Can you imagine what it’s like to be aborted? Having your jaw ripped off with your neck as your head is torn from your body? Do you think they feel it? How does an infant cope with that much pain? God, what a horrible way to die.
Can you imagine what it’s like to be aborted...
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I wish I had been aborted so I wouldn't have to see your post
mite b cool
yeah it would suck for that to happen to a white child
It is never to late to be dismembered!
We're worse than animals. What's so unique and celstial about us glorified apes anyway?
looks like it is
Knew a bunch of pro-lifer girls in high school years later when the quick triggers came inside of them they were suddenly ok with the idea. Kinda funny
pls be fake
Most abortions take place way before there is a jaw to rip off.
I'm pro-abortion but only very early term.
I knew a prolifer who had two abortions and would still spam pro life shit on kikebook
imagine basing your political views on photoshopped images lol
Check the bottom right logo
>those speakers
What song is playing?
Agreed, what IS so unique and celestial about you niggers?
Did you even need to ask?
This is what Democrats in the Senate filibuster to protect. They filibuster to prevent this from being outlawed. Think about that.
i wish you were aborted too, user
Patrician choice.
It’s hard to practice what you preach when ot affects you personally. My whole family are hard-core Democrats very liberal always bitching about those stupid backwards religious fundie Republicans, even volunteering at the local Democratic campaign office. But when I came home with transgendered boyfriend suddenly they became extremely uncomfortable and started pushing me to break up with him. People are such fucking hypocrites. Oh but don’t call anyone out for hypocrisy because that’s “whataboutism”.
There are worse ways to die.
Pic related.
a blessing
Truly satanic and barbaric, even some of the doctors that have done it for years had to turn away from it because they realized how bad and against God it was.
C’mon, there are other issues. Like, what about the economy?
just ejaculated a little bit o cum knowing its almost always done on blacks
Some metal as fuck music
Faggots will literally kill eachother for a good nut. Whether by AIDS or 220v current
do you remember when you were a a baby i assume it would be like if you died while unconscious or in your sleep
Pls be real
So fucking based
Doesn't seem to be an issue when you mutilate their dicks later on. Kind of a dead argument as long as you continue that (((shit)))
i cant fathom anybody justifying infanticide and yet people do it regularly. these people are literally demons dude
come to brazil and we can help you with that
It’s never too late.
>Faggots will literally kill eachother for a good nut. Whether by AIDS or 220v current
If you're not willing to shatter all your bones, and make your eyeballs explode in a single act for that good nut, are you even trying?
>abortion supporters try it on themselves to see what it’s like
remember when there these trucks driving around? took this photo in like 2001
No consciousness = no feels
Try again christcuck
>How does an infant cope with that much pain?
It must make them want to kill themselves.
The way this slave globe farm is, abortion is literally saving a soul and giving it a free pass to salvation with out the bullshit torture of living here.
I want to find Jesus in this moment.
Ask Gosuckdich.
wow so ebin edgy. what are you nine?
>laughing at your own jokes
10/10 post.
>mummification parties
weird, im kind of just soaking that in wondering what it could possibly mean before I dive in
>murdering comatose people is okay because they're not conscious!
Literal subhuman.
Also the fetus has is conscious, dreams, and can differentiate the voices of his parents, so fuck off with your 2 digit IQ fanfic
Democrats filibustered Gorsuch’s confirmation because he said, “All human beings are intrinsically valuable”.
What does that tell you about the Democratic Party?
She admitted to it?
>Do you think they feel it?
of course they feel it, and it is probably worse for them than you can imagine.
>group of cells is a person
Fuck off back to Jew god church
better than the emotional pain of life
Brain death is not instantaneous with decapitation. Think about that. Why do they do this? Why do they push this? Why do they excuse this? Well, it doesn’t matter what you believe. What does matter, in this case, is what THEY believe. They worship satan. If you don’t believe in it, cool, but they do believe in it and they do this solely because of that. Look into left hand path occultism, after a while you will realize it is 1:1 with left wing politics, the only difference being “magical talk” and heavy metaphor use. Once again, doesn’t matter if you think it’s real, what matters is THEY DO.
>muh poor dead babies ;-;
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
exhumed or carcass
You are a group of cell you absolute retard, even though I must admit you don't sound very human
Nothing any more. I bet we killed off the humans.
I'm trying to get the names of these fucking kids who vandalized my car right now, the cops are not giving them to me, so I'm probably SOL and have to pay the deductible and you have the fucking balls to try convince me abortion should be illegal right now?!?
>Do you think they feel it?
Brain even isn't fully developed until 25+, who the fuck knows?
>How does an infant cope with that much pain?
Who gives a fuck.
>God, what a horrible way to die.
Unironically better than every other way to die after you've developed a function nervous system and memories.
well you will never know if you never try it yourself op
no u
Obviously Gangnam Style
Please tell me this isn't real :(
You'll be hung one day
didn't come in here expecting to laugh.
ur mom
Not a threat, just saying murderers and their supporters will all be executed under furture law
u first
>roko's basilisk
Go back to 2006 boomer
*Pence casts LIGHTNING BOLT*
no, she was in the same group of friends as my girlfriend.
we'd laugh at her hypocrisy, but I guess in her defense she was bat shit insane
>implying aborting shitskins isn’t a good thing
Go back to your jew god
kys 1960 boomer
Better to be seething than hanging
>under furture law
you sound like my fundamentalist baptist aunt Beth, take a chill pill
rotherham bitch.
Murderers get the rope. Beth is based
How is highschool?
>nigger tier empathy and consideration for human life
Your kike masters would be proud of you
Why in the fuck don't they clamp the umbilical cord to suffocate the fetus|baby to death first? After clamping the cord why not inject feus with morphine or something. I had allways assumed they did this. If op is accurate... Damn I just swallowd a black pill. I honestly always though the notion of them just ripping the baby to pieces while living was ant-abortion BS.
Since the majority of aborted fetus's belong to Godless minorities and degenerate liberals, the horrible pain their offspring feel is appropriate.
Just shoot the fucking mom in the head 8 months into term, for all I care.
>w-we’ll win someday
>day o-of the r-rope
sure thing bud
I'm pro-abortion, but only for the blacks.
Can you imagine what it is like to be one cell. And you mom takes the morning after pill....
You end up getting flushed out on a dirty tampon and taken to the dump. But the tampon falls off the garbage truck and gets picked up by a pervert who uses it for masturbation.
Now you are being masturbated on.... does that make you gay?
>pozz points
Is it like getting your school/orphanage/aunt's wedding blown up by a drone strike?
Faggots are demonic and all deserve death.
Sad this story never made it to the mainstream.