Why do we assume just because they happen to be on this side of the Aegean Sea that they are automatically European?
Have you ever seen a Greek, they are dark and swarthy like Arabs
Why do we assume just because they happen to be on this side of the Aegean Sea that they are automatically European?
Have you ever seen a Greek, they are dark and swarthy like Arabs
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t. 56% mutt
Greeks are shit skins. Don't tell me you just figured that out.
As a blue eyed/blonde Aryan I agree with OP. Assuming he isn't a mutt of course. You're not a mutt right OP?
>Meme flag
t. 56%
> tfw my country men have called me Russian/Danish/other arian nationality just because I'm not a shitskin.
> mfw Erdogan is a Janissary looking more Greek than many Greeks themselves.
gib greek gf
>Literally a nigger flag
They're sleeper drones. As soon as the jews activate their shit control rays you'll start seeing Greeks and half-Mexicans line up in formation, put on funny red star hats, and start knocking on innocent white American doors.
>What's an immigrant
No one considers Greeks white.
They are black.
We assume we are european because we cluster with other europeans, are speaking a european language and every research has shown we are the closest descendants of mycenaean greeks. Now you can suck a dick el mutto
t. 56%
Muh pillars of white civilization pol btfo
Psuedo jew science, you and all greeks are niggers.
LeL aren't you late to get blown up?
Based Romans were white though, r-right?
And (((you))) are a retard. Last post in this garbage thread, cya
Greeks are so dark that an indian mixed with a swede produce a lighter skinned concoction person than the complexion tier that greeks have.
>Literal nigger flag
All of you are niggers and arabs
Greeks are annoying af.
t. literal mexinigger hybrid
Kek, not even a frog
what greeks are we talking about? greeks of old were most likely white, I dont think genetic arabs were simply capable of civilization and achievements like philosophy thats greek had. Greeks today, the large majority are not white but mutts though I am sure there are still few whites left
I dont care, the people in Greece are niggers, no amounr of jewish science will convince me otherwise of reality.
I wonder who could be behind this thread?
I've seen a lot of light skin Greeks on vacations and even blond ones.
Whiter than you, Mohamutt.
I look like a pale skinnyfat version of the guy on the far right. My hair looks like his if I let it grow out.
Are we to turn against each other now? Whats wrong with some of you burgers?!
Maybe it is because of their advanced culture related to the romans or spartans...compared to warlord child molesting sand niggers...pic related
Leave the Greeks alone, Mr. Shekelgruber.
Great pic.
Youre niggers, there is nothing of you on "our" side.
Kikes and spics trying to sow division
I agree, but simply stereotyping every single greek is a failing on your part.
>Each other
I'm not a shitskin faggot
>hate brown people
>you jew!
Am I a jew for hating arabs or somalians?
Thats what 99% of greeks are.
Or nafris
Bottom is nafri wjo could be greek
New DNA Study On The Origins of The First Civilizations of Greece Reveals Armenian Traces.
◄ Romans 10:12 ►
For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
bullfucking shit, greeks are not shemites or fucking hamite
niggers. DNA study shows who the greeks relate to
that is the house of JAPHETH ie WHITE PEOPLE
and as you can clearly see, by dna evidence and a
simple bible verse, who the real jews are. ARMENIANS.
fucking kike! stop dividing whites! pic related is as pure aryan as you and should be perfectly allowed to breed your white daughter!
Fuck off christ nigger
Layla tov, Shlomo. How's the weather in Tel-Aviv?
Retarded gypsy
>t. Kike
We won't be divided by your kind anymore
Would arabs not be divided too?
D and C BS
Sage or ignore faggots.
all the shitskins in this thread post from anglo countries
Plato and memes combined...blew my mind..
Why not stop dividing jews from whites?
No one irl considers niggers in greece as white
Oh no, Mr. Shekelgruber, that really hurt me now!
>Have you ever seen a Greek, they are dark and swarthy like Arabs
most of the greeks I know look nothing like an arab but ofc they've been mixing with anglos and germanics in the states for a while now. Do the greeks you speak of suffer the same amount of sickle cell anemia that arabs do? Do they cluster with arabs genetically? My guess would be no. Also, ancient arabs were supposedly darker than they are now and miscegenated themselves with their slave trade of white christians over the centuries.
Yeah, I bet most of the retards don't even recognize the reference.
>Greeks are basically arabs
I don't care as long as they're
e x t r a t h i c c
Do not listen to them. It was like all those "MEDS R STRONK!" and bashed nords. They want to divide and conquer, do not let them.
Remember what your ancestors did.
Fight the Muslims and Arabs, Never Let Evil take Root.
SAGE this shit
They are arabs
I bet OP is the kind of mutt the screeches about the mutt meme being a "shill meme".
I dont think you should be giving advice to anyone
>hides flag
Turks, more precisely.
>What's an immigrant
A worthless piece of shit who should move back to his country of origin?
What'd I win?
Arabs are the master race then....
US is 56% white. Greeks are shitskins. Neither refutes the other.
Greeks are whiter than you will ever be
>Shit skin enters
>Declares other mutt
Same, but I got a lot of burly chest, leg hair and a fat cock.
Nobody actually has ever thought of Greeks as being white, right?
>What'd I win?
A big beautiful wall?
>pls gib wall
They are white. No fat lips or curly hair.
Show your flag, jewish nigger ape.
Turks look whiter than greeks, no arabs is a better descripter for greek mistakes.
>Literal shit skin flag
t. mutt living in a country with an italian's name in it
they aren't wh*te(which is good), doesn't mean they are Arabs(vastly superior to wh*tes anyway)
>Here photoshopped image
>Shit skins aren't shit skins
hi mohammed.
you're white, luigi
fuck off mestizo
they're caucasian but not white. The girl that you posted looks georgian btw.
>not understanding the caucasoid
Lol, this board just jumped the shark. Some Greeks are the most insanely good looking people on the planet. One of the 3 most universally attractive men is Greek - John stamos. I can confidently say John stamos is more attractive than any disgusting ape that has ever posted on this board, if you don’t believe me, take a picture of John stamos and ask every girl you know if you’re better looking than him.....then watch them laugh.
show your flag, fag
i am greek
nope, fuck off mutt, whites are gutter trash, bottom of the barrel
FYI I not Greek, I’m just a realist and a pragmatist.
Erdogan looks nothing like a Greek. What are you smoking?
The ancient greeks, and I mean ancient even in the time of Plato, were white. They were part of the survivors of the last great flood. Many had golden eyes.
Obviously shitskins can't stand to see anyone else doing better than them and Ancient Ancient Greece was invaded by mud people, and today's swarthy goat fucker is the result.
kill yourself