Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump's 4D chess probably went something like this

TRUMP: "I need someone who has been a virgin during high school and college"


TRUMP: "Trust me on this. You'll see."

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The sexual aggression accusation never implied penetration though. Kind of an irrelevant detail to share when it was never mentioned. Kind of over compensenting.

Is this true.

>Kind of an irrelevant detail
lol, yea buddy, sure it is.

he's got a point I guess

How is being a virgin relevant to accusations of groping and attemps to forcefully undress?

Some people actually have morals. I understand that may be hard to understand as a Canadian.

Virgin Jewess vs Chad Virgin

That makes no sense at all. Especially being an Amerimutt, beacon of degeneracy and sin.

If he's still a virgin into his twenties do you really expect me to believe he had the balls to forcefully assault a young lady? 1-800-COME-ON-NOW

Anyone have the meme with the VR sex game where the player is total beta and bowing in apology and shit? That would be an accurate simulated reenactment of this sexual assault scene. Let's get the courts to present the video on national television, censored of course.

Dr. Chrissy had more STDs than a gay bath house before she finished middle school.

Pic of Hilary being nuzzled by her body woman, the gal who interned as a teen before Monica at the Clinton White House.

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He was 17 and allegedly drunk for the accusation, some people remain virgins not for lack of trying.

JFTR, it's obviously 100% bs.

This photo has a lot of memetic energy, I can almost feel it radiating.

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Keep projecting, Chuck.

>Is this true.
oh yea, dems are over...I haven't seen a group of people commit mass suicide like this since pearl harbor

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>it's obviously 100% bs
BAHAHAHAH democrats have been a 100% bullshit since that rape apologist and alleged murderer lost that election thing to a TV game show host

so they basically just played strip poker? Like anyone in the 80s? Kek

Uhhh did you miss porn lawyer's gang rape accusations? lmao

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Because people like that get laid. Insecure incels and christcucks are virgins

I said that too when I first saw it, but then the following accusation were even worse BS, I didn't know the scale went up that high

>Changposting this badly.

Try again faggot.

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The DNC is the boy that cried wolf... long after they were dead because they are to stupid to know it. Like this is their tactic. How stupid can you be? Nobody in the right mind will be voting democrat for the next 200 years. They don't think things through.

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If you knew any virgins throughout high school and college you would know why. That kind of behavior is the kind of shit you expect from sexually experienced men with a lack of morality.

Master of the Deal

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Holy spirit, Batman!

United States of Smash!!

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Fuck off faggot

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Anyone got "the chad virgin" meme?


There's energy alright, but I don't think it's memetic.

>Hilldawg, tonight I want you to penetrate me with the horse cock strap on. Don’t stop no matter how loudly I scream.

Why is this so weird?
I was 23 when I finally had sex.

Breakfast for Dems tomorrow:
Feet a la Fromage.
This is in the inverse of LBJ. Nobody will vote Democrat for the next 200 years.

No user, I was a virgin until I was 20.

I was 21. I’m also a chad-lite. People are just whores these days


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brilliant, the seymour skinner defense

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>He raped me!
>He didn't actually touch me though
Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. I fucking hate democrats.

Society glorifies being a slut these days, both for men and women. The virtues of chastity and abstinence until marriage were abandoned a long time ago. These days we call good evil and evil good.

It’s not weird at all. I was 17, but it was because a really forward chick that was 18 and already in college basically threw herself at me, otherwise I probably would have been out of high school at least before it happened. Plenty of my friends were into their 20s before they got laid.

Didn't they literally say that he ran a train on her with two dogs?

Bit of a fucking difference don't you think?

This is true.
I know everyone loves the chad meme
But guys that sleep around are part of the problem.
If you're going to shame a roastie you need to shame the dudes that help enable them.

Would have been better if he was trans and whipped out his vagina in front of congress in response to the accusation of rubbing his dick in peoples faces

I laughed really hard.

As much as I hate Feinstein's opponent, I will be voting for him in the next election. Feinstein has gone beyond the bounds of decency by trying to destroy Kavenaugh.

>i just got the special hatian brown sugar you like

Johnny uptown sez:
>you can only drink so much
>you can only screw so much

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Someone MSShop this

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I haven't been following this too intensely but I've been keeping up with the basics.
What's surprising to me (not really) is if you look at any feminist's twitter right now it's overflowing with tweets and retweets saying #believewomen, #webelieveher, etc.
Isn't that a little....extreme? There hasn't been a trial and there is no evidence whatsoever proving he did anything.
It doesn't seem like they even care at all, or have an idea what's going on besides other women telling them he's bad because no more abortions. Men hate you. Rise up.
It's turning into a religion. They know this is definitely bullshit, but they don't care.
It's going to be comfy watching the waves of salt, though.


wow were you by chance asleep for 10 years

23 here as well. Chick was a mess as well, waited 2 months after moving in together. If i could go back and dodge her and never have lost it I would. Jews fear those who don't degenerate.


>mfw libtards think being a thot destroyer is "embarrassing"

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I'm 26 and still a virgin


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>but muh blue wave

With a booming economy, ISIS getting btfo, and the MSM and the swamp rats autistic screeching since Trump got elected, Dems are going to absolutely get there shit wrecked come November. Get comfy frens, it's going to be a joy to watch this train wreck go down.

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Czech em

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>walk into the Yale Common Room
>ask RA for proof of Brett “Choo Choo” Kavanaugh running trains on women
>spaghetti slowly drips from my pockets
>oh fuck not again
>face gets red
>”Please give proof of rapes right now.”
>”I don’t know who that is. When did he go here?”
>struggling to contain my embarrassment
>clenching asscheeks together to hold in my shit
>voice reduced to a mumble
>”have money please fuck blumpf give money please proofs”
>”Are you okay?”
>shit breaches through my asscheeks
>propelled forward at 60mph
>crash through the RAs door
>xe’s holding onto me for dear life
>all the while spaghetti is flowing out of my pockets like fumes
>crash through the entire row of dorm rooms in the building, broken glass bong shards in my face
>RA is covered in shit and spaghetti
>my pocket rocket shows no signs of stopping
>he tilts me backwards
>the sheer force of my shit has reached 650mph, we are now propelling upwards
>the spaghetti and shit intertwines and falls down to earth in glorious yellow and brown streams as we head towards the stratosphere
>nu-males below frolic in the mess falling from my anus
>the g-force is causing my asscheeks to flap vigorously and create a gale
>spaghetti and shit blowing through the air on the planet below
>3 miles upwards now
>RA has died from lack of oxygen, xer body falls to the surface below and is shredded by the force of my shit
>my transformation is almost complete
>as I leave the atmosphere my bear hands sprout and my tail grows, acting as a rudder
>steer myself across the comsos with my gleaming shit and spaghetti trail

I've had sex with one girl in my life, and she's married to me.
I was her first too.
You'll thank yourself for waiting.

Dude's a highly devout Roman Catholic, so I don't doubt it. It is going to be really interesting to see how the Dems spin this, especially since many of them have now yoked their wagon to Avenetti's allegations that he was involved in a gang rape, and apparently another "victim" will be coming forward in 48 hours.

Try being one at 34, also nice get.

>I was 23 when I finally had sex.
My cousin pushed herself on me when she was nine and I was seven.
I didn't cum so it doesn't count, right?

I did try to warn you guys much earlier that many countries decided to invade our nation by playing the dirtiest politics imaginable. Possibly the dirtiest war we've had as a species yet. Let me ask you a question please. What do you think happens to a man who spends his life fighting to try and rescue people stuck in boxes with no hope of ever getting out AKA sex slaves, and suddenly has the spotlight put on him? Do you think they do this stuff more because they like it or because they see it as easy money? Would they or would they not do everything in their power to stop a person like this from gaining any sort of credibility in the political arena when there is so much money in our system and nobody can tell where it's really coming from? Well they spend that money because it's an investment. If they can throw enough dirt on him to stop him, they figure they can get back to what they were doing unhindered. How many blue states have a high level of immigrants? If you are in a state with a lot of them, and it's mostly run by democrats. Who do you think is paying them the most to represent them? The broke ass citizens? No it's foreign money. Has been for awhile. Please keep looking into their finances.

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Just hit 30 and still a wizard. Going to hire a prostitute before my libido disappears entirely.

It doesn't help I'm in a career field devoid of females(IT) and have zero local friends to help me out. I'm not bad looking or anything like that I'm just helpless when it comes to social interaction, especially with females because I'm stupidly introverted, all my success with girls in the past was because they took the initiative. I think I need to make friends more than anything right now but I don't know how to even do that since I just piggybacked off my siblings with their friends when I was younger.

I get plenty on matches on Tinder/Bumble too but I struggle to not be boring, to the point I almost never message.

If you can't figure it out yourself you really don't deserve the answer

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I feel you.
I'm a fairly awkward guy too.
For me I found women were more attracted to me when I acted aloof and disinterested.
Find a local church to attend.
Depending on your area a lot of churches have softballs leagues.
It gets easier user, but you need to not let yourself get defeated.

ask your mom


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>Mike pence rule
>Billy Graham rule

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yea but does RAPE count as sex? What if you did only butt stuff. Still a virgin.

28 and it doesn't bother me

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Choose one.

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What if you disagree with the church in coexisting with other races and the teachings of the jew?

Shills are spamming this in every thread. It's patently retarded though.

How the fuck does an alleged rapist and/or virgin verify they were a virgin at the time somebody else claims they were a degenerate sex crazed teenager?

The real church doesn't believe in coexisting.
It believes in spreading the word of Christ to all people.

After his last double tweets a couple minutes ago I believe you may be totally right. He probably did assume a sex attack. And out of the blue a nuke slipped through and blew up the narrative. I mean blew it the fuck up.

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Prove he wasn't a virgin.
If he wasn't one, there'd be pussy hats lining up to say they fucked him.
He likely has ex-girlfriends on speed dial willing to say they didn't fuck because he was saving himself though.

>It believes in spreading the word of Christ to all people.
Isn't the words of Christ something along the lines of only the ones without sin may cast the stone where if you did cast a stone you would sin? And also be nice and so-and-so to your neighbour which entails to the extreme of basically cucking out your race so you earn a ticket to heaven? And aren't you basically learning the teachings of the jew with handpicked parts from it? Don't forget that the jews are god's favourite children!

As much as I want to go to church to meet traditional white people, etc, I don't believe selling my race and beliefs in the white race for a ticket to heaven. Sounds blasphemous.

masterful nip strats.

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Thank you for this, my hitler laughing collection is running thin.

>Why is this so weird?
>I was 23 when I finally had sex.
What's weird is that we have a Supreme Court nominee having to discuss his virgindom on national TV. You being an incel is no surprise.

Lmao what the fuck is this

49 nigga.
i see the shadows are alive now.


Duuude!! You're fucking dumb.

lol wtf

Even Lindsey "the gay" Graham on a role about this one

I'm 26 and a virgin too. I don't care at all. In fact I'm scared of sex and don't want anyone to see me naked.

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Can we just go ahead and classify virgins as a hate group? They should be forced to download tinder and lose the v-card to their first match. Let's make honest Americans of these creeps.

Redpill.. The only people that like "Chads" are whores. The only people that like whores are "chads". Most people think they're all disgusting

Fem cunts are MORE likely to believe a virgin would sexually assault someone you dumb cunts.