Is 4chin just going to be "red pill", pepe, and Nazi larp for the next 10 years?

Is 4chin just going to be "red pill", pepe, and Nazi larp for the next 10 years?

It's almost 2020 people. A whole new decade. What is the future hot meme of the decade going to be?

Pepe and red pills obviously dominated the 2010s. But whats next?

Pic not related

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Yeah and you'll be ashes because Israel is gonna be wiped out kike

when nationalists win the contrarian pendulum will swing back to libertarianism

No. This shit started in 2015, maybe 2016.

or work isnt over until we have ethnostates

We're going to take Jow Forums onto the VR (virtual reality) network by the year 2025.

You can’t lredict what the next meme will be. If you told people 20 years ago about Pepe or some other meme they would hve thought you were mentally retarded and potentially schizophrenic

Hi newfag. Pepe been around since like 2010

The next decade begins in 2021.

hello? red pill isn't meme

Solid prediction... if lefties won't let us gather in real life... we will take it to the vr.... you could have a whole hitler person rise and give speeches to millions in vr

And it's been about Trump and Jews since that time, right? fucking imbecile, lurk more.

I was in the first pepe thread in /b/.
I remember thinking 'what a stupid fucking forced meme'. That was in 2008.

I'm old.

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If I lurk anymore I'll turn into a fedora wearing incel like you...

>What is the future hot meme of the decade going to be?
You sound like a faggot


Yea I saw a video on jewtube that broke down the whole history of Pepe. Fascinating

>wait hold up I havent been here that long just hold on a sec I don't want to be here as long as you have

Yet here you are... shitting up my thread. Beat it, mutt.

I know that it wouldn't last long. I doubt I could stand interacting with any of you beyond text communication.

Biological essentialism, searching for reality, and shitposting WAY harder.

Shitpost or die.


you piece of shit kike go gas yourself

We are very diverse in ideas and opinions. Cliques will form and it will still be faggots shitting on faggots in the name of saving the west

Bring back merchant posting

Attached: 88a.png (215x215, 9K)

The next major meme will be raccoons climbing buildings. It will be used by the alt-right extensively.

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Just youtube history of Pepe Jow Forums


>he thinks it's a larp
You're in for a rude awakening jew.

pepe not going away and it mostly depends on how far right global politics lurch

Jow Forums is largely irrelevant as a whole. The only thing that stands out as different is Jow Forums and that will continue doing what it has always done: breaking the conditioning of society by challenging norms and creating an environment for critical thinking. National Socialism and the so called "red pill" is just the inevitable conclusion one comes to when everything is laid bare and all information analyzed.

Behold, NPeCpe

Attached: NPC Pepe.jpg (238x212, 6K)

Lurk more faggot

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>shill thread full of shill posts

do you think we haven't learned to notice?
do you even think?

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yet you post.

excellent reply mr. pudoo patel