Creepy Porn Lawyer and his past

I hope no one ends up looking into this guy's past.

He did ONE "professional" motorsports race (ONE, how does that work?) and who was it with? Oh...Saudi Prince's you say?


(Look into it)

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he seems like a good guy

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Shareblue looks good on you.

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They always get majorly butt blasted when this gets posted

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Oh and don't forget the Clinton/deep state ties to Joseph Mifsud

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FWIW prince Turki and his son Abdulaziz were part of the Riyadh roundup last year, where crown prince MBS had them hanged upside down inside the Ritz Carlton. Allied with Alwaleed bin Talal, who any Trump historian remembers from pic related famous campaign tweet

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>trying this hard

>pretending like it's "hard" work to figure all this deep state bullshit out.

Yeah I looked him up, he's from my alma mater which is quite upsetting.
He also lost his law firm and is in serious debt.

TY OP. I lol'd like crazy when Tucker didn't even mention it. WE are so fucked. Until we kill the uniparty, that is.

>^Not trying at all.
Your daddy was and is a bitch. I place a pox on you and your house.

If the creepy porn lawyer does have connections with Saudi intelligence and that’s a good thing for us.
> The Saudi‘s, and especially the king, fucking love Trump.
> Trump has shown them so much respect and has worked with them in the Middle East forging alliances and killing terrorists.
> Gulf cooperation council does some shady fucking shit and America helps them.
> we sell them our weapons and we share intelligence
> Trump has had good relationships with the Saudi’s going back to the late 70s and early 80s
> America is humiliating and destroying Iran from the inside so the Saudi‘s love him even more than most Americans could possibly imagine.
> If CPL thinks that any connections with those disgusting sand niggers is going to help him then he is in for the biggest humiliation of his life.

The vast majority of people (most republicans and Probably all Democrats) want to be president simply for power. Because it looks cool, it looks fun, it’s a real life Hollywood movie to star in. Plus, if you follow Obama’s path it will make you beyond fucking rich for the rest of your life. They don’t care about helping and they only start caring about their legacy a year or two before their term is up.

Yeah of course Trump likes all those things too but that’s not why he does it. He does it because he likes to get shit done. He does it because he cares about this country and has watched its decline. He fucking loves this country and he loves making shit happen. He is still just a builder at heart. He Knows that one day, as long as he sticks with it, one day his face will be on Mount Rushmore.

>one day his face will be on Mount Rushmore.
in gold leaf

What is all this talk about the "uniparty" lately, can I get a. QRD

this guy is so creepy
you just know he has walk-in closets full of skeletons

He and Frank giustra, a clinton crony, are pretty close

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Uniparty = Democrat and Republican establishment
Think John McCain. He was kind of the chairman of the uniparty

Have a bump for this fucker


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bump. Good work OP.

Only worthwhile Creepy Porn Lawyer thread on the board (Shareblue and Dems are spamming the board with slide threads about him)

This thread too shall be slid but lest us forget...

Creepy Porn Lawyer has a very troubling past that should (and shall?) be brought up eventually.

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Q predicted this

Jews were chosen to be the people that looked like bugs