How right wing are you?

How right wing are you?

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How right wing are you?
>How right wing are you?
How right wing are you?
>How right wing are you?
How right wing are you?
>How right wing are you?

>how right wing are you goy

Anyone who identifies as the "left" or "right" should be shot on the spot. I stand with being rational.

Fuck all of you.

Lol fag

sound like birds. parrots to be exact.

>the human animal is rational
if only.

Make a right.
Keep going till your car runs out of gas.

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Im a monarchist


>How right wing are you?
I'd gas the dog for being part black.

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actually, methodologies based on x and y axis are too archaic to be relevant in todays society

you need to be on the z axis

I used to be left of center... I'm apparently a fascist now.
I haven't changed any of my political views for years.


lol to the left everyone is a fascist

I've known intuitively, since I was a child, that only the best looking, brightest, most empathetic humans should breed and populate this planet.
Everything that is not driving to that end is a retrograde force. Right...Left... It's all the same bullshit in a different multikult package. The goyim will still get their fair share of Nigger, Poo and Chink garbage, regardless of who they vote for.

Im not left or right, Im conservative

I'm so far to the right I've horse shoe'd into communism.

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I feel I might me left-wing in certain aspects like sexual liberation as i’m a chad but larp as right-wing as it makes me feel powerful.

Loved the raised eyebrow smirk on my milf left-wing sociology professor when I told her that women should have never been given the right to vote.

>30+ yo single dog mom
>Yoga, traveling, music festivals
>NOT here for hookups
>insta: slutxxxcrazy

I'm all right.

all the way

if valuing truth the most is right wing, I'm pretty right wing

I'm center because I hate you fags as much as I hate the fags on the other side as well. I love not taking a side and watching the blood vessels burst when you idiots get caught up in 2 party politics.

lol wtf OP I grew up with that girl. Was just talking to her a few weeks ago.
You guys are weird.

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Im not even right wing, i just believe in the monarchy

i'm so far right i make adolf hitler look like a vegetarian painter

Not at all actually, I only come here to know the enemy

T kek

How about live by the constitution?

But on certain topics I think I'm pretty right wing.

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I'm falling off the bird

I'm so right wing that I make every turn right when riding my bike, even it if means crashing into a stone wall. We all know turning left at any point, for any reason leads to literal degenracy.

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If you had asked me that a month ago, I would have said "not very". I've always been kind of center left.

After this shit the democrats have been pulling the past two weeks, I'm beginning to understand why people become fascists.

>why people become fascists.

Fascism is a left wind ideology. So basically, you've never left, well... the left, user. You're doomed, DESU

boomer retard and/or kike detected



I will get rid of degenerates via private helicopters and christian lynch mobs

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I wish I was a leftist but life taught me an other way.

Hi, Shlomo.

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Thanks for the reply, Dinesh, but I'm not watching your new movie.

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I'm so far right I called my own legit gay brother a faggot and disowned him.

>christian lynch mobs

There's no need for that. Well, not anymore. This time around, all we need to do is just sit back, relax, and watch the left devour itself. I-it will be beautiful thing to witness.

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I'm so right wing I don't ever turn left when I'm driving.

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I've been nothing for a while. Voted Trump for the lulz. Funny thing is that after all this time, I finally agree with the liberals on a number of issues, and will probably vote democrat 2020. The republicans are simply demographically doomed. Might as well accept it

I'm anachronistic.

Depends on how contrarian i feel

Fucking yuck.

>streetshitter political science


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Willing to die for Fascism and country. Don't really consider Fascism to be right wing, but many individuals on the right drift into Fascism due to the tendency of what it stands for that conservative values cannot give.

What kind of question is that?

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According to mutt political philosophy, monarchy is a left wing ideology.

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ye thats a fair point

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I'm alt-right and alright.

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Fascist politics doesn't really work anymore. We are too far gone. Creating private corporations that operate like the old guilds seems to be the way forward. Google, Apple, Amazon, etc. seem to be operating like the old free man of the past exploiting us, the peasants. A fascist corporation instead of a fascist political party seems to be the future.

It's not, it's considered anachronistic.


I don't support the left/right dichotomy. I view myself as a traditionalist.

Explain what that means.

right enough to know she be getting the lick down from that aussie chad bull dog

The Dems and media are pushin me further and further right by the day

The FBI would like to know
>how right wing are you.

I'm high on the z axis. From that elevated vantage point I can drop onto this stupid x,y paradigm wherever is needed to achieve the desired goals.

Go drink a glass a seamen and cut yourself, faggot.

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>I'm so right wing that I removed the left wing from my airplane. Now I am not allowed to fly, but it's all right.
>I'm so right wing that I capture wild birds and amputate their left wings before releasing them into the wild again.
>I'm so right wing that I have glued feathers to my right arm.
>I'm so right wing that pic related is the only version of Pingu I tolerate

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If I were any further to the fucking right, I'd fall off.





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Fun fact
Both the capitalist and the communist are jewish


>I finally agree with the liberals on a number of issues

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>I'm different anons, please give me attention, look at how smart I am. I'm better than everyone else and unique
Centrists are disgusting

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I am so rightwing I only fly this plane

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as far right as its possible to be

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>Positive and negative characteristics are heritable
>Therefore they are racial
>All races lack in certain aspects somewhere
>Solution: genocide everyone and cross breed the partially desirables to produce 100% desirable children
>Also funding only for legal services, education, health, and space travel because if you aren't good enough to have a job you are inferior and excess population
Couldn't agree more

what a pair of sad tits

I am not right wing. I love my current government. I love diversity. We live in such a great country. Every other country is garbage compared to ours.

Send help.

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Slightly fashy republican.

as a right-wing extremist, I am extremely right-wing

Mon nigga. Commies, Nazis and centrists get hanged from the same gallows.

I was pretty moderate, but as of late and with everything happening to Kavanaugh and every "minority" being uppity ungrateful fucking shits, I'm hoping for a full on genocide of everyone further left than Trump.
Sorry for the run on sentence.

So you're just a tool that wants to live as a cog in a machine, deprived of humanity.

paleo-conservative/libertarian conservative, so old-schooly right wing

right wing is individualistic. left wing is collective. stop confusing outlooks on race, economics, and social issues with what right and left really mean. the only reason the kikes started calling nazis right wing is to put a division between their brand of collectivism and marxist socialism. stop being a fucking sped.

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no, right is realist, left is idealist. Figure it out

>tfw too intelligent to have convictions and beliefs

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>How right wing are you?
I'd say I'm National Socialist but National Socialism is neither Right nor Left.

Hang all journalists, techies, and most Democrats in general

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Right believes hierarchies are just and left believes they are not.

Were her tits always floppy pancakes or were they once nice and firm?

1488 tier

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>Dyed hair
>Risque photos

I see red flags here. That's how right wing I am. A Reddit mindset sees something entirely different.


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top kek all day

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Welcome to Jow Forums, how right wing are you?

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