This is the kind of shit we men have to put up with nowadays

Festering cunt needs her face bloodied while
some bull nigger splits her asshole like a ripe cantaloupe

Attached: festering cunt.jpg (1151x1587, 220K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off faggot.
Work hard boys and look for the virgin amongst roasties.

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For the lurkers.

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You have to do it. No one else will. It has to come from within you.

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You can do it anons.

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Its so disrespectful to humanity to see women on the MSM news who would be lucky to do a good job running a children's daycare, and they're up there saying whatever the teleprompter tells them to say, and they just have no idea whats going on

There are differences in the sexes. You knew this as a child instinctually. Now you have to teach yourself again.

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>trying to lure men back with shame and false promises

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These women deserve to die alone and without children. Find a nice virgin white girl from the Midwest and fuck thick black chicks from the hood (who are crazy about men being men and being sex servants to that)

More to do with women.

For you.
I second this, 'cept for the fucking nigresses. That's how you catch an STD.

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You can do it anons.

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Filthy degenerate whore I'd beat her to death you all really deserve what you're getting

I hope she is raped and is not taken seriously because she has made statments supporting false allegations.

I think that it'll come to that in all honesty. Our women are out of control. It could also just continuously be propped up by thirsty betas.
More info.

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would have been a better message tbqh desu

>giving your virginal white waifu STD's you caught from fucking negress whores
What the fuck, user

>First, false allegations VERY rarely happen
>[citation needed]

>You need to start treating yourself like you respect yourself.

What if I fucking hate myself and see myself as an unworthy, lazy and cowardly weakling?

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Hit the gym, the rest will follow in time.

I had false allegations made against me, the woman couldn't and wouldn't press any official charges because she would have lost. She had no idea what my schedule was or that I was around other people almost all the time around the period in question.

She destroyed my life with it all the same. I demand a trial by jury based on evidence or these people can fuck off. 3 people in my life including myself had an ex lie about rape or sexual harassment just to have us ejected from their social circles.

Ask yourself why user. Answer those questions honestly.
>WHy do you hate yourself?
>Why do you see yourself as unworthy?
>A weakling?

Attached: sigroll.png (1285x736, 566K)

rolling. post more, senpai. also put a notice when done

rolling and continuing posting.

Gladly white Russian. Mod faggots are pruning /sig/s so I'm making shitty slide threads into /sigs/ hopefully they'll get good traffic and help some anons out.

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Move to Sweden you'll fit in better

Degeneracy is dangerous. This is why you should self improve.

I'm sorry user. Women can be vindictive and dangerous.

Leaf faggot. He's asking for help. Swallow maple syrup till you choke.

Attached: degeneracy.png (968x695, 136K)


Small steps are important user. Find what motivates you. Then find what makes you determined.

Glad to help. Post them around. Help our brothers.

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This is it, the start of the first world gender war.

>look for the virgin amongst roasties

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but who is it user?
who is Emily Lindin that you should care what she writes in her blog?

She just made enemies over her feelings of righteousness.

I hope she can deal with being told to kill herself every day until she does it. Bots be willing.

What a fucking dumbass whore. Mass shootings also "very rarely happen", does that mean we should care less about them?

What she should be concerned about is women as a whole losing any and all credibility, but she has no ability to reason. Don't tell her.

I do go to the gym.

>WHy do you hate yourself?
Because I am a failure who only enjoys the living standards he does because of the support of my parents. I have earned nothing worth praising in my life, and even my "accomplishments" (like getting into an university) seem fucking trivial to me.

>Why do you see yourself as unworthy?
See above.
If my parents died in a car accident tomorrow, I would follow them because without them I am as good as dead. I can't support myself because I am an aimless socially inept loser who has no practical skills.

I fear girls. I literally fear them, to the point I won't ever try to approach them even if I am interested in them.
This has been the case since I was a young boy, and as a result, I am a 25 year old kissless virgin.

>A weakling?
Because I am weak.
The first time I managed to do a pull up was few months ago, after I started going to a gym, and even now I can barely do 3 consequent ones.
My army time was spent mostly cowering away from any physical activity via any kind of excuse or fake sicknesses that would let me go to the sickbay.

There is nothing worth being proud in my person.

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women are unstable liars which refutes her entire concept her own lie is built on.

Notice how she has no problem making other people pay the cost for her emotional fix. Typical liberal behavior.

I agree with her. You deserve everything that is happening. White men love Christianity--and with your shitskin prophet and tome of lies (the Bible) you enthusiastically gave white women a shitload of rights, put them on a pedestal, and worshipped them as demi-gods. The far right is another group of white cucks that engage in nonstop white pussy-worship--aka "The 14 Words."

Only white men have been STUPID enough to allow women free reign over them, and your idiotic cancerous ideologies are spreading over the entire globe like a fucking plague--ruining once great patriarchal empires like every country in East Asian for example. So yes, as a group white men chose this fucking future when you gave white cunts rights, rights you refuse to revoke because your scared, fat, cowardly, and timid. I'm absolutely fine with either of these two outcomes:

>1. White men go extinct and the world hard-resets and women get put back in their place for all time; East Asians colonize the stars.

>2. White men shitcan Cuckstianity and the Bible and backhand white women into the 13th century and create a new European Patriarchy movement. And I mean literally white women being put in arranged marriages at age 13/14 or being sold off at auctions at age 13/14. No divorces. Domestic abuse and physical punishment is all legal; if a white women dies at the hands of her husband it doesn't matter--what matters is the integrity of the Ultra Patriarchy...One dead series of holes is of no consequence to the societal requirement that men must lead and women must stay silent.

Look, it's up to you. Your only options are the ones I listed; truthfully, I'm fine with either option so I don't have a horse in this race. There is no 3rd choice. (((Conservative/Republican))) ideologies have failed. Christianity has failed. Your time of JUSTing yourselves and being meek cunts is over; the world is going to make your choice for you if you continue to sit on your asses.

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I've got the final solution to the white male problem

Let's put these women in a new country that's free of the white man's technological inventions and the patriarchy - an utopia for females. I'm sure there's plenty of unoccupied space in Africa where they can start their settlement and start building a feminist civilization

Don't fap to pornography. It's degenerative, and addictive. I ask you to challenge yourself to go a day without looking at porn nor masturbating.

2/10 bantz aussie.
I know user, not easy. Go to a church. BETTER chances there.
>inb4 church meme

So you rolled a haircut user.
My suggestion is to (1) get a haircut
(2)Do 25 pushups today, better yet when you finish reading this.
I was a NEET that was out of shape, didn't leave my house for months, and had almost no contact with anyone other than my parents. You have to stop sheltering yourself user, because your parents seem to do it too much. Start pushing yourself. You hate yourself because you know you can be something more. Stop allowing the shame of what might've been from reaching what you can be.

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Can we put them into one place together with niggers and other refugees?

I have recently been told by the girl I'm seeing that she's concerned about the water at which she's falling for me with the included word "love" as part of her wording. I've been steadfast in my resolve ensuring that she doesn't get to control me. If I want to stay home, but she wants to see me, she can come over or she doesn't see me. If she wants me to go to a gay bar, I tell her no. If she wants me to go to a drag show, I tell her no. She whinges about "ruining my fun," and I always respond, "I'm not ruining anything because degeneracy isn't fun to me." She always capitulates. And yet, she still has a desire to be with me and continue to pursue this relationship. Her previous boyfriend is your typical Jow Forums goer who complains about problems and never tries to seek improvement.

My next goal is to convince her that her "gym workout" is doing nothing as she's lost no weight and she's still overweight. I, myself, need to re-up my gym membership, but it's convincing a woman that she's fat and needs to change things that's hard. I've already got her thinking about children even though she previously didn't like the idea of having any.

You can do it anons. Believe in yourself and to it primarily for yourself. Once you find someone worth investing time into a relationship, you will find that your self-investment turns the woman on. Your resolve gives them the foundation they seek to also feel confident. Remember, women look to others for confirmation rather than inwardly. If you don't provide that foundation, or provide a faulty foundation, they look elsewhere.

It is too late for me, my laziness has escalated to the point where I kinda just want to die.
The only thing that keeps me from that is the fact that my parents exist, and it would be kinda shitty of me to kill myself as it would hurt the only people who actually care about me.

But if they died in a car crash or something, I would probably kill myself.
I got no reason to live. I will never have children of my own nor do I really deserve to given what I am.
I just want to end my pointless existence, hence I wish for war or something cataclysmic, in which I could die in a way that would have at least an ounce of honor in it. My current existence is less honorable than dying is.

Just take a long walk to a shop you like.

You'll feel better when you get back

Food and diet is very important anons.
Stop pitying yourself. It's disgusting, you know it is, yet you continue to do so. Do you enjoy your self inflicted suffering?

Attached: sigfood.jpg (1126x1001, 436K)

A list of sites to help you along your journeys'.

Attached: sitesforyou.jpg (780x2588, 325K)

I was the same. But then I started doing an engineering degree and it forced me to change little by little. I recommend you do the same. If you have little structure in your life uni forces you to get structured.

Sign up for the army so that you can die for a good cause with honour

Do you think porn is bad or just masturbation. I never masturbated until I was 20(for no particular reason ik its weird I knew about it and wasn't religious or anything), still looked at porn sometimes. Since then I started masturbating once or twice a week to porn but sometimes just don't for like a month. Its kind of a waste of time and orgasming isn't that amazing a feeling. I don't feel that different from when I never masturbated. Always wondered if my head or body is just fucked up somehow. Any thoughts?

>false allegations very rarely happen
She's just straight up lying.


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> Do you enjoy your self inflicted suffering?
No, but I can't change myself.
I tried, even before I started going to the gym, I began exercising, and lost over 30 kgs of weight in the span of 1 year. It changed nothing, I still hated the way I look, because I am still a fat flabby and ugly guy.
I got back to studying and actually got into university only to find myself hating every moment of being there, because I was a retard who applied to go to study "political history" which is nothing but marxist crap here.
I tried to socialize with my peers, only to come face to face with the same fucking act that took place every time I tried to socialize when I was a child, chiefly my social ineptitude and the magnitude of stress and fear other people cause in me. I can't socialize because I fear other people, so I ended up being the guy who just sits at the corner in parties, to whom people talk out of pity.

A year has passed since I got into the university, and the prospect of spending more time here is filling me with dread, but I got nothing else. My father got a fucking loan so he could buy an apartment for me (I at least pay him rent) in this city, so I can't even really back down from this poor decision.

If I had something positive towards which to strive for I might have the strength to endure this fucking mental torment I am in, but I do not. I got nothing for which I am aspiring towards, because like I said, my genuine desire is to die.

Emily will never be trusted again by anyone smart

>She's just straight up lying.
Yep, can confirm. A guy at my GFs job was falsely accused when he publicly rejected
a crazy bitch (he has very rich parents she was interested in). Everyone knows she's absolutely insane, so nothing came of it.

Why dont you just say she raped you?

Just make the effort and start following /sig/user's advice. He's posted a treasure trove here.

Maybe put an advertisement in your local newspaper offering free assistance to anybody in need. That will let you get some self-respect back.

I am studying in an university and can barely follow the loose as fuck "structure" this place has. I got a deadline for an article I am supposed to write tomorrow and I haven't even started because I lack self dicipline, and would rather spend time here, or modding skyrim for some degenerate crap only to delete everything after fapping out of shame.

Finnish army isn't fighting anyone and they won't have me back anyways because I was such a shitty conscript. I am literally cannonfodder (minefodder to be more exact).

>No, but I can't change myself.
Work with your hands, carpentry and gardening/farming are good activities. Also, learning a musical instrument seems to be very good for the mind. A lot of people here would probably disagree, but getting a prescription for ritilin, modafinil, or adderal might help you with motivation, also the nicotine patch has been shown to improve motivation, concentration, and focus.

>Just make the effort and start following /sig/user's advice.
Why do that when I can just wallow and let my fate be decided by my inaction? Like I said, I want to die. The spark that motivates people to struggle has left me. If life is a struggle, death is preferable to me.
I actually fully agree with Hitler when he said that world belongs only to those willing to struggle. I simply recognize myself as someone who wouldn't make the cut.

>That is a price I am absolutely willing to pay
>This price isn't paid by her directly, in fact it's only a win-win situation for her

You burgers have death penalty in some of your states, yes? Why don't you make the right use of it?

It wasn’t even up to men. Historically speaking most men were not in favor of the bill. Unfortunately with our federal reserve came lobbying and from lobbying Jews. I can’t say it any better than that. It has always been evil Jews. All of them are evil.

I can sympathize with that. Sounds like you're studying some BS subject though. Start studying engineering and get some friends and it will force you to be there and do the stuff. I recommend computer engineering. The job market is good.

Not at all user. It's normal. Pornography should be avoided mostly. But if you can control yourself I don't really see a problem. Mine is that I was shown pornography at a young age, developed an addiction, and, like many here, had to deal with the fact that it was, and is an addiction.
Personal choice, but you shouldn't really do it more than once a week. I gave it up for Lent and honestly felt fucking incredible the whole time.

user. You have made progress, you're clearly so self critical that the fact you haven't completely into anything is frustrating you. Take a deep breathe and realize that you've made progress. You're working towards self improvement, and that's what's important. I was in a bad place even when I was self improving for a long time. Life is a rollercoaster, up and down, up and down. Just keep at it. Eventually you'll get there.

You're gunna make it user.

Last pic. Gunna try to help finnon.

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OP i'm about to go walk 2 miles. I need you to keep dumping all you have. I make it a point about 3-4 times a week to come to Jow Forums and /b/ and share these redpill and life altering posts with people. I need more of what you have.

Many people come from different walks of life, many are at different stages of redpill, all need brotherhood and support, all need to be respected as they earn it and spoken to as they speak.

Your posts have given me tools for myself and tools to help others. Please don't stop the dump of goodness.

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Ill roll

These women are all insane. I can honestly say that if some innocent women's lives have to be taken in the process of undoing this insanity, that is a price I am absolutely willing to pay.

Kek. This isn't a /sig/ thread and I'm not OP. Just dumpposting in a slide thread. I'll post all sig____.jpg I have naow.

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>You're gunna make it user.
Make it to what?
A wife, kids and a summer cottage on the countryside? The "Finnish dream"? I won't. I have given up on hope for that, and pretty much anything else. The redpill finally turned black for me within the last few weeks, and I have been driven back to the depressive state I fought 3 years to escape from. I just want it to fucking be over with but my fucking parents keep existing so I can't just end it myself out of shame and concern for their wellbeing.

I have no future in which I will be successful or a part of this society. The violent collapse of Finnish society is preferable to me than it's continuation. Nothing short of a race war will spark me into action again. I see my people welcome our invaders arms and legs open, and nobody does anything, and those who know what disaster this is are too afraid to make a huge noise about it, including myself. We are people who deserve to die.

Switch your major user. Do something you enjoy that makes a decent wage.

absolutely insane

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You should add Dharmapada
That's a really nice piece of eternal Aryan knowledge.

I enjoy nothing besides wasting my time here. I have dropped my previous (equally useless) hobbies like drawing and 40k due to my addiction to this site.
I will never make any money out of my obsession with fringe politics however truthful the message might be because in this age of lies those who speak the truth are reviled.

Dyke bitch needs to be gang-raped by a motorcycle club.

Same here. I'm 38 and super poorfag. I spend most of my time here while I wait for the time to kill Jews, pedos and tyrants. I'm learning Python and AI though, so I can probably get a good paying job in the near future if necessary, but I'm mostly learning that shit so I can fight back against the Jews.

user, my advice would be to go hunting/take up some "aggressive" stress relievers, get your adrenaline going.

Wew lad.
I'm not telling you to fake a smile.
I'm not telling you to build an empire.
I'm not telling you to do anything incredibly significant.
I'm asking you to do 25 pushups and get a haircut user.
You're clearly not in a good spot. And I understand. Depression is a slog through a bog at knee height. But you can't give in, there's a fire in everyone's heart. You're has dwindled to near nothing. A coal can become a fire when tended properly, a fire a bonfire when given enough fuel.

You're still alive, you're fire still burns. Tend it. Care for it ever so slightly. Continue on your path.

I can't even do 25 pushups m8.

"Festering cunt needs her face bloodied while
some bull nigger splits her asshole like a ripe cantaloupe"...That about sez it all from my perspective !

More reading material.
checkd. add it yourself user.
Do as many as you can user.
Stop making excuses for yourself.

Attached: sigbooks2.jpg (2248x3442, 3.29M)

Think about your death.

>man shes never met having his life ruined
>price I'M willing to pay
Classic female thinking. Sometimes I question whether women comprehend that there is a world outside of their own mind. Like do they think everything stops and disappears every night when they sleep?

Attached: sigbooks3.jpg (1975x2229, 1.06M)

I too struggle with depression, but fear not user, the future truly is bright for people like us. I plan on becoming a warlord and capture a good portion of the US East Coast for my kingdom. I'm sure you will be equally successful in your realm. The world sucks now and it is truly depressing, but the future we will build is truly a glorious thing to behold. We can never lose sight of that even in our darkest times.

Clean up your room kiddo.

Attached: sigcleaning.png (1667x4167, 742K)

>I enjoy nothing besides wasting my time here
You need nature. Kayak down a river, go backpacking for a week, go fishing in a remote spot, fight a bear 1 on 1, you get the point.

From what you've been saying, it's clear your brain needs open spaces, trees, rivers, and mountains. If you try to make yourself happy with an act of will, it won't work. Sometimes depression is just reality trying to nudge you out of your sheltered space.

Find out where she lives and I’ll get my sister to fight her bro

look, you are in a bad place, you might never wake up, what you need is some form of extreme experience, a shock, think life or death, that will wake you up
I hear you have rapefugees coming to finland. so try and reduce that number by one if you get my meaning, be smart about it. That will wake you up.


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Ever been to divorce court? Bitches flat out lie about abuse ALL THE TIME !

For you poorfags.

Attached: sigfrugality.jpg (1247x1227, 193K)

The body and mind and spirit all need to be tested.

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Lastly. Something for all you anons.

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>muh white Womyn
Sorry but I prefer upper class (the rich ones) black girls and I’m currently dating one
She loves my beautiful light eyes and I her stunning body
And guess what I’m pretty satisfied (mentally and sexually) and not depressed like some of those xenophobes here

very fukin related

Attached: crimson73.jpg (981x9649, 2.97M)

OK,if you're sure....get up a gun and take some Niggers/Dune coons with you !

>The body and mind and spirit all need to be tested.
Meditation is something you practice when you get everything else in order. I've come across quite a few people who won't even teach it until you have your diet, fitness, and duties tended to. Otherwise, there is a risk of turning into a nihilist while contemplating nothingness. From my own experience this seems true.

are you gonna marry her/ start a family with her?