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Did any of you guys take the Kony 2012 bait?
Leo Roberts
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Nicholas Fisher
>Does Jow Forums care about Africa
Where do you think you are?
Tyler Edwards
I was 12 at the time so I still don't know what it was all about. Liberal sjw feminist types in 6th grade were talking about it though.
Jayden Young
This was the first thing that made me realise the technoglobalist world was going to be a pure hell.
Hunter Martinez
No, but my sister did and I found her Kony 2012 t-shirt in the her trunk once and now wear it for fun.
Ayden Phillips
This was the first big watershed moment for me politically, having been a default liberal previously.
Other watershed moments were stuff like Trayvon/Zimmerman.
We all have diverse backgrounds desu.
Facebook was flooded with it, probably similar to the recent 'This is America' thing.
Eli Hill
I didn't even know what it was. I honestly thought Obama's brother was named Kony and he was running for office in Africa in 2012
Nathan Diaz
this shit wouldn't fly in current years
Asher Hughes
I was on vacation and came back like "WTF is Kony?"
Adrian Clark
I was in HS and i remember everyone talking about it for like a day.
it was some african nigger with a child army or something right?
Leo Morgan
...they even made t-shirts?
Logan Miller
i knew it was bullshit since i had seen a documentary on it back in '04 in school where they talked about a warlord to took child slaves named kony
Henry Cook
the best thing to come out of this was Carl Weathers posting.
Michael Allen
it did, fabulously, with the refugee nonsense
kony was a beta-test to see if social media could turn some complete random into the biggest story in the world overnight
they even managed to get some of these people to watch something longer than 5 minutes
Aiden Hall
Carter Lewis
Fuck no. This was actually the first moment I realized my friends on the left were delusional and prone to demagoguery.
James Thomas
>it was some african nigger with a child army or something right?
This is all you need to know
Joshua Richardson
I made fun of these retards in high school
David Gonzalez
>guy thinks he can change the world through social media
>makes emotional video to support his cause
>actually sells a lot of merchandise
>KONY 2012 stickers in every city
>realizes all he built was a hype machine that doesnt actually do anything except get people hype af
>goes insane and runs naked through the streets
meh. he was trying to do good but being super handsome and affable has its limits and he didnt take it well. he thought the world would kneel before him and eradicate evil without realizing that someone would have already done it if it was that simple. whatever. anyone got the original video?
Logan Jenkins
kek. here it is. everlasting proof that you cant eliminate evil through marketing.
Isaiah Walker
>I was 12 at the time
Yuo baiting little faggot.
Brayden Brown
Yes i did. Fucking reposted in Facebook, then the pastor at the church I attended years ago saw it and started a donation campaign for the African kids and brought survivors of warlord infighting to speak at the church. Not sure I have the heart to tell him it’a bunk.
Aiden Gutierrez
nope, but i rolf'd my sides off when that white nigger went apeshit in the street. lol.
Christopher Wilson
re-watching this now. suggest everyone do the same. it's fucking hilarious.
Nathaniel Adams
here for all you young niggers
Josiah Sanchez
Heh the datura they blew in they guy’s face made him freak hard. That’s what you get for playing with glowies.
Hunter Gonzalez
>goes insane and runs naked through the streets
Why do people do this?
Xavier Evans
Hudson Perry
This was viral advertising campaign for his marketing company. He made millions of the fake kony video.
Sebastian Stewart
that's not him retard
Anthony Gonzalez
Was a far left pleb at the time and I remember feeling like the only sane person amongst my other leftist friends. A few of them tried to collect donations to put up a (((KONY2012))) billboard in town.
Possibly my first time realization of sjw cancer
Hudson Parker
This is the only exposure I got to Kony 2012.
Benjamin Carter
Lol no but i made sure to give those on Facebook shit over it who supported it. Of course the very next week they all couldn't care less
Owen Morris
A VERY well put together video, hits the right notes pretty much the entire way through. If someone put together one of these videos on Jews, it would pretty much save the planet.
Kevin Long
I never watched the video.
But Joseph Kony should die in a fire.
James Allen
No, I was making fun of all my friends that did though.
Matthew Bennett
What's Jason up to these days? Still wandering the streets in the nude?
Nathaniel Kelly
He's dead retard.
Michael Jenkins
I took the bait. Thinking back, I realized how stupid I was. Especially since the goal of the video was to make ZOG bomb Uganda.
David Watson
gtfo of Jow Forums this instant. you don't deserve to see the same pixels people with > 120 IQ see.
Jayden Lewis
No, I knew it was a "charity" scam from the start
Daniel Reyes
god, senior year of high-school and we had an entire half day cancelled just to show this film. White girls cried, wanted to do something about it, then forgot all about it within a month. My first experience with a government pys-ops, feels bad man.
Caleb Reyes
Yes because I thought finally someone was doing something about Africa's negro problem.
Alas no
Dylan Walker
Rush Limbaugh took the bait. He railed on and on about how Obama was sending special forces ("advispors") to murder Christians in Africa in the Lord's Resistance Army.
Noah Walker
I was 14-15 when it happened.
Time crawls on old man.
Nathan Taylor
Literally everything you need to know
James Richardson
Only remember the memes, what do I care about some child soldiers?
Andrew Phillips
>Was a far left pleb at the time and I remember feeling like the only sane person amongst my other leftist friends.
Precisely the same with me lol.
Luis Lewis
damn right, i was student body president and i shilled that thing so hard i got almost a month of school.
looking back im certain i couldve just walked out of school with the level of nigger care i projected.
Ian Rodriguez
No he's not.
Juan Phillips
Was this a trial psy op? I don't get it.
Asher Wright
A thread died for this
Mason Lopez
wait a minute...
Colton Harris
>tfw a 12 year old at the time can now legally post here
times a bitch
Hunter Thompson
>yfw not only is Kony still alive, the US and other Governments have stopped searching for him, deeming him no longer a threat
Cooper Rogers
No; but a lot of my friends did. All of them clamoring for American intervention while ignoring the fact that it would require endangering more American personnel, spreading our military further, and destabilizing the Africas even further. Fuck that.
Gabriel Edwards
I remember some faggot on in college telling me about it and "the power of facebook!"
I deleted my account that night
Lincoln Russell
Thought it was bullshit when i was in school but opened the door not only for US intervention in Africa and the fall of Ghadaffi, but also set the stage for democrat propaganda. Literally every dem issue follows this formula
Daniel Clark
Fucking Zoomers think they can push me off my throne? Come at me faggot. I will indiscriminately beat up every effeminate onions Zoomer I run across until I inadvertently crush your skull on my knee in the carnage.
Cooper Clark
even as a high schooler I remember talking to my friends on the bus about how retarded that was
Isaac Green
I went to this party in college where nobody would shut up about Kony and I was really happy cause suddenly my autism was useful so I spent hours talking about the guerrillas in central africa and child soldiers and shit
little did I know as I opened facebook later that night everyone was just parroting a meme they didn't actually care about it
t. model UN fag
James Green
So, how does Jow Forums capture, take out, or kill Joseph Kony?
Nothing more than a terrorist who forces child soldiers while claiming to fighting for God (which is one of the biggest sins one could commit)?
Jow Forums can lead to his arrest and/or execution, right?
Isaac Gonzalez
This was the first thing I remember seeing that woke me up to everything being pure bullshit.
Robert Williams
Joshua Flores
He’s a nigger just trying his best. Jow Forums doesn’t care about niggers so we’ll let him keep chimping.
Alexander Hill
It was a trial psyop, it was training the idiot NPCs to just parrot bullshit without thinking and trigger them on feels
Adrian James
Luis Scott
General Baxter isn't wrong. Accept the white man's burden.
Josiah Johnson
He had thousands of little children killed, all because the coward forced them to fight for him, at gunpoint.
I don't give a damn what those kids' skin color are.
Colton Gutierrez
>This was the first thing I remember seeing that woke me up to everything being pure bullshit.
There is definitely some kind of link here, also with stuff like the Trayvon case and 'This is America'.
Jayden Wood
>student body president
jesus you must be a massive faggot
Jose Harris
We don’t know that for a fact, information on his group is sketchy. All we know is a mystery psyop tried to get us to care and we saw through it.
Probably a trial run for when AFRICOM wants to drum up support of a massive invasion of Africa.
Logan Cooper
I did but only for like the first 1-2 months
Nolan Cox
why does his body twitch like that? wtf??
Brandon Rodriguez
Eli Harris
One of my first eye openers to how the press can try to make something out of nothing. I wasn't fooled.
Jason Sanders
me too
also, delete that cursed image
Luis Powell
((( Psyops ))) for the NPC's.
Resulted in 72hours of worldwide net nigger attention.
Experiment to see how " the hive" responded to heightened stimuli.
Group dynamics ( mass psychology) on the Internet.
Carson Nelson
Newfags don't remember JONI 2012 - PAY DENBTS
Jaxson Perez
this mother fucker just lost his shit.
Benjamin James
Along with her other clothes?
James Davis
I think all Kony 2012 people are literally pinkhat FUCK-DRUMPF people of today
Carson Cooper
Was in high school, i told the kony lady who came to speak here that not one person in the entire school could point out uganda on a map, and pointed out some of the obivious lies from the original video. Got detention for it...
Colton Reed
Would fund desu
Robert Miller
I thought Kony2012 would kill slacktivism and exactly the opposite occurred
That's when I understand that we were spurned by God and we existed only to suffer
Tyler Taylor
This event is a good way to demonstrate how much you should just ignore social media and let things go away. Look what came of this. Fucking nothing. If more people would just ignore this shit today, we'd all be better off.
Christopher Taylor
lol no
Hudson Russell
Some of my faggy private school friends did, and I still chuckle to myself every time I remember it. I'm not sure, but I recall telling him about the guy cumming onto some SUV in public.
Jaxson Sullivan
Yes. I was a normie faggot in 2012. Now im just a faggot