Beto is speaking on my campus in 30 minutes. Help.
Beto is speaking on my campus in 30 minutes. Help
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Change is a comin'.
Qt wife unlike ted Cruz.
The more he talks, the more all the Mexicans can see he's not another Mexican, despite his phoney name.
Watch and learn from this young boy.
What campus?
if the el rato debate is any indicator, he just likes to talk about non-whites and trannies
you can probably stay put. it's easy to just assume what he's going to say
Ask him if he supports ending the racist apartheid in Israel, and if he thinks a one state solution makes sense. Really push this question too
ask him why the irish are just as bad as the jews
dont ask questions
just run this fucking weirdo out of town like we used to do
this is only happening because of muds. do not lose sight of this fact
Ask him if he'd lock Hillary up for supporting ISIS along with McCain, Graham and Rubio.
ALL liberals should die.
Throw Shoe!
His name is Robert
ask him why are black men at the ages of 15-35 are the majority in jail/prison.
What campus op yOu fcking asshole
Ask him why he tried to run??
accuse him of raping you 20 years ago
Vote Cruz!
Or this. Rollln for this.
> film it
> Scream “Pepe”
> ....
> profit
TAMU Galv?
Ask him if traps are gay.
Accuse him of raping you
Just storm the stage and start chanting anti-white slogans. BLM niggers do it all the time. SJWs do it all the time. Storm the stage, start off pro-'Beto", then go hardcore leftist with it and start chanting radical leftist shit like "kill all white people" or some shit, and he'll definitely leave. If he doesn't, your cucked nigger SJW classmates will probably join in. Best of all, if he sticks around your buddies get to film "Beto" in the middle of a "kill all white people" chant that you can make go viral. Use their tactics against them.
Ask him about the killing of white South African farmers by blacks, and make sure someone is videoing you so you can put it on youtube.
Remind him that he's a crypto Mexican, not Irish.
Call him a faggot for changing his name to Beto to appeal to the Mexicans
Ask him to clarify his position on legalizing heroin again.
Accuse him of attempted rape. Offer no proofs. Demand fbi and glow in the dark niggers investigate.
Do it!!!
Ask him if he has taken the Dems' Mens Dildo challenge!
Ask him if Drunk Driving is something he supports, and also hitting people and ramming police cars.
White people get a second chance, he said so at the debate.
get a marker and do pic related to everything with his name on it
How is that even an answer? how did the crowd react? Is he saying he should be in jail?
Doesn’t matter. Beto has to energize. They’re trying to manufacture it a al Obama but they don’t have he race thing. Mexicans don’t respond the same way to broad racial appeals as blacks.
Seriously, accuse him of molesting/raping you.
Ask him why 13% of the population commits over 50% of all homicides
Haha guess how they reacted? They hung on his every word and cheered. They bus people to his rallies and the debates, already instructed what issues to react to.
Take my guns now
Buy him some shots of tequila and watch him crash his car into people and run away.
You seem to have based your views on criminal justice reform on the idea that people deserve a second chance - like you received after your DUI arrest- that you can still go on to turn your life around and do good things for the community. How would you apply those same values in the case of other violent offenders currently in our prison system today?
This but leave out the context of the accident.
Ask him why he’s on George Soros’ payroll (his main donor is J Street which is a Soros organization)
Then ask him why he, and Irishman, is appropriating Hispanic culture by using the nickname “Beto” and the term “pendejo” in his latest speech
I’m attempting to roll for this
his real name is bob. Call him bob to his face
Asking if he is all for the jarocha movment going on in texas rite now
He's still more Hispanic than Rafael Cruz.
You said you have white privilege as Irish person would you be a felon if you were black?
Simply say that he grabbed you by the front hole...
Ask him why he used imminent domain to build a sports stadium but that he wouldn't use it for border security.
Ask him why he as a white male is trying to take away voices from PoC like Cruz.
Ask him how he can not be for border security when there has been countless deaths this year alone beacuse of the Juarez Cartel under his watch.
Call him a larping potato nigger.
You could ask if the reason he was able to travel to every county in Texas is because his heiress wife and her billionaire family pay all of his expenses so he doesn’t have to work.
Help? You're in good shape, Beto is lightyears better a pathetic shithead like Cruz
>Cruz is Cuban
>Cubans are Hispanic
Basic logic: Cruz is Hispanic
Op would be a God if he does.
Is he gonna roll up on his skateboard with some whataburger and a fat blunt?
fly a balloon at the rally (pic related)
call him a faggot
Please make a sign that says you were paid to be there by the dnc.
Do what the leftist do, pull the fire alarm or fake a bomb threat. Or don't do shit because he's not gonna win.
You know what you must do.
ask him about the chidren he sold to the Clinton Foundation to pay for his campaign and his time in Mexico working for a drug cartel as a beheader of Mexican police.
Start a beto is a pedo chant and say he molested you when he was drunk all the time.
Hand out clover posters that say o’rourke
Dam it op you better do something worthy of your family name and get it on video and share the shit out of it. Prove yourself to the Jow Forums community. Or just sit there and listen like a little bitch and never do anything of value with your worthless life.
How much bronzer does this weto use?
Throw a pie at that faggot
If only people would flood Houston, San Antonio, and Austin with green and white Robert O'Rourke campaign signs covered in shamrocks...
Irish = mobsters = Jews = Italians
White heritage is at least open warfare
OP here. He’s such a fag dear god.
what campus are you at asshole?
Texas A&M Galveston the nigger school. Fuck you faggot no wonder you go there you’re too much of a retard to reply to a simple question
He's got to be A&M Galveston, looks like that's where Beto is scheduled to speak.
Yep, the nigger school. Too bad Op is too retarded to go to a real university like Rice, UT, southwestern, Baylor, TCU, or SMU but instead is stuck getting a degree in McDonald’s wageslave. Fucking idiot nigger faggot cunt op
TFW you spot a member of your high school football team at a campaign rally and he was one of the 8 guys who didn't black out that last weekend at the beach house
Ask him about common sense gun control
>Good universities
Top kek m8
Tell him that you're a Cruz Missile and that your coming after his votes
What part of Mexico are you from?
Lmao I’m going for marine field.
Pick up some real skills to work on a ship.
I bet he shows up in a fresh pair of nikes with a burning merica flag
Same shit
Ban semi-auto
Universal background checks
Mandatory safes
Nooo, not his Battleship, user!
Call him a danger to the public because of his fleeing the scene of a drunk driving accident. Also call him a dirty spic pretending to be white so he can bad mouth white people.
Family came from north Mexico 4 generations ago.
Legally and wealthy too. Thankfully I was raised to come to my own conclusions. When you have money and came here legally Dems can’t hold you hostage.
Ask xim how David Brock’s dick tastes
This would work.
OP here.
Literally every single dorm door looks like this.
Galveston county is going blue. Fuck.