talking like 5'7 (the maximum height that is still manlet), or worse?

Women fall for bullshit because women are stupid. Sadly, White women seem to be the worst offenders when it comes to falling for feminism and anti-White propaganda, which in turn leads to them blaming White men for everything.

Jow Forums isn't ready for the blackpill

I mean isn't she the one trying to be a rightwinger and shake you niggers for shekels? at least she can stop fucking niggers while she uses you losers.

Never trust an old spinster

She's a fucking puppet. It is not lonely men who rape women, it's groups of men who have no problem getting laid. But she has to front the narrative.

I like how she has started to make excuses for her nigger, I really do believe white women were a mistake.

No, the real problem is that women don't know their number, they all think they're 9s and 10s, at the very least a 7.

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Anne Coulter's beta orbiter. Is there a sadder creature?

>you can get good girls

We're talking about huwhite women, Mohammad.

and if she finally agrees to meet you try to get her drunk with some good lies and then more and more until the alcohol does his thing and she becomes horny and at this point you can choose what to do...
one trick i did many times was to play on time and tried everything that she would miss her last train back home ( normally one date ends at the evening right..) but then oooh noooo the next train would only start next morning so in the hope that she does not have anyone that would come and get here home i would try that she would sleep the night at my home worked 90% of the time and if she sleeps at your home that means you can get 100% sex if you want...
But if you want to start something serious with here better just cuddle with her..
i swear to god women are so easy to manipulate like children and they really believe those ''deep connection'' we had when we were drunk were real feelings instead of just the effect of alcohol.. those dumb cunts should really not be allowed to vote

Don't even know who the bitch is. Just remember her she's the one from the video who says, "of the declared ones, Donald trump" when asked who'll be president.

in germany most girls are typically way hotter than the guys in relationships and most of them care more about charakter than looks (if he does not look like some ugly moron iinstead normal of course)

what kind of lies are we talking about.

that they are equal to men?

that you love them?

>no choice but to rape
Stop acting like you have no agency over your own life you whiny little faggots
If you're such manly men then exercise, dress well, support yourself, groom yourself, and stop acting like a sperg. Anyone without a serious deformity becomes at least a 7/10 if they meet those requirements. Your problem is YOU, and you're too busy being little bitchy bitter cunts to realize that.

And redpilled

Yeah sure Ahmed.


>low iq detected

This statement, whether it originates from Coulter or not, is a parody of mainstream leftist thinking.

Jesus fuck, pull the rods out of your collective asses.

t. memeflag

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Assuming you're a mudslime you don't need to charm them, just a them for vegana and if they say no just rape them and then accuse them of being raicists.

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Red and basedpilled

wtf cocksucker, it was said by the woman, not any man! God, READING COMPREHENTION!!??

americans are ALL subhumans i know that cletus but euro girls are actually really nice but you will never know because they don't like mutilated dicklets

Ann Coulter is the best. She even understands how much better the world be if women didn't have the right to vote.

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Yeah, a woman who only exists to make money by spouting retarded opinions that make people like you clap and buy her books. She's a character.

>that they are equal to men?
>Muslim Flag

You can't make this shit up

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Hans is mad

jesus fucking christ, why do people assume men rape?
Imagine if I just shrieked on a daily basis that blacks murder and steal. What would the reaction be?
kys famlam, no joke


Flawless logic

(A^B)-> ~(~A or ~B)

Out of alll these hillydabeast's only 1 would be charmed by a man basedea, I guess she is right

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Wtf I love Anne Colter now.

It's not "rape." It's the redistribution of sexual wealth from the sexual bourgeoisie to the sexual proletariat. Chads need to acknowledge their chad privilege. And Stacys need to be tolerant of undocumented consent.

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Ann Coulter is a fucking fake maga parasite.

Can’t wait till she falls off a cliff.

Prostitutes user. Probably better than "non-prostitutes" and not as dangerous as (((they))) want you to believe.

first you must learn what this specific girl loves then you try to be exactly her dream type...and romantic those cunts love this shit... once when i was bringing a girl home ( walking) i just took her hand and said ''so we would not loose each other'' and at her front door i just gave her a kiss and this worked so well that she talked about this nonsense even months after that.
it's no wonder that rape is a thing because women WANT YOU to do the first steps they want to be dominated but often they end up raped haha

A hint

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-24-12-44-08.jpg (2560x1440, 1.98M)

How about race mixing whores of babylon kikery and kardashian sins are responsible for leading the people into the pharoahs revenge of the reincarnated shapur ii holohoax gramz of illmatic disillusioned dreamers vendetta against the law as thug niggers and black irish bastards sodomize the holy spirit of the LORDs annointed families. The pure blood opposed to the trueblood. Dumb dumb mormons btfo from their genealogical obsessions of masonic templar treasures and lost crusaders of the ark in the covenant of a fractured buttwhole soul.

> Not about sex

Attached: 1487463643705.gif (289x188, 2.87M)

Pro-tip: sex is about power and dominance.

>India flag

Top hue, well memed.

> Can't decide whether a pro-rape or anti-rape comment.

Well done, user.

Or smelly women, right? This summer time feminine hygiene needs to end.


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Based Coulter

>undocumented consent.

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The average man won't go out and rape, he would simply check out of society. What a dumb bitch.

>wishing upon death to a white female
>1488 guis :DDD

No, it's factually incorrect, albeit things are closer to that than sexual egalitarianism


>1 post
>alt right isn't really alt right

Next thing you'll tell me leftists shouldn't be killed because they're white.
No omelet with cracking some eggs,Pablo.

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