How do you rank these companies in terms of evil? And where does Apple fit in?

How do you rank these companies in terms of evil? And where does Apple fit in?

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Apple is Chinese intel

FNG a bit worse than N


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The only "evil" thing they do is try to make the world conform to their personal visions.

Amazon least evil, it's just capitalism on steroids
Netflix 2nd least evil, still bad and Jewish though
Insert Apple here
Facebook is probably slightly less evil than Google
Google is satan

Most to least evil

The only evil thing the Nazis did was try to make Europe conform to their personal vision.

Amazon uses an open air microphone called “the echo” to record your conversations and sell them to the highest bidder. They also sell data about what you do on Amazon. They pay their warehouse workers a garbage wage and expect them to perform perfectly with almost no breaks while they constantly file patents concerned with engineering their jobs away or putting them in cages. All this while the CEO is the richest man in the world. Amazon is evil, more than just the demands of capitalism would require of them.

Apple is China’s shill

Even if you hate Apple products, they're easily the least evil. The (arguably) negative effects of their conduct are quarantined to Applefags. You can't say that of any of the others.

Nigga please, Amazon is at least tied for the worst for worming their way into .gov

My list:
Tied 1st - Amazon, Google
2. Facebook, even though it does have some utility for finding people and staying in touch. Needs to be broken up / regulated.
3. Apple -- google for people with too much money
4. Netflix -- their real damage is if you work in software and have to use their half-assed "stack" because it is the hot thing right now

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Why Netflix?

Nobody cares

N is most evil
G is next evil
a is third evil
f is last evil, but still pretty evil

>N is frontline march of degeneracy and scum
>G is a corporate big brother who not only exercises total control, but quantitizes each person into data and money and sells them away to whatever agenda they're most interested in. Without shame.
>a is runaway pursuit of profit for the sake of profit that hurts the lives of everyone it reaches
>f is just a pile of big dumb human waste

Google is not evil, change my mind

Companies can't be good or evil. The people who run the companies can be good or evil. Start focusing on the owners/operators.


Ftfy fag

That's how I get all my Hentai goods faggot.

From the most evil

facebook > microsoft > apple > google > amazon

Amazon also sells your data...

that's some retarded NRA logic

Case status: rested
Neck yourself degenerate


of course they do, but they're doing it strictly for $ and nothing more

That somehow makes them better or even different from Google?

>I'm going to go to a website populated by weebs and NEETs and call them degenerate and act like I belong here!

Why do people do this

Oh, no. You mean people will know what protein bars I buy and what books I bought and types of kitchenware I use? It's annudah shoah.
Compared to the data that Google and Facebook mine, that's pretty tame.

>neckbeard weeb casting aspersions
Shiggy diggy degenerate

Most Evil
1. Google
2. Amazon
3. Apple
4. Facebook
5. Netflix
Least Evil

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Evil. Evil. Who the fuck? Evil. And to your question, Evil.

1. Google
2. Netflix
3. Facebook
4. Amazon
I'd throw Apple in at fifth, Microsoft at sixth.

They all aim to collect and sell your data, but Amazon threatens to know every fucking thing there is about your life including what you eat and your daily shit schedule.

Not an argument

>Amazon threatens to know every fucking thing there is about your life including what you eat and your daily shit schedule
Google gets far more data about you from your searches and map usage. Not to mention people who use gmail and youtube.

"The entire US secret intelligence community information technology system is absolute crap in 80 stovepipes that do not share, and they are about to make a YUGE mistake, along with DoD, in giving Amazon a chance to own everything they are willing to share. Amazon will make Google and NSA look like retarded ugly girls plastered to the wall once Amazon gets going -- Jeff Bezos is the new Dr. Strangelove."

"Watch Amazon closely, they have become the hub for the police state."

--Robert David Steele

Came looking for this, now I can go to bed thank you very much

Sure, they might be the second biggest offender when it comes to knowing everything there is about people (certainly behind Google, perhaps behind Facebook). But they're the least of the options when it comes to trying to outright control and influence thought. I think that counts for a lot.

>Amazon will make Google and NSA look like retarded ugly girls plastered to the wall once Amazon gets going
This dude sounds retarded.

Next to Amazon. Faang. Retard.

1. Google
2. Amazon
3. Apple
4. Facebook
5. Netflix

Not an argument.

you pretty much have to be retarded enough to buy an Alexa to actually be affected by the significant data mining. I just prime to buy shit cheaper than in stores and watch the sopranos.

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This is accurate.

It is when you cite the dude's name. He sounds like an illiterate retard. Why should I pay an credence to his unsupported opinion?

They also know everything that you say around an echo, or echo connected device.

>buy an Alexa
I get that. But anyone who buys an always listening device for their home deserves no privacy.

Right now that's all Google gets. Amazon wants to embed Alexa into every appliance and electronic device you use

It's not for lack of trying. Amazon has the infrastructure and plans to use it. They are planning to take losses on their new smart products for the opportunity to invade every facet of your life. Give it 10 years and you'll see their shit everywhere. Even if you don't buy anything Alexa will be in every place you visit and be able to pick your voice out of a conversation. Amazon has both the cloud infrastructure and marketplace advantage to push these products further and faster than Google.


>It is when you cite the dude's name
Are you saying his name "sounds retarded"?

>Amazon wants to embed Alexa into every appliance and electronic device you use
Oh no, is that what they WANT? Like that would ever happen. Just don't buy that shit.

>giving apple access to your physical address, logins, GPS, contacts, search habits and preferences
>apple is chinese
>not evil
user, apple is likely the antichrist.

You’re asking me to compare cobra commander and serpentor and dr. mind bender but I just hate cobra.

This dude is an Amazon shill.


Now you sound retarded. You cite some faggot without any supporting facts, using his name like he's some authority. The fact that he sounds like a retard is thus relevant because you used his name in such a manner. Have I dumbed down my my explanation enough for you?

Facebook = 666th
Amazon= 666th
Netflix =666th
Google= 666th


>teacher has Alexa at school
>"gotta teach kids about technology!"
>kids want Alexa
>normies want Alexa in their cars
>your coworkers bring Alexa to work
You short sighted niggerfuck. All you have to do to push a product is appeal to kids and within a few years it becomes the new normal once they are old enough. How do you think degeneracy spreads? It's certainly not through you and me. You can't escape it.

Amazon and Google are interchangeable in scales of evil but I don’t consider Netflix evil. Degenerate Soros bux trash, but not evil.

Google is the most evil institution ever devised

This dude is a tinfoil hat wearing moron.

I feel the same. Both Google and Amazon has long term potential to be really evil, unsure who will come out ahead. Apple just wants to make money and do tax avoidance. Facebook and netflix seems like non issues compared to the rest. If Microsoft were included I would probably put them either at 5 or 6th place.

Faggot, you don't even realize that you already have a listening device in your car. It's called your cellphone. And it tracks your movements, too.

considering google actually uses data to manipulate people on a large scale to specifically accomplish nefarious purposes, absolutely.

>Apple is Chinese intel
F.A.A.G: Apple should fit in alongside Amazon.
Netflix is kill soon as the net neutrality subsidization rescission kicks in. These growth over (no) profit Obabophone phone app companies (Uber) have no where to go but down.


"you are on the wrong side of history"
t. Gen Z

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Aww is the dying boomer afraid of the big bad internet companies? I'm sorry the shitty 60's ended

Apple was a holdout because they were already infected with an older, somewhat less aggressive strain of the virus. A wholehearted embrace of 80s/90s Progressive values with all the faggotry that entails, but at the core there remained a colorblind meritocracy. This, too, is slowly dying.

All controlled by the CIA/deepstate
No point in ranking them

Are you implying that my Google Android phone isn't based and redpilled? That there is some kind of illusion of choice that has been constructed here?



Well you basically have only two choices: iOS or Android. And Qualcomm makes most phone hardware. Not that there is evidence these companies provide backdoors to government on purpose but it happens on accident anyway.

facebook is like 4/10 evil. not because its run by a jew but because they have conducted social experiments on people who didnt know these were being conducted. like filtering what you can see. some people could only see negative remarks and others could only see positive ones and still others were not subjected to this

google is like 2/10 evil. they jiust whore themselves out because the company wasnt even profitable without government gibs. the poos who bought google bitched about it just like the poos who bought pepsi bitched about it. but thanks to google being a whore its done a few things like filtered search results and pulled things from youtube which it owns on behalf of western nations like great britain and the london riots footage but more recently this is a much bigger deal like tons and tons of cops vs protester footage in america scrubbed from the internet

amazon and netflix are not evil. they are just companies trying to make money and while netflix virtue signals nobody has to use their service and there is no betrayal of trust

No need to rank when they're equally evil

10 5
jewgle, facecuck, datastole, analzone, yidder
5 1
jewtube, netcucx

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>Apple and Facebook
That’s where we disagree. Apple is another “progressive” company that parades around a hipster happy face while trying to fuck you in the ass for power and shekels. They’re in the blacklisting and monitoring circle right alongside the others and it seems they’ve picked up a lot of bad habits from their time spent in China, like scoring their users after they’ve violated their privacy. FB and Apple are both just as disgusting and not far behind the other two.

Add Microsoft and you can abbreviate it as FAG MAN

Google and Amazon are tied. Google have been literal CIAniggers from the beginning, Amazon may or may not have started as innocently as we all think but they didn't turn a profit until they too started to glow in the dark in 2013, and they're definitely the most aggressive as of right now.

Faceberg is responsible for helping the third world get access to the internet moreso than the others, so I'll put them second. Netflix is definitely pozzed but it's the least nefarious of the bunch.

Apple is literally the Chinese government at this point, which would put them above all the others, but if you use Apple products in the current year you deserve to be datamined by Pooh bear.

Once people see through Apple's brand like Facebook I hope people will stop paying for overpriced junk. Apple is making so much money so of course they are dipping their fingers everywhere. You know by the size of their finance department you would think they are more into banking than making tech products.

They are all the same coin.

Amazog brutilizes its workers and destroys the economy.

Faceberg sells your data

Jewgle sells your data too

Nigflex profits off of Interacial dating shows

To be fair he wasn't responding to an argument

They will have that covered soon. They’ve already successfully dominated in other areas.