Nazism is love
Believe in Nazism
Nazism is love
What a loving ideology
Shut the fuck up Muhammad youre a disgrace and shouldn't be in Germany. Fucking kill yourself.
They deserved worse.
Dead Jews = love for the world
Eh they deserved it
Love is not an ideology
It is a transcendence of all evils
What did these kids do to deserve it?
You think the Nazis only tortured and murdered Jews?
Go ahead. Make your best argument defending the people that literally sent little kids to die in a lost war explicitely out of spite.
There really is no better way to discredit yourself. I hope you never hide your true character to the world.
>sent kids to die
Then why aren't they fucking dead in the picture retard nigger? Is it that damn hard to kill defenseless kids? They sent them there to keep them and their kike/commie families from sabotaging the German war effort and a bunch of them died later because the allies bombed anything that glowed at night which included roads and medical/food supply trucks.
I'm speaking of Volkssturm you inbred
they looks happy to me.
Don't worry we re payed you double at Dresden. Anglo 2 saxon 0
>Make your best argument defending the people that literally sent little kids to die in a lost war explicitely out of spite.
Your seething indicates you probably wouldn’t hesitate to do the same to them if somebody lied an emotional cause into your ears. Kys
>t. Mohammed
Such flawless victory
Allies shouldn't have bombed the supply lines.
>indicates you probably wouldn’t hesitate to do the same
This is all you could come up with?
>if you object to kids dying in a pointless war you want kids to die in a pointless war
Heil Hitler
what animal best symbolizes Europe?
Well my point still stands for your other argument you stupid faggot.
They fought because there was virtually no alternative faggot. If they laid down and surrendered they had a decent chance of ending up in an American open-air prison camp or being butchered after watching their sisters/mothers get raped by the Soviets.
The soviets sent civilians (yes even ones that were below 18) to "fight and die" too but of course you only whine about the Germans doing it because your a fucking brainwashed rape-baby.
>there was virtually no alternative faggot
Yes there was. surrendering or not sending the kids in the first place.
>a decent chance of ending up in an American open-air prison camp or being butchered
You don't believe that yourself. You're free to post all the child concentration camps for nonpartisans the US ran otherwise.
>The soviets sent civilians (yes even ones that were below 18) to "fight and die" too but of course you only whine about the Germans doing it because your a fucking brainwashed rape-baby.
Or because this is a thread about National Socialism.
All this post achieved was you admitting you don't believe your own crap.
An eagle with clipped wings.
>What did these kids do to deserve it?
They were jews, right?
The quay
hi kike
What an absolute unit. Keep it up lad, we've almost got this.
Jewish kids unironically deserve death.
So who exactly was taking these Holocaust skelington pictures and why? What was the purpose?
It really makes me think.
I see nothing wrong with that
They did have a certain sense of class and style that is sadly lacking today.
Basically middle-class Marxism, pretty disgusting desu senpai-tichi. You know what's interesting about modern Nazism and Fascism is not that it's just some simple mirror of Marxism but that it follows parallel with Marxism in so many weird ways.
Instead of class conscioussness it's white race conscioussness (when the wi peepul wake up they'll rise up against their opressors!). Instead of the Borgeois it's the Jews. Instead of classwarfare it's racial warfare.
Both are interesting in centralizing power, both want to regulate and control the economy, both are collectivist, both are different forms of us vs them tribalism which divides society. One is a reaction to the other (as it was in the 1900s, a middle and upper class reaction to working class discontent). Both happy with welfare states corrupting the people, both focused on arbitrary categories over the actual actions and character of each person. Ie. Would rather some bogan mutt femboy beta faggot with no virtues over someone that actually embodies the virtues and culture that "we" value.
I don't think I can ever support an ideology that just has too many of the same flaws as every other ideology, my main concerns are never addressed, my main values are supressed, all I ever hear is "muh wi peepol vote smaller government" and well to that I say todays whites are not yesterdays whites, they're beta, socialist loving feminist grovelling nihilistic scumb and I have no connection to these people. Because at the end of the day I can only have connections with real people in real life not statistics and thus I treat people based on who they are not what I think they're statistically supposed to be.
>You're free to post all the child concentration camps for nonpartisans the US ran otherwise.
You're free to post all the child concentration camps for nonpartisans germany ran otherwise.