It has been two years now from Donald Trump's Election for Presidente of the United States and the World has completed its first movement through the Dialectical process towards the Synthesis of Dark Enlightenment. In Brazil, we've been struggling to accomplish our first step forward since our "redemocratization" in 1989, after the glorious Militar Regime that saved us from the Communist Menace in 1964. Since 1989, we've been under a political strategy called "The Theater of the Scissors", that, to put it simple, is just an alternantion of power between a less-extreme Socialist Government (PSDB and the "Center") to a more extreme Socialist Government (PT and the Left). We had a few chances before to overcome this situation, first with the popular suffrage of Government Models, in which we had the chance to restore Monarchy and the Brazillian Empire, and then with Dr. Enéas Carneiro, who never got to the second round of the Elections. 2018, after we started to break the Establishment of Brazillian Politics, we finally found hope. Being a legit Alt-Right candidate, Bolsonaro is the only possible option for Brazil to have its turning point and start a new Era towards what is the Plan of God to our Glorious Nation. Although we still a lot of issues to deal with (his stabbing, the Theater of Scissors, Fake News, electronic ballot boxes etc). According to the Media, Trump had a minimum chance of winning the Election, but he overcame that proving them wrong and showing the truth to the people. Part of his that was accomplished by Jow Forums. We, Brazillians, ask for your help to save our country. Meme Magic is real and it is our only chance to overcome Globalism. That's all we need from you to help us elect Jair Bolsonaro, to produce the greatest and the largest amount of Meme Magic you can to help us.
He might no be the savior we need but he's our best option for now. Although i don't agree with all of his policies, like privatizing Petrobrás (thats more of his Economics Minister, Paulo Guedes) at least he will help the fight against organized crime factions. So, brothers from Jow Forums, we need all the help we can get to fight the media. Let meme magic prevail once more.
Ryder Nguyen
Not even your elections gonna change your ape infested country, Merino was right about your nation you are a bunch of subhumans.
Glad that even in our biggest economic crisis we still the superpower of the continent. Chile is just a fucking vacation country, even if you guys wanted you could'nt be a major country.
Benjamin Myers
>We still superpower of the continent >tfw Chile is the best economy of South America
It doesn' matter what you do, only what (((they))) want. If Bolsonaro wins, it's only because they let him win. We're fighting a lost battle. I'll sit and wait, for the end is near and there's nothing we can do to stop it. The only battle I fight is the spiritual one.
>"The Theater of the Scissors", that, to put it simple, is just an alternantion of power between a less-extreme Socialist Government (PSDB and the "Center") to a more extreme Socialist Government (PT and the Left).
We've been here since 1975. How do I get out? HOW DO I GET OUT!!?!!???!???
>Being a legit Alt-Right candidate, Bolsonaro is the only possible option for Brazil to have its turning point and start a new Era towards what is the Plan of God
Honestly user, I don't see how Bolsonaro can *fix* Brazil's problems. Sure, he's better than most, especially better than PT commies but... why do you guys think he can *fix* the massive problems that Brazil faces? What exactly do you guys expect???
As for meme magic and what not, have my best whishes for Brazil and pic related!
I think the whites in Brazil could fill 10 Chiles. Well, at least 5 Chiles. Chilean whites can't even filll half of Chile.
Stop trash talking to my bastard son. And no, Chile isn't whiter than Brazil, of course not.
Kevin Carter
Fuck niggers :DDD
Samuel Barnes
Thx pa
Wyatt Torres
By retreating you're not fighting any battle. You must at least fight a battle against cowardice within you.
Colton Ortiz
lowering the minimal age for jail and death penalty for drug dealing AND corruption is the first steps
Bentley Wilson
Lowering the minimal age for jail is only effective when coupled with death penalty.
BTW, chile = mapuche
Nolan Hall
How is Bolsonaro's health? Is he going to fully recover from the knife attack?
What do average Brazilians say about Bolsonaro? Is he popular with regular people?
Kevin Gutierrez
i live right next to you guys and i haven't see or tried to understand what's happening, that this mean you we won't be best budies and you will stop or drug deals and the rotten meat we sell
Benjamin Perry
>t.mutt who inbreed with his colonial african slaves
Grayson Powell
> t. spic trying to give shit to brs.
Elijah Adams
bonoro is not alt right.
Chase Long
>t.nigger living under a bridge begging for donations while being drunk and peeing in public
Robert Rogers
That is outbreed, but no.
Elijah Cruz
ok But and then? Then what?
I don't see Bolsonaro as being able to *fix* Brazil, just to stop the communist tide for awhile. Which is great, but it will be just for a while...
>What do average Brazilians say about Bolsonaro? Is he popular with regular people? He is the most popular candidate. But there is also a lot of hate from roasties, cucks and NPCs in general.
Jayden Rivera
We see Bolsonaro as a kickstart to Conservatism. Particularly, I'm a Monarchist, and most Monarchists see Bolsonaro that way. PSL (his party) has the largest Monarchic base and our cause has been growing a lot. With Bolsonaro as President, we have a chance to restor our History and create a Monarchic Restauration.
>tfw actually worried about Russians and Germans trapped in that sewage of inferior subhuman races
Noah Peterson
We will be electing a new Collor. I do not expect anything of this retard - just be less worse than the PT and the lunatic Ciro Gomes.
And I strongly recommend that you stop comparing him to Dr. Enéas. This is insulting to his memory. He was an extremely renowned cardiologist; Bolsonaro, a failed lieutenant shut down for insubordination. Enéas entered politics to correct the many evils he saw; Bolsonaro, for lacking of a job, and to defend his corporation.
Enéas built a platform around the defense of the motherland, control of mineral reserves, self-determination and anti-imperialism, moral reconstruction of the nation, and geopolitical alignment with the Third World.
The idiot of cothurnus, in another hand, has neither constancy nor substance; Basically, "what Paulo Guedes tells him to do" (glad that's not Bresser-Pereira), "good bandit is dead bandit" (and other platitudes), "what Trump would do", and "let's lick the boots of Israel". It would have continued with its usual insignificance, had not gained space as a chronic polemicist.
How much support do you think we could garner on various Brazilian social media?
Alexander Sanders
I think if Brasil improve the whole south america will follow. Lula put his claws over all south america with the Foro de São Paulo, with Bolsonaro wining and PT finally gone i think everyone will start to recover not just Brasil.
Gavin Russell
This is accurate. I'm not voting for him, but I realize he's the best we got atm.
Anthony Smith
I thought our problem was having a shit economy. Fixing violence or corruption doesn't solve that and there's no magic way for neither None. Unlike your rednecks the poor conservative people don't have internet access and the ones who do are already voting for him
Daniel Kelly
I think if Brasil improve the whole south america will follow. Lula put his claws over all south america with the Foro de São Paulo, with Bolsonaro wining and PT finally gone i think everyone will start to recover not just Brasil.
Christian Richardson
ok so you're a nigger. he has nothing in common with collor. also enéas was horrendous, fucking lunatic statist. he would have destroyed brazil's economy in no time
Blake Martinez
>We will be electing a new Collor Hello Cirofag! how are you? Salty by bearded squid backstabbing? . Now larping as Eneas fan? How interesting!
Noah Evans
Does it really matter?
brasil is a shit world country, to be perfectly honest it only matters if the hard right wins in developed countries like Italy and Sweden or even in Asia
The rest of us are just spectators
Josiah Ward
Who are you voting for then? What beter option is there for Brazil right now?
Levi Rogers
> o sr. já conhece o novo?
Mason Carter
buddy, you're getting overtaken by niggers and sandniggers. you should take care of your own country first
Logan King
South America is based on low cost commodities except gas. There's no fixing this place, underage, we'll go up and down as international economy determines
Zachary Parker
novo, are you serious?
Isaac Wood
I'm not even voting in the first turn, since I'll be travelling. Maybe in the second turn I'll vote bonoro. But as a fascist, I'd rather abstain for not believing in democracy.
Wyatt Powell
how are those cartels doing? how many people have they killed this... minute?
Robert Nguyen
I'm talking about whether or not we could flip people who aren't supporting him currently.
Ryan Lewis
Probably not. The way I see it, social media is already working itself since way before the race properly began. If there's anything that could flip people it's already out there.
Angel Rivera
Thats not true at all. Bolsonaro was fighting for Brasil even Before he ever thought about becoming president, this " only figthing for his corporation" is pure bullshit. When he was against the kit gay being delivered to children he was caring for the army? When he was against we seeling Petrobras after PT corrupting making it valor drop he was rhinkinf about the army? When he tried to lower the penal minimum age he was fighting for the army? When he wants that brazilain people have the right to have guns he is thinking about the army? When he was fighting for brasilian nyobio ( like eneas did) he was thinking about the army? I dont know if you are just bad informed or is another cirofag, but everything Bolsonaro did he did thinking in what was the best for Brasilian people and Brasil future, he was not " just doing thinga to help his corporation" like you said. He does care about the army ( as a real president should) but saying he just care about it is ridiculous
Liam Hall
At least get a proxy if you want to shit talk any other country. Everybody knows Mexico is a complete shithole
Camden Adams
Typical LNT or NR shit talk. You still don't get what Bolsonaro truly means for Brazil at this moment. I too used to think that way some time ago. But, if you really get what is happening and his projects for Brazil, you wouldn't make such a poor analysis. By the way, he's not like Dr. Enéas, indeed. But he's what we need for the moment.
Christopher Butler
I get it. I dont believe in democracy either, but it is nearly criminal to not vote and thus allowing liberals to stay in power.
Nicholas White
LNT? NR = Nova Resistência?
Asher Diaz
>God >meme magic
Pick one. Ask for prayer. Not for sorcery.
Blake Ward
kek the northeast has a greater economy than yours mountain nigger. i may take shit from mutts and eurofags from time to time but mountain fucking niggers? Youre worse than the leafs and we could roll over your clay and push all you mutts into the pacific fucking beaners Jesus Christ
Cooper Richardson
I prefer Amoedo from NOVO. but I would be happy if bolsonaro sell the state owned companies and recognise Jerusalem as Israel capital.
Ryder Gonzalez
> kek
so salty
I recognized Mexico is a shithole country too, but you're not getting my point. It doesn't matter if a fascist wins in any of our countries because we're neither powerful nor influential.
It only matters if one wins in America, Europe and East Asia.
I have a bad feeling about this election. I don't think we're going to make it, BRos. The PT propaganda machine will be ruthless in the second round and the MSM is entirely with them. Bolsonaro is in a hospital bed and most people around him are idiots, we don't have a high energy figure like Trump to speak to the masses and lead us into victory.
Why are you so mad? Any White brazilian gave your girlfriend the taste of the superior Big Brazilian Cock?
Camden Richardson
Imperio Brasileiro 2.0 nuclear boogaloo i want to see the niggers try. last time the people didnt even noticed anhthing untill the Emperor was alredy in exhile. this isnt the 1800s
Brayden Bell
I lived in Mexico, it is fucking similar to Brazil
Aiden Howard
I heard hes leading in most states I would literally kove to brazil if the monarchy gets restored
Sebastian Howard
Jordan Watson
It matters because we dont want to kill dogs in the streets to have what to eat like venezuela under Maduro ( wich is a Personal friend of Lula, and was elected with the help of the Foro de São Paulo, created by Lula and Fidel Castro). The point of this election is not to become a first world power, its to avoid becoming a comunist hell over Foro de São Paulo influence.
Easton Gutierrez
>We will be electing a new Collor. This is the most inadequate comparison you could come up with and I stopped reading right there. Please eat shit and kys.
Isaac Cox
kek look at this beaner
Liam Scott
>big brazilian cock lol you are just admiting to be nigger mixed
Matthew Allen
we already won faggot
John Rogers
>or is another cirofag he is THE Cirofag, anão. dont you see the signs? 1.block text 2.pretending being right winger/nationalist/conservative/gaucho bigodudo. 3.thrashing bolsonaro 4.eventualy shilling for some scissors candidate. that's it. THE CIROFAG.
Sebastian Roberts
kek jump nigger
Owen Cox
>Plz come halp Nazis and neo Liberals exploiting them
It iz truly a new age of 1950
Bentley Gomez
He's identical to Collor. Collor left the lower clergy of the congress with a platform of to open the Brazilian economy and to wrest the public functionaries from their nests of expensive and unreasonable privileges.
His problem, like Bolsonaro's, was that he had no intellectual capacity for it. He depended on a tutor. Collor had José Guilherme Merquior, just as Bolsonaro had Paulo Guedes. Merquior died in early 1991. Collor and his two neurons were left alone. And the rest is history.
Enéas was much less "horrendous" than it seems. He was not liberal, but he was not a developmentalist. I do not agree with the whole platform of the extinct PRONA, but the idea of using mineral reserves and natural resources as economic weights is quite solid and successful with those who did it.
He had substantially correct diagnoses of the Brazilian economic malaise in the 1980s, when the rest of Brazil seemed to grope blindly. Of course, the implementation would be quite harsh - in our economic situation, it would not occur painlessly, especially with a debt moratorium.
>Hurr durr who does not like Bolsonaro votes in Ciro
Please. He spent 30 years in Congress. His role was meager in every single way. He has gained notoriety - in the last eight years - for the simple fact that he advocated obvious things in a silly way. He is a polemicist who has grown too much.
I understand that he is necessary. I will have to vote for him, because I do not want the left ruining the country any longer.
But it is a mediocre option. We should not be content with - and much less deify - mediocrity.
Hudson Wood
Julian Collins
Jack Martinez
Was she screaming UMA DELICIA while you're watching?
Evan Price
fucking this
Ian Robinson
I just want to see shit blows up. Fuck the gay and commies.
Bolsonaro 17
Aiden Smith
Any chances for a royal restoration in Bazil? Isn't there a prince involved in Bolsonaro's movement?
again fucking with the mongrel complex reminder that anything in the norther hemisphere and africa are doomed to either hyper ebola or nuclear war southern hemisphere is top tier clay, but i understand where ypure comming from being america's loo must suck i have no simpathy for you for you lost your clay to them fucking loser