What went wrong at Telltale?

What went wrong at Telltale?

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Go Woke Go Broke

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only 4 fuckable women in the group of over 50

It's like they went out of their way to hire only dykes, special snowflakes, androgynous things and fat 56%ers
It makes me glad that this company went under

Someone posted a graph in another thread that basically showed that all of their games after The Walking Dead tanked. The only one that even got half the sales was the 2nd Walking Dead game.

anyone have that pic of a bunch of fucked up trannies at a tech company with taglines and the last one is "Dave- is the only one that codes"

>O’Sullivan’s Law states that any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time. The law is named after British journalist John O’Sullivan.

>One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.

I counted 13, but my standards as a boomer are fairly low for "fuckable"

they were woke, so inevitably, they went broke

>What went wrong at Telltale?
They made the same game too many times.

I got 4 also, but even that is suspect. One of my picks is in the back, and her head is somewhat hidden. That is my tossup. She seems to have nice eyes, but her mouth is hidden....she could be a goddamned eggplant with a jack-o-lantern smile....

telltale was always shit.

They tried to get steam fucks to buy choose your own adventure books as if they were video games.

And they didn't even make up their own shit they used other peoples IP that they had to pay out the ass for.

>in the group of over 50
Learn to count, mutt

>telltale was always shit.
Poker night 2 is pretty good actually. I would advise anyone to get it before it stops being sold. If you don't like cards however, don't bother.

>What went wrong at Telltale?
Women, OP, any time they're 100% in charge, they destroy everything they touch.

Is that the lawyer representing the Kavanaugh accuser?

>learn to count
There's around 50 there, that's a good estimation jamal.

Even then thr fuckable ones probaly despise masculine men.

that's the game industry

I couldn't find the original, so I remade it in MS Paint from memory for you.

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He said "over", desu

underrated. VERY underrated.

is the one in the corduroy jacket a tranny?

I got 4, but even those are "I guess I would." I wouldn't go out of my way for it.

You have excellent memory. It's almost exactly like the original

I'm counting 6-7 fuckable grils out of what, 30-40 roasties?

Better than I expected desu.

Did she just assume their gender

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Why does Carl spell his name weird?

>low test
Theres probably not even 4 I wouldn't fuck

I don't give a shit

Not one of them is more than a 4/10 lmao

they specialized in a niche genre, and then tried to maximize profits by oversaturating the market with multiple titles that all feel the same and play the same. That could have worked if it was not for the fact that they were understaffed and so creative resources were spread thin and the same technical issues plagued their games for a decade

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I actually had no idea Telltale Games was based in San Rafael. I'm in Marin County, I've never seen a single one of those people around town, but if I do I'll be sure to point and click... Oops, I mean laugh.

I got 17. Guess I'm a whore

they say a picture is worth a thousand words. that should about cover why they tanked.

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what do women do when there are no pretty girls in the work place to hate on and talk shit about? do they just select the female that has the most going for her and shit on her?

It's not just Telltale it's the entire industry, it's just like Hollywood and TV now. Notice that females are pretty much the writers for next to everything and now the stories, characters, and plots of movies, tv shows, and games are worse than they've ever been.

>probaly despise masculine men
They don't. As a matter of fact, none of them do. Those liberal lunatics just want some beta neet that they can put on a leash for the sake of feeling power, living out their power fantasy aka "a strong rebellion against patriarchy".
They keep the beta and fuck masculine men on the side.
Some of these, "women", are probably just ugly and threw their lot in with these progressives to be part of something since nobody wants to be alone. Also chicks with daddy issues, those are anywhere.

I counted 1, the chinkish girl on the far right. As for others, not seeing their bodies is a straight no-go.

They were to busy being pisogynist whores than to get anything worth of value done. Its like when a place has to many niggers working at it. Unless they have a coach like a white regional person to keep them in line then everything they do is shit! Quality will be shit, the timing will be shit, because you're on nigger time at that point. They will want to over charge you or charge you as much as they can because they are said niggers and you are white. Not prep or have the place running smooth for business hours. Show up late. So on so forth when dealing with niggers. Majority speaking in 95% of their race. I gave the cherries some room!

"All niggers must hang!"

Animal Mother 1987

Well SHIT!
There’s (pic related) your problem!
There’s a 90% crazy quotient in that group, for sure.

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Red: Would fuck
Blue: No one should fuck
Green: Think of the sons

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>wouldnt fuck the cutest girl in the crowd
>100% of Jow Forums says theyd fuck that ugly asian instead
Im glad so many of you miss her, I already got dibs anyway. Idk how you blind faggots miss the ONE attractive female in the crowd but maybe youre just gay or something.

why would I want some pale skinned natural hair colored pure white flower from the mainland of america...

I really hope you don't talk about the one with the blue circle.

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nah, look close to the extended lower edge of the green circle next to the ugly mongoloid who has green across her face.

Thats the only attractive girl in the entire picture.
yet 90% of Jow Forums is so cucked by yellowfever they dont even notice her and choose the dogfaced gook with a receding hairline, fucking kek.

Idk, better go with balding gooks instead.

Oh man look at that asian girl with the 1000-cock stare...I bet she's a monster in bed. As for the white women, they should all be put to death.

Well, that explains it lads. Not even joking.

I see, refined taste burgerbro.

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>The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.
The result over time is that conservatives become radicalized and eventually decide to hang the leftists.

the talent left after walking dead season 1 due to telltales shit work culture. also its official lee died for nothing.

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are those 4 in a different photo?

red circle: mother of foreheads, bald children

if only we could filter by character, ethics, values and cleanliness of the body

jesus christ all these girls and they couldn't hire a nice one, I bet these hags have an "anti-pretty girl" bias

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The only product I ever saw someone playing from them was the wolf among us. Typical leftist crap, taking fairy tales and turned them into gritty, degenerate stuff. The story was alright, but I would never call that a game. It's just a movie where the "player" gets to make meaningless dialogue choices and do some quick time event every now and then. Total crap, but it was decent from an artistic point of view.

Also known as Robert Conquest's 2nd law.

>Accuse leftshits you hate of being trump supporters
Woah based idea.

Retarded leadership, where virtue signaling and diversity hires were just part of it. After huge success of first TWD game they abandoned traditional point and click games completely, started buying licenses from left and right and focused on making "interactive experiences" of other IP:s. By this point the old, experienced and skilled developers started leaving and they weren't really replaced with people of talent. Creativity and technical innovation in Telltale Games were basically banned, and they just tried to repeat the former success by making lots of mediocre (or bad) "games" that sold poorly without any evolution. They used the same engine without any real upgrades in all their interactive story games for fuck's sake.

here is the final and definitive 3 qt grils in that photo. the question mark one is a potential qt but half her face is covered.

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>plz hire

What a compelling resumaymay
must be applying for the nearest lamp post

That was a bioware dev you dip

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> fake platinum blond
Please kys

Those people are totally retarded. Why their "progressist" company should hire them when they can hire more skilled people for an inferior salary from India, France, Italy, Portugal, Poland (that had developed really good skills in game developing) etc. after they failed miserably.

>don't worry guys, I'm not a conservative! My fans can rest at ease that I am a communist feminist bisexual!
Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.

Oh my Lord. Even when they get the placement correct, "The power of women working together" still is not a complete statement, as it's just 3 dumb broads standing on a snow bank. What is the power? What is this trying to signify? This is so awful that the only thing it represents is that "the power of women working together" just gets it wrong. Whatever IT is.

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Holy shit she needs to shot and thrown in a ditch. Fucking communist scum.

Other than the DurkaDurka. But that makes it better imo

My man has quality taste.
wp user, nice TellTale waifu

Women have a more socially constructed reality than we do, they have to actually hear things like "woman power" in order to feel powerful. It's really the invocation that matters to them because their self esteem is based much more heavily on social signals. Whereas a man can live in a barrel under a bridge, and still feel superior to everyone.

>asian is the only attractive one

Not just a dev, but the director of the latest Mass Effect.

>being this wrong

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I can't imagine why they would be bad coder. Working together of women the power is a strong message that scares misogynist.

Ok, someone has to be that guy that fucks blue out of desperation and I am that desperate. No condom, lol

it was criminally mismanaged. all their appearance of success was a deliberately cultivated illusion as they kept expanding beyond their means and aggressively pursuing big licensed deals chasing another big success like TWD Season 1, even though their formula was actually never popular. they were assisted by an overly friendly 'games journalism' crowd who liked them because of perceived ideological alignment, more than the actual games.

they also rode the whole "games without gameplay are high art" thing that was going on back then. the depression quest, walking simulator era. it ended, and now they did too

Autistic people are known to have a good memory.
Good work, very close to the original

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I count 13 fuck worthy sluts (at least), you need glasses.

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>No Wolf Among Us season 2
>Ugly as fuck Minecraft series
>Pointless as fuck Borderlands tie-in series
>Jumping on the "dying netflix show" meme with Stranger Things series

you IGNORE far-right qt but include substitute english teachers on the left? wtf leaf?

Licenses to use Batman and GoT and the Walking Dead are expensive and visual novels aren't video games.

>women flock to company that makes simple, extremely basic games
>women make games even simpler and more basic
>people lose interest when they know they can just watch a streamer if they really want.

Streaming kills story based games. Devs need to start focusing on gameplay again and women aren't smart enough to make those kinds of games.

You got me, im not into chinks/mongoling up my genes. Since im slav I already have enough of it (2-3%)

Which one shows up on your doorstep after losing her job?

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62-63 pls


who's the diamond in the rough Jow Forums?

Is she fixable?

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85 GET!

>Streaming kills story based games

Streamers are unironically the reason games like Detroit have become anywhere near as popular as they are, so shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about, gook.

>here is the final and definitive 3 qt grils in that photo. the question mark one is a potential qt but half her face is covered.
You and I have the exact same tastes, even with the ????. She was my wild card also. I also included the Pie faced hapa looking girl beside/behind the somewhat cute pasty white woman....her face says that she may look good in a dress. (I only say this to fit in with all you gook lovers)

They were Racist. I don’t see one black woman in that pic.