What if God is black?

What if God is black?

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Not likely.
God the "FATHER"
Black Father

god is not of the flesh
he probably looks like a crazy rainbow guy

athiest here, but doesnt the bible say that man was created in His image? if so, the divine spirit will reflect the person that views upon it as long as they are a believer i.e. a white christian male will see a white man while a black transsexual will be burning in hell

God is colorless. God is incorporeal.

God's true form probably isn't something humans can comprehend. He can assume any type of human form if he wants to communicate with someone, but that's just so we can understand him.

have you ever seen him though? OP is onto something.

In His image probably mostly means how the body is shaped and where eyes, nose etc. are located, not shape of nose or skin color or heights etc.

We switch team and go Lucifer?

Who do I trust!?!?!

Then God will probably want to know why I have said nigger 100 million times

Blackness on skin is the curse of Canaan (genesis 9). So why would God be black?

Jesus is Jewish, Jews have white skin.

Then he’s a nigger, and explains why this planet is a complete fuckup. Just look at the giraffe. WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING?!?!

God is everything

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God is not any race

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>God has skin

Just end my life.

If God was black then none of this shit would have ever gotten done. We still wouldn't have the wheel let alone light.

>athiest here


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Maybe their god is. But not mine.

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What if he was white.., AND..black....O.O!!!!!?

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>Frequent chimp outs
>Abandons his kid
>Hasn't worked since the beginning of time
>Demands gibs to the church

Checks out.

I have several times once as a little kid age 7 and again at 16 he isn't any color but he is all colors and giant AF but he can change his size and appearance at will

>dindu nothin
Atheist detected

>still mad at user for posting this

>Jews have white skin
Fuck off, Goldberg

Alice was black, so makes sense that God would be a black woman.


God is a spiritual entity, very few have actually seen him and came back from the soul plane above the reality plane.

He's Nordic.

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I'd imagine someone who's omnipotent could fix himself

would make sense. i've been trying to talk to him for most of my life and he's never responded.

well then he probably abandoned the niggerverse to be a single mom and raise 200,000,000,000 galaxies by herself which explains why life is so shitty

The concept of colour physical made. God isn't a man or a woman. God isn't black white or yellow. God is God. We call God a he because deities are usually identified by humans as he and it's easier for communication.

God is outside our realms of understanding.

1 John 1:5 (CEB) This is the message that we have heard from him and announce to you: "God is light and there is no darkness in him at all.

You have to have faith, otherwise you may as well talk to a brick wall. Seek and ye shall find. No one goes looking for something they don't believe exists, except when they try to find God.

>god have human body
are you one of idiots who belive Jesus was his son? literaly son.

This is weak slide but man if it were true that nigga has a real dark sense of humor

Then clearly he was never good enough to be worshiped.

It means the Black Hebrew Israelites were right.

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That would explain why he doesn't do shit